
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 12 - Wave Begins.

Wave will start in 3...2...1

Naofumi and Raphtalia got teleported.

"Where are we?" Naofumi asked while looking around.

Naofumi then looked up and seriously said, "There is it, The wave of Catastrophe."

The sky turned Red and multiple swirling portals appeared, various monsters then came out of the sky.

Naofumi saw the other three heroes running west and said, "Those guys, Raphtalia, we're going!" but Raphtalia pointed to the village and said, "Look there, Naofumi-Sama, it's the village of Lute."

Naofumi looked concerned and said, "Have the village evacuated?" but abruptly heard a voice behind them.

Naofumi turned around and saw Joseph holding Elise's hands.

"Don't worry there are numerous experienced knights stationed there, Shalltear is also in there, but you helping them will be a big help." Joseph said and thought, 'Though Shalltear is highly unstable."

"Your majesty!?" Naofumi said respectfully and thought, 'Why is he always appeared behind me without me noticing.'

Raphtalia looked at Elise and Joseph's hand and thought, 'It must be nice', while constantly sneaky a look at Naofumi.

Joseph then raised one of his eyebrows and said, "You are a hero right? go defend the kingdom, godspeed!." while smiling and thought, 'Raphtalia is already so attached with Naofumi, I may regret accepting the quest.'

Because Naofumi is not used to formality he stuttered while saying, "A..as you wish," then starts to run towards Lute village.

Raphtalia bowed to Joseph then followed Naofumi.

Joseph then looked at Elise, and said, "Shall we continue our date?" Which Elise happily agree to.

Yes, Joseph and Elise are dating in the middle of the Catastrophe.


Lute Village.

"For Joseph-Sama, Wipe them all," Shalltear ordered while sitting elegantly, All of the villagers are behind her protected by the knights.

The monsters are getting slaughter like ants with no chance of fighting back.

"Are we even need in here?" Naofumi and Raphtalia have the same question.

"Of course Hero-Sama" Naofumi then looked at the location of the sound and saw Ake clearly having trouble fighting a giant undead.

It's quite funny to think that Ake is one of the highest authorities in the country but quite weak in terms of physical power.

"Yosh! Lets go Raphtalia," Naofumi said.

"Yes! Naofumi-Sama" Raphtalia replied.

The villagers are quite happy because one of the heroes is still thinking of their safety, but they are most grateful to the new king.


Joseph is up in the sky while Elise is hugging his neck, Joseph is enjoying the softness of Elise butt while watching the three heroes battle the Chimera.

The Chimera is a four-headed monster with the body and head of a lion, the head of a goat, the head of a dragon, and having a snake for a tail.

"Joseph-Sama not there, ah," Elise moaned.

Joseph then carefully inserted his hands-on Elise's pants and touch her honey pot, making Elise hug him tighter.

"Joseph-Sama what if they saw us?" Elise asked while blushing heavily, hot steam came out of her mouth.

Joseph kept teasing Elise's Love tunnel and said, "Well, I'll just kill them" then proceed to french kiss her.

The three heroes don't know that there are two battles that they are fighting right now.

The battle of strength, and the battle of luck.

'Heroes please don't look up', The author thought.