
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 14 - Irresistible Spear Vs Immovable Shield.

In the arena.

Naofumi and Motoyasu face to face with each other when Motoyasu started to talk, "Remember that folk tale about the irresistible spear and the immovable shield?"

Motoyasu flashingly spun his spear then point it toward Naofumi and said, "Naofumi, be a man and admit defeat."

Naofumi just changed his shield to a square one, Motoyasu sigh and changed the point of his spear.

The Judge then announce, "Begin."

Raphtalia is on the left side of Joseph while Elise is on the right.

Raphtalia is visibly nervous, which made Joseph patted her and smile then said, "Trust your master, It will be alright."

Raphtalia is slightly surprised by Joseph's action but enjoyed his patting, and thought, 'His hands feel so good, it washes away all my nervousness." with a hint of red on her cheeks.

[DDS: * Skill: Supreme Hands(A) Acquired*]

[Supreme Hands(A) - Massage skill? that is shit, with this skill you can just touch anybody and they will feel good. Removes nervousness, fatigue, and various kinds of negative effects"

- 25,000 blood points.

[DDS: *Blood Points: 128,000 remains.*]

Malty saw Raphtalia and Joseph interactions can't help to cursed herself, but then Joseph move his eyes on her, she was startled but didn't look away.

Joseph then signaled some knights to come to him then whispered something at them.

The black knight then approached Malty and said, "Malty-Sama the King invited you to watch the battle with him."

Pure joy can be seen on Malty's eyes, she quickly walks towards Joseph, while genuinely smiling and thought, 'What is this feeling right now, this is the first time in a long time that I feel so happy.'

Elise looked at Raphtalia with envy and gave a puppy eyes to Joseph but too shy to say anything.

Joseph noticed Elise's jealousy and patted her too, which made Elise melt like butter.

Malty then came beside Joseph and said, "Your Majesty, I am here." She bowed to him trying to seduce him with her perky breast.

Joseph just smiled and questioned, "Aren't you gonna support your man?"

Malty is gonna say something but Joseph cut her off, "Nevermind, just watch the battle, the view is better in here," which Malty just bowed, she is already happy just by standing beside him.

'I wish this moment last forever,' Malty thought with a bitter smile knowing that after the two heroes finished fighting, Joseph will leave her again.

Joseph didn't strip her title as a princess, she visited her father before, The previous king just said to wait for the queen, and everything would be alright.

The two heroes didn't know that while they are fighting Joseph already has his claws on their loved ones.


"Shield Prison!" Naofumi said, locking Motoyasu inside of a Green ball with chains covering it.

Naofumi walk towards the shield prison and said, "Hurry up and admit defeat, Do you want to be embarrassed even more Mr. Hot Stuff?

The shield prison disappears showing Motoyasu on his knees.

"Wh..who would ever surrender now?" Motoyasu said stubbornly.

"I see, then shall I focus the attacks on your face and your crotch? I'm a cowardly cheat, after all!" Naofumi said while grinning then start to attack.

"D-Don't!" Motoyasu said while covering his face.

Naofumi just sigh and didn't continue his attack.

"Huh?" Motoyasu questioned not feeling any attacks coming from Naofumi.

But someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

"He cheated, I can't believe a hero would debase a sacred duel," The voice said without any evidence, but the crowd bit it.

"We should never have summoned the shield hero, anyway." a random woman said.

"Yeah, the other three are more than enough!" a random man added salt to the wound.

"We should just get rid of that criminal scum at once..."

"Our country doesn't need the Shield!!!"

"Execute the shield hero right away!"

'But I won,' Naofumi thought, 'It's all about the Shield again?'

Naofumi cannot contain his rage and shouted, "Is it because I'm the Shield Hero!? Damn it all!" then smash his shield on the ground.

"Enough!" Joseph shouted, then said, "If we don't need the Shield Hero then the other three heroes are also worthless, My Knight Leaders clearly can defend this land without their help?"

Everyone turns silent, Naofumi regains his reason but still cowering in the ground.

"Anyone who was saved by the Shield Hero raised your hand!" Joseph ordered, after a few seconds many people raised their hand, including Ake.

One of the Knight Leader was saved by the Shield, the kindest Knight Leader who protected their country.

The civilians without them noticing started to change their opinion to the Shield.

Joseph then looked at Raphtalia and tapped her shoulders, making her slightly blush by how good Joseph's hands felt.

"Go to Naofumi, be his light," Joseph gently said to Raphtalia

Raphtalia bowed and thank him and rushed to Naofumi.

Everything went just like in the anime, Raphtalia console Naofumi.


Secret Door of Red Room, Night.

Joseph is holding a glass of wine while sitting on his couch near the fireplace. Elise is sitting on his lap and asked, "Joseph-Sama what are we gonna do with him."

"Let Shalltear have him," Joseph replied coldly

"Are you sure? Letting Shalltear have him is worse than death." Elise said.

Behind Joseph, one civilian is tied without his clothes, with tears on his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure, I hate people with no ability nor authority, order me to execute someone," Joseph replied.

Yes, this is the random civilian that shouted "Execute the shield hero right away."

Joseph is truly a petty person.
