This is an original story. Synopsis: My name is Erick, and I can't say I know what I'm doing here. But those skimpy mecha suits in the distance sure are interesting. Hold on. Spacequakes? CR-units? And this blade strapped to my side... isn't this Acheron's [Naught] blade??? Westcott: Spirit [IX] is an important research subject. We must capture him at all costs! Ratatoskr: [IX]'s Reiryoku readings are catastrophically high. We must seal him at any cost! Shido: I promise I'll save you, no matter what! Kyo (Erick): Buzz off, I'm not dating a man! Author's Note: If you couldn't tell, I enjoy reading MTL novels. But rest assured, I will do my best to uphold proper grammar and spelling. I'm not promising anything regarding an update schedule though. Thanks for reading this first fanfic of mine. Disclaimer: Date a Live was created by Kōshi Tachibana, and as such, I do not own any of their characters in this fic.