
Darth Maul: Revenge

IF MY LIFE HAS BEEN CONSUMED BY REVENGE, ATLEAST I SHOULD GET GOOD AT IT. Darth Maul lived a pitiful life stuck fighting both the sith and jedi, all he built was lost time and time again, until all was lost, his revenge against Kenobi was the only thing keeping him alive. He had already given up facing Sidious. And when he finally lost to Kenobi, he finally gave up on life. But what if this wasn't the end. What if Maul had returned in time, back to his old self on Mandalore. With knowledge of the future, and a far clearer mind. Can Maul turn things around and have revenge against Sidious. Will he kill Kenobi? Can he take control of the galaxy? How did he return to the past, what or who was the cause.... DISCLAIMER I don't own any of the characters. The rights go to Disney and the Star wars writers. Only my OC characters belong to me.

Fantasy_Kitten · Movies
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Death and Rebirth

Maul stood before Kenobi, his body trembling with excitement. The night was cold and sand fluttered as the campfire raged between them.

"Look what has become of you, a rat in the desert" Maul said, scowling

"Look what I have risen above" Kenobi replied, unmoved.

"I have come to kill you, but perhaps it is better to leave you here" Maul taunted. "festering, in your squalor."

"If you define yourself by your power to take life, desire to dominate. You have nothing"

"What do you have" Maul raged as he unsheathed his blade, slashing the fire.

"Why you come to this place, not simply to hide.... Oh, you have a purpose here?"

Kenobi became alert, uncertain how much Maul knew.

"Perhaps you are protecting something... No protecting someone" Maul finished.

Kenobi raised his saber, and Maul activated his second saber as they stared at each other. Maul spun his blade and entered his stance. The tension rose,

Maul and Kenobi studied each other,

Their battle mirroring the duel Maul and Qui Gon had all those years ago on Naboo.

until Maul lost his patience. He screamed, lunging forward.

He slashed at Kenobi, the Jedi parried the blow, maul slashed again, more vigorously

Kenobi parried again. Maul pushed the saber hilt at Kenobi, hoping to confuse him. The jedi

ducked, slashing the hilt and striking Maul in one blow.

Silence returned, their blades deactivated, Maul and Kenobi looked at each other for a moment.

Kenobi caught Maul as he fell, His sabers rolled away. Maul knew he had lost.

His life flashed before him, He knew this was the end. Perhaps hatred can preserve his life, but had already given up. He couldn't hate Kenobi any longer.

All his years alone in Malachor gave him time to reflect.

His pitiful life slave to Sidious, fighting Jedi and Sith, cut in half, stranded and driven mad, his brother's death, cornered by sidious, Mother Talzin's sacrifice, his defeat against Ashoka.

All of it haunted him, he had given up fighting against Sidious. Only his revenge against Kenobi kept him alive and sane through those 14 years in Malachor.

Though he refused to acknowledge it. Kenobi suffered just as much as he did.

And through these years, Maul had forgiven Kenobi for striking him down. His revenge was already complete when he killed Satine. Now he was merely an outlet for his hatred and regret, a desperate attempt to find peace.

Maul stared into the firm eyes of Kenobi, he only had one wish. 'Sidious must die, even if it is not by my hand.' Maul thought to himself.

"Tell me, is he the chosen one?" Maul pleaded.

"He is" Kenobi replied assuring Maul.

Maul looked on into the future, picturing the day Sidious will fall at the hands of the chosen one.

"He will avenge us" Maul muttered in his dying breath.

Kenobi closed his eyes in sympathy for his old enemy, reminiscing their old days.

Maul felt his eyes go blurry, his Limbs went numb, And his breathing weakened.

Everything went dark. Maul's heart stopped beating. And the last bit of breath left his body.

And then, there was nothing...

For how long? He couldn't tell, but suddenly something clicked.

He felt himself take a breath again,

his heart beat again... and again, and again. His vision returned. And then his strength returned.

He felt himself seated, jumping up in surprise. He looked around.

'This is.... Mandalore?' Maul thought, bittersweet. 'My body feels so.. young'

"Brother, what is it?" A yellow Zabrak spoke from across the room.

"Savage.." Maul said out loud, shock and denial evident on his face. 'Is this some cruel trick?'

Before he could make sense of it all. Maul began to sense a monstrous force. 'Is this.... master?' Maul thought, still in denial.

'this is..' Maul began to realize 'this is, before Savage died... back in time' Maul thought, looking over to a confused Savage. He was ready to burst into happiness, when he realized.

"Sidious is coming" A feeling of dread washed over him, replaying his torture, and Savage's death in his mind. 'will I have to go through that again?' Maul thought in fear. His eyes turned to Savage.

His brother looked at him with concern, the only person to love him so unconditionally.

Maul was a shell, driven by revenge and hatred, wandering without purpose. But as he saw his brothers eyes, remembered what was to become of Savage. He wanted to protect him, he had found his purpose. And now he would stop at nothing.

So what if it was Sidious, he was still a mortal man. Now, Maul had his brother, he had the night watch, his mother was still alive, he was ruler of Mandalore. 'If the chosen one is capable of killing him, why can't I?'

"What's wrong brother" Savage called out to him, snapping Maul back to the moment.

"My master has come back for me Savage, he is ruthless. Be alert, it may be any moment. This is do or die" Maul explained 'And please don't die' he whispered to himself.

Savage nodded in understanding.

Both brothers turned to the door, maul activated his saber and then the darksaber. Savage raised his dual blade. They waited, the dark force grew closer. Maul gripped his saber tighter.

A hooded figure emerged through the door, instantly knocking out the guards. He cackled, seeing that Maul had already readied his saber. "It appears you have turned against me." Sidious laughed.

Maul gulped, but regained his confidence looking at Savage. Sidious waited, observing Maul.

"How arrogant, to believe that you can face me" Sidious growled, sending a force push.

Maul was ready, countering with his own push. The brothers were pushed back slightly. They looked at each other, and then charged at Sidious. The Sith lord flew at them elegantly.

The red sabers clashed at intense speed, Savage and Maul worked in unison. Sidious quickly noticed Savage as the weak point. However Maul's ferocity surprised him.

Sidious pushed them back. And sent lightning at the brothers. Maul and Savage blocked, Sidious suddenly concentrated his strength at Savage, sending him flying.

Seeing his brother hurt, Maul remembered what he was fighting for, the consequences of loss. He looked at Sidious with increasing ferocity.

'I was right, his strength comes from that apprentice of his' Sidious amused himself.

Maul leaped at Sidious, every clash furthering his hatred, anger and desperation, His master still holding him back.

But as Savage joined him. Sidious could see Maul's passion and determination grow further.

The Brothers elevated each other, their minds and bodies in unison. Their passion for each other furthering the dark side within.

Sidious got serious, It was merely play before. But now, He was being pushed back, Sidious tried to find an opening. But there were none. He held many techniques, but no time to enact them and with every strike he felt his old body tire further.


“Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear is my ally.”

— Darth Maul, The Clone Wars

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