

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Urban
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10 Chs


Stella was hesitant. Why? Hadn't she just made her own sister orgasm? It shouldn't be an issue to sit on a stranger's face right? Anne stopped riding him, she looked straight at Stella, as though she was trying to gauge her reaction. I was getting frustrated. Were these two sisters playing with me? "Sit on his face Stella", Anne told her sister in her cool and controlled voice.

I couldn't deduce what Anne was thinking, was she comfortable with this? Stella made no notion to move, well I had had enough of this, I stretched upward a bit and held Stella by the waist, making her sit on my face, she squealed, and squeaked rather like a mouse, I signalled Anne to keep riding me, I moved my tongue upward about to get a taste of Stella's pussy.

"Annie ...it's Mommy!", I thought I was hearing things, but by the way Anne froze and Stella gasped I knew I heard right. Her mom? But Anne lived alone. First her sister, then now her mother, who'd be next her great aunt? "Annie!! Are you listening to loud music again? I'm about to die of a heart stroke, open the door, darling."

I saw Anne grunt in confusion and anger, "why is she here? " She whispered, obviously annoyed. Stella looked at her sister slowly "it's your birthday today, we came to surprise you ". Well, holy fuck !!

*Luke's POV*

I watched Anne scramble off me, looking around in confusion, her hands in her thick hair scratching hard, Stella got off me also and began putting on her clothes though not as quickly as Anne was, Anne was the living female version of flash right now.

"Well..won't you get up? And get out? " Anne's voice had a tiny of anger in it ..wait a minute..who was she mad at? Him?

He'd just come for sex, I mean it wasn't as if he had invited her sister and mother to a birthday threesome!


Anne opened the door wearing a big fake smile on her face. "Good afternoon mommy." She didn't even bother any bending or kneeling, she was too tired for that. She stood aside for her mom to enter, she was dragging a big sack with her, her mom sniffed the air and exclaimed "Anne have you been exercising in your apartment? This place reeks of sweat! "Anne only had enough time to roll her eyes before Stella came to the sitting room, their eyes met and they both looked away uncomfortably, whatever had happened a few minutes was not something they wanted to discuss or even think about. Anne's mom was smiling while bringing out a wrapped gift that was enormous! Anne's eyes widened and she saw the size of the gift, what was inside? A little boy could fit into it. Anne moved closer to her mom, giddy with excitement she couldn't wait to see what her mother had gotten her, her mom lifted the lid and inside were bale's of clothes ?! Anne thought there'd be more, clothes bale's of clothes, more bale's of clothes wrapped around each other...Anne kept lifting out more of the material...it was purple, a deep... Nah dark shade of purple..., In confusion and anger Anne flipped the box over and emptied its contents, disappointment mixed with anger showed on Anne's face .."Mom, there is ...it's only .. purple..it's a dark purple cloth... material, WHAT DID YOU GET ME ?!." The last sentence came out as a scream. A knock came on the door. " Anne it's Luke...please open the door", Anne's head snapped up, and her eyes met Stella's who looked as confused as her, what was Luke doing here? Hadn't he left?

" I just can't leave? I have some unfinished business... plenty unfinished business, and since there was going to be a party...I don't see why I'm not invited" Luke muttered under his breath.

Anne was having a hard time believing her ears, Luke? What was he doing here Nah? Stella began to look at the ceiling like it was some interesting picture she'd never seen before. " Annie ...please open up " Luke had begun whining. "Annie..?

" Anne had had enough, she was going to tell that guy to go back to whatever hell he came from. Anne opened the door and was about to give him a very good tongue lashing when her mom came to stand beside her smiled at Luke and gestured at him to come inside. Luke grinned at Anne who was seething with anger and worry, Anne's mom asked him to sit, she sat on the chair opposite him and smiled.

" So how long have you known my daughter, Luke? " Anne's mom Sandra asked. Then Luke smiled at Anne, "A few months .. ma'am".

" Then the relationship is still fresh, isn't it? " Relationship? With who? Anne and Luke exchanged glances. Sandra smiled.

" What relationship? " Anne couldn't help herself from asking, her mother didn't possibly think she was dating this guy right?

" It's been a month mom, they've been dating for a month". Stella replied. Anne jerked her head up so fast to look up at Stella her neck hurt ... which dating? Who was dating? Anne gave Stella a hard look, why was her sister lying? If she knew something about Stella, it was that Stella was always up to no good, but what did she tend to gain from lying about this relationship?

" Call me Sandra... Mrs Sandra". Sandra smiled as he extended her hand to Luke, Luke shook Anne's mom's; Sandra's hand and smiled back. Anne just kept looking like a dummy.