
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Nether Domain Nine Layer Deathlands Part 2 Word on the Death Forest

"It is better he goes with you." Long Sha was aware of the Wugui Family's strength and involvement and did not want to deal with that. Hopefully, the next task would not be about that matter. Receiving a bag full of resources for them, he smiled. "The Demon Lord has finished his Cultivation, but he has not made any move from what I was able to determine.

"Hmm.. very well then." Shen Yue placed his hand on Ye Han's heart and forehead. "I am going to invade your Soul Realm and body at the same time."

Ye Han felt the presence of death in front of him. Out of everyone in the room, Shen Yue had the most Spiritual Energy at his control. The glowing look from his purple eyes bore into his soul causing the air to turn weird.

He was trying to see if he could pull a soul out of a body. Matching the beat of Ye Han's heart and sending lightning through his skull, the Soul Realm was invaded by his spiritual energy easier. There was no sound from the young man as he went slack-jawed and eyes dilated before going vacant.

So far there was just an increase in Shen Yue's Connection with various people. Ye Han may have been an orphan but his blood was that of a Powerful Family in Glory City. One that was wiped out in the past.

The same as those in the Dark Moon Family that he tested and linked over the last few months. Mapping Bloodlines was working out better and better.

The rare Cyan Soul Realm should have been an indicator of something special in the boy when young.

During the few days of searching, Long Sha and company were taught by the Officers who did infiltration. They had a knack for it so it was not time-consuming. Which allowed the Officers to reflect on some of their own methods better.

Yu Yan calmed herself after Shen Yue linked her to Ye Han. Seeing his upbringing and treatment got rid of her overall hatred. However, she still thought he was better off dead. She was reminded of her place as an outsider still by the 1st & 2nd Officer.

A few of them found it odd that Shen Yue placed a seed in his forehead. The brown seed immediately started growing and branching throughout Ye Han's body. As well as his Soul Realm.

It was one of the agreements he came to with the Alliance of a Pantheon. Find some possible Champions for Gaia and the Greek Pantheon Hera. Which was relatively easy for Hera. She wanted strong women. Gaia wanted tormented males who kept moving on even until death.

He also needed to find someone for the Egyptian Pantheon. Namely, Osiris, who was looking for someone. The indication of him wanting Shen Yue (Leroy) to join them was odd.

Which Ye Han fit pretty damn well. Cockroaches are dangerous she told Shen Yue. With his people all needed, new outsiders were chosen. Long Sha was better at what he was currently doing than dealing with that.

Ye Han was also taught Earth Law. Which only served to supplement his Aspect of Nature that opened up. Shen Yue was not full of jealousy at all. That is what he would say if you asked him anyway.

Even the cultivation that "sprouted" from the seed embedded in Ye Han's head was amazing. But it looked to be a support type in the way his Flame Vortex Core was. By letting bodies decompose in the Internal Space to produce ripe fruits.

It was a good thing Shen Yue enjoyed fruit and veggies a lot.


Moving in the area-


Moving in the next area was awful for a few. Since it was full of sulfur. The moment they arrived, Shen Yue was already cultivating pulling in all the Death and Poison in the air. The few Demon Beasts and people in the area ran away.

Yu Yan circled her cultivation of Fire to keep anything from happening to her. Her understanding of fire getting tempered from the stream of force heading towards them.

Duan Jian pushed himself to get the strongest outcome possible. The 10 Officers didn't have any issues thanks to their cultivations.

As they moved through, several stronger forces started to take notice of the group. Running away immediately to inform their various faction leaders.

Finding a lake, Shen Yue stopped taking in the energy and spread his Astral Sense out. Couping his hands together, spiritual energy formed into large hands that reached into the water. A few seconds later, he pulled back.

"Take these to the Divine Seal Auction House." Shen Yue pulled out several chests with weapons inside. "Silver, Gold, Black Gold, and Legend Realm Rank weapons. Inscribed with various Runes & Inscription Patterns, they should go for good payouts."

"What do you want us to exchange them for if the Auction House won't put them up for auction?" Long Sha had the chests stored away amongst each of them. He was given a list about what was most needed. "Herbal Seeds, Mysterious Metal, single copies of complete manuals, damaged manuals, and anything really old."

"Get them, the moment you do, I want you to come back. Let the others go out and do any work you have planned for them." Shen Yue dismissed them focusing on the water and the bowl. "Tch! close.. but not good enough."

The stirring from the bowl caused the water to churn in the lake.

"I got it." The 10th Officer said. A large bowl was pulled out and the water was placed inside. "Will this help?"

"Yup." Shen Yue pulled out some stones. Yu Yan's eyes blazed as she knew what they were. "These Dream Cloud Stones were a pain in the ass to decipher." Tossing the Dream Cloud Stones and a few "Gems" inscribed the same way inside, he sat down to try and open a gate to a Subsidiary Realm. "Make sure you all are on guard still."

Yu Yan just looked at the stones. Her search for her Spatial Ring that was hidden did not show up when she checked for it previously. Since Shen Yue had taken the items inside out that were of value, he refined the thing previously.

Saying goes, finders keepers after all. Remembering about the Demon Beasts inside the lake, it was best to disrupt the one that would grow in strength soon. No reason to provoke its actions after it advances.

A pair of eyes looked up from under the lake. Waiting for a time to strike.

"Take care of it," Shen Yue ordered the Flaming Snake. "The jewel in its head is mine, however."

"You can have the whole body! Just give me a Metal Bowl full of that lava later!" The Flaming Snake charged in. The moment it entered the water, it started to boil a little.

*Woom!* The 7th Officer slew over the surface activating an array. A few of the others supporting him. The 7th was a Demon Beast tamer. Using everything at his disposal, he wanted to tame the Demon Beasts down below.

Connecting with them, the struggle for domination started. As the Flame Snake fought down below and the others worked away, Shen Yue worked away as well.

Time passed by quickly. Constant searching and working were taking its toll.

"Hmm, I need to walk around a bit." Taking a break, he shot off to the Spirit Origin fruit he picked it up. "A pure as snow fruit and contains an extremely well-refined energy. Natural purifier?"

The fruit had two hanging from its vines. Someone dropped from the sky near him. Yu Yan was out flying around by the looks of it.

The Spiritual Origin Fruit was plucked and tossed into Shen Yue's mouth. The seeds were spat out then planted in his Internal Space. Uprooting the rest of the plant, he started infusing Flame Vortex Core energy into it.

'Should have recovered enough to deal with the Death Spiritual God soon. In case anything else happens anyway. My body itself is already strong enough to deal with him most likely.'

Despite no longer being in the soil, it started to grow bearing additional fruit. They were plucked and would be passed out to the others. The plant eventually withered from exhaustion. Scattering in the wind.

"So good!" Yu Yan said. Her cheeks flushing from the energy inside. "I have the feeling those will taste better though." She looked at the ones stashed away.

"Maybe." He looked at the mark on her forehead. "What's that mark mean?" She gave him a simple shrug. "Ok then."

"Soo..." Yu Yan trailed behind then matched pace with him. "Did you come out to just get the fruit?"

"Yes. The Dream Bowl is just taking forever for what I need." Shen Yue looked at her out the corner of his eye. "What are you dressed so lightly like that?" Her clothes were currently that of what her little remnant had worn. Very revealing providing no form of protection whatsoever.

"Doesn't it look nice though?"

"Yeah, it does. But you know this place is not safe. Even for you. Bad enough you didn't alter your appearance." Shen Yue could admit it was attractive but practicality overruled comfort in certain places. "If Zhu Long sends scouting parties, you are gonna be boned."

"Then I will lean on my friends to help me take them out."

"Well it is good you have friends then."

"And you.." Yu Yan stepped in front of him. "Are you a friend or an enemy?" The two stared at each other for a bit. Her red eyes boring into his purple ones.

"... I can be considered both." Shen Yue said simply. "A friend as long as you are not a threat to me and my people. But keep in mind, I do not plan on staying here. Not leaving my people either. No matter what."

"They are really important to you I take it. But why?"

"Haa, it is a long terrible story. For you to hear it, you would have to promise your Soul & Divine Spark not to speak it to others on the pain of destruction." Shen Yue shook his head as his chest started to hurt. Nothing bad but the small Connection with Yu Yan increasing further. "When you are at that point, come ask me."

"Is that why you don't have anyone close to you?" Yu Yan was thinking he would be angry but just a simple nod was all she received. "Besides the drinking buddies, cultivating, and late reading, you look dazed most days."

"Studying me.. careful now." Shen Yue gave a smirk and a shrug. "I might just be a boring guy."

Yu Yan watched as he sidestepped her and walked off. Something was lonely about him walking away by himself. She then realized it was one of the few times he was actually by himself. Usually, an Officer or the various Demon Beasts he raised were with him.

"Who are you really Shen Yue?"

Shen Yue took a long walk that night still. The others resting as plans were laid out when checked up on.

The 2nd Officer is the only one following with. If he declined one, they all would have come with to see what was wrong. Very good personal guards.

His Astral Sense spread out far in every direction. Sending his spiritual force out. The bodies were pulled towards him. Pulling on the Aspect of Death, the Law of Death developing faster and faster in him.

*Fwish!* Countless cultivators, demon beasts, armor, weapons, and artifacts were bathed in blue-white flame. Various lingering "intents" were tossed into the Flame Vortex Core. As the area lit up, Yu Yan who walked away from the area turned back around.

In a rush, she was there in moments seeing the area burning. When it cleared away, the surroundings were clear. Only a few goods remaining. Mostly because of the pulse sent by the Metal Seed echoing off imagery to him.

A hammer, axe, 3 spears, 2 bows, 2 pieces of armor, 4 mirrors, and 2 Inscribed Demon Spirit Stones that increased teh longevity. Usually, they last only a few centuries. The weapons were stored for his Officers.

The mirrors were held off for a bit. The language on them needed to be checked to make sure what they are and the overall function. A check of the Inscribed Demon Spirit Stones was enough ti let him know enough.

"Demon Beast generals that fell during the war. Left behind a pretty decent Demon Spirit. But.. the person who obtained them died afterward by the looks of it." The large number of resources he just obtained will take a while before they break down. 'At least the Flame Vortex Core has material now. I have been contemplating on different stuff for the longest. And other things.'

As he was thinking, his foot caught against the last item left out.




Xiao Ninger and the mercenary squad were heading out of the Black Devil Forest at high speeds. Some wound and few numbers than originally. But they needed to get word back as well as alert a few in the other Domains.

"Go back to Glory City!" Xiao Ninger ordered the few of her family members she took with her. The ones she trusted anyway. "Tell them to remain cautious!" They shouted off turning away. Speed increasing further.

"Are you sure about keeping it quiet?" Sikong Hongyue asked. Her eyes looking over the Dark Moon remaining people with them. 'How do they plan on explaining the losses?'

"We have to! We already agreed!" Xiao Ninger stated. Her fists balled tightly. 'There should not have been that many Demon Beasts! I know this originally from traveling there! Something is wrong!'

"Those numbers would crush Glory City in a few months." Hongyue said calmly. Which only bothered Xiao Ninger further. "I am advising not to send scouts to the outskirts. My family is not dying for nothing."

"Tch!" Xiao Ninger gnashed her teeth. "If they move now, how many you think will survive anyway!?" She looked back but kept running. "The Dark Moon Family won't survive either!"

"That is where you are wrong." Huyan Lanruo bolted from the rear carrying two on her shoulders. Helping them circulate to help speed up healing. "Glory City... is not willing to do what it takes currently. We are."

Xiao Ninger said nothing as she was just happy she lived. Huyan Lanruo was swallowed by an Earth Dragon. Surrounded by a large number of Demon Beasts. Making it impossible to get to her as they were swarmed.

"Taking no one left behind to heart." Hongyue matched speed grabbing a soldier from her. "Glad you got out." A small smile on her face. "Jian would be a mess with you."

"It was thanks to the Eruption Powder you gave me before. Never imagined getting puked up would be the nicest thing." Lanruo wiped some grime off her face. "I was able to recover the corpses of a few more. Hopefully, the report goes over well."

The pace only slowed by injuries, they passed an Outpost only giving an order for them to scramble nearby.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 39,981,000

Power: 45 Defense: 46

Willpower: 41 Intellect: 42

Connection: 75

Divine Spark: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Beasts

Laws: Death, Earth, Matrix

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Pseudo Heavenly Fate

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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