
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Black Devil Forest Part 1 Divine Sparks

"Got it." Shen Yue picked up the shining material. Brushing the dirt off revealed the Soul Mirror. He turned to the 2nd Officer who was quiet the entire time. She was looking off in the distance where Yu Yan was at. "After I decipher this, we will be able to suck souls out of a person and keep them in a perpetual state without them dispersing."

"That.. sounds evil." The 2nd Officer looked back towards him.

"It can be used for several things both good and bad. I have a little knowledge of cultivation called the Necromancer Martial Arts. Was never able to practice it really. Even after killing a bastard who had attainment in it. But with this, might have enough "insight" coupled with the Death Laws to."

"Are you saying you will resurrect people by putting their souls in something to fight?" Shen Yue nodded at the 2nd Officer. "I, don't think that will go well with the forces. I don't think that will go well with any of us actually." She moved up placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Hmm?" Shen Yue blinked at her a little in wonder. "Speak your mind."

"Please, do not start to do this." The 2nd Officer was pretty strong-willed and ok with a lot of his actions. But this was the first time she had an issue with anything he did. "If you never got to that level before to develop the technique, then I say keep it that way."

Shen Yue said nothing for a while then stored the mirror away. It was tossed into the Flame Vortex Core for breakdown to understand it more. He gave her a simple nod as they left the area.

"Unless I have to, I will not use the technique." His cultivation speeding up just a bit. "But when I do, know that the target mattered. I will kill whoever gets in my way of doing so." Feeling the powerful spirit energy brush against her, the 2nd Officer was a little afraid.

The Heart Method fed off a dominating person mostly and those with one. A sleeping Aspect that formed in the previous Dimension was growing stronger in him now. Unhindered at that.

Corruption was coming, and soon.

Making it back to the campsite, he looked at the Officer floating above the surface.

"Have you gained control of them yet?" Shen Yue asked the 7th Officer. By the looks of it, they were still having a battle of wills. "If you need help, just say so." The man nodded and kept work at the Zombie Dragons. 'Look more like sea serpents I swear. I want to name one Seadramon for the giggles.'

Shen Yue looked at the serpents moving about. They wanted to escape but the net prevented it from happening. To cultivate these beasts into something more would be a good accomplishment.

"Almost. I just figured something out that can help stimulate potential." The 7th Officer reassured.

"Ok." Shen Yue moved over to the DreamCloud Bowl. "Soon, I think we can go there." In the murky water of the bowl, an image started to appear. A destination of sorts by the Runes placed on the stones. Almost like a television. 'If I can lock this way, I should be able to match to one of those places I spotted with Astral Sense.'

The Dreamcloud Bowl had so many inscriptions underneath, and he had so many to refine in the Flame Vortex Core, it was only a matter of time before he finds a way to travel through to another location.


Glory City-


Preparing for the Wugui Family, Glory City was as ready as possible. Seeing the numbers of those in the Legend Realm left much to be desired. Even two Demigods in their midst were spotted.

Also members of the Dark Guild. The Demon Lord wanting to find out what happened to several of his people that went missing. Long Sha and the others never returned after the last assignment.

"It looks like help is needed." A voice said. Shen Xiu came out with several females all at the Black Gold Realm ready to fight for show. The stronger members were in training still. "The Dark Moon Family are ready to assist."

"With just you all?" Nie Li asked. He received a hit in the back of the head by Du Ze. "What was that for?"

"That is not helping the situation." Du Ze stated. "The Sacred Family is wiped out. You should let the grudge of yours go away already. They are helping and have done nothing harmful." A silent nod was all he received. "Hopefully this will be enough."

"Oh, we are just a small detachment of my disciples really." Shen Xiu pointed towards the west. The barrier obscuring the External Dark did not come down but several fliers left out. "Our Silverwing detachment and a few Legend Realm Demon Beasts will take care of their large numbers. If your Array can't handle things of course."

A flock of Snow Wind Banshees flew out. Each at the Legend Realm 1st Rank. The only reassuring thing to keep the people from freaking out, was that they each had"control" collars on them adorned with Runes.

"They were all tamed by Shen Yue," Shen Xiu said proudly. "They will make sure the city is not overrun of course. In case your Array fails. So fight and push yourself." She gave him a wink.

The Snow Wind Banshees all understood human speech. If not for Shen Yue's Law of Beast infused into them as well, they might have acted up just to piss people off. They were effectively named the Harpy Death Squad.

Using techniques from the Youlan Palace, they worked perfectly with the disciples under her command. Which caused fear to set in those of Glory City.

Xiao Ninger, Huyan Lanruo, Sikong Hongyue, Yun Ling, and 12 out of the 25 soldiers came back. Yun Ling looked weary but had a strong resolve now from experiencing deadly combat and fighting for her life.

The exploration around the Black Devil Forest lead by Xiao Ninger was fruitful but they did lose a few. The number of Legend Realm Beasts was high in number after all. Xiao Ninger, Huyan Lanruo, and Sikong Hongyue could only take on so many.

"You deserve a break." Shen Yue told his people. Accepting the bodies of his people from the spatial pouch, he tucked them away. A funeral right would be given then they would be toss in teh Flame Vortex Core. Nothing wasted if possible. "Especially you."

Yun Ling just gave a nod. She had more respect for the hunters of the Plateau and those of the Dark Moon Family who fought constantly now. Seeing and feeling the power of Demon Beasts and those who fought them gave new importance.

"Relax here with the other Officers. I need to take a trip there to check something." Shen Yue ordered his people to join the others. He then turned to the 2nd Officer. "You will stay here and coordinate efforts as needed. Duan Jian and the new arrivals can handle the situation with me enough."

"But the 1st Officer is already.." She wanted to protest but that was overruled by Shen Yue's gaze. "..I understand Patriarch." Falling in line, she was worried that her mentioning of the art of Necromancy bothering the troops may have made him doubt them.

"I would also feel more comfortable with more Officers staying behind with our forces." Duan Jian set Huyan Lanruo down to recover. After going over her condition and giving additional treatment, no cause for alarm overall was found. "Never hurts to not have to use the escape Runes."

"The soldiers... they held the line to a "Forbidden Presence" instead of using them." Sikong Honguye stated. This caused Shen Yue to gain a deeper countenance. "Also had som weird.. Lightning in the area. It was old but still affected the environment creating levitating rocks."

"Someone tried to breakthrough the Runes in place on the Tiny World." Shen Yue thought everything they told him so far and the reports read overcoming to that assessment. "The laws that Protect and Restrict this place are interesting more and more."

"I am ready to move out if you are ready?" Xiao Ninger was geared up and ready to go. "No way am I letting you head back there without me. I know the lay of the land better than most."

No argument as Shen Yue didn't care and could already feel his cultivation pushing against the boundaries of the Legen/Spiritual God Realm. The pure spirit energy fed into his Divine Sparks giving him more control of what was going on in the Tiny World Dimensional Boundaries.

'Tch!' Shen Yue detected the presence of something in the Dimensional Boundaries. The Laws that surrounded the Tiny World had the presence of someone inside it. Removing Astral Sense to keep from getting detected, was the best bet until more was understood. 'After I form another Divine Spark I am taking the plunge to see what will happen.'

The theory besides having the Divine Sparks to keep him alive was one thing but the other was if so many Spiritual Gods were in one location what would happen if the presence of someone stepping into the Heavenly Fate Realm was enough a deterrence.

The group took off leaving a few thinking it must be another treasure. But the movement speed was to fast for pursuit. A few turned their sights to the Dark Moon Families encampment.

Hitting different Teleportation spots along the way and the secrets of teh Dark Guild members to go outside as they pleased helped a lot.


Devil Forest-


The surroundings of the forest reeked of Death & Poison. Shen Yue, Yu Yan, Xiao Ninger, Long Sha, Ye Han, and Duan Jian were the only ones with the overall strength to go in without an issue available right now. The thought of transferring a few from the close outpost was declined.

"So many toxins." Yu Yan mumbled. It was giving her flashbacks to something she rather not remember. "You traveled through this part with the others? Its a miracle you made it out alive."

*Woosh!* Intense spiritual energy erupted from Shen Yue. On the way to the location, he didn't stop circulating his cultivation. More than broke down from the refinement the more he felt gaps in his theories fill in.

"Haaa," Shen Yue felt the Divine Spark form of Soul. Unfortunately, he couldn't dive deep into it with the current situation. "if they can't communicate and keep attacking, kill them!" He ordered his people.

Duan Jian, Long Sha, and Ye Han immediately went on the offensive. Shen Yue jumping directly towards some Demon Beasts that made it very apparent they came to kill. His Beast Divine Spark confusing most of them as he attacked.

Xiao Ninger, and Yu Yan took more of a defensive approach while fighting. Xiao Ninger observing the way Long Sha and Ye Han fought. Yu Yan kept her eyes on Shen Yue bothered by the looks of it.

"Did you feel that before they attacked?" Yu Yan could have sworn she felt a different energy of Shen Yue as a Spiritual God. 'I must have been mistaken just then! Have to have been! Different Laws is one thing.. but..'

"Little busy to feel anything really." Xiao Ninger kept her eyes on the increasing Demon Beasts now. "I need those poison ones!" Merging with her Demon Spirit, black and purple spirit energy exuded from her.

She was the Spiritual Goddess of Poison. The immediate soil she touches went dead as she absorbed the years of toxins embedded within. The Devil Forest would be here playground with adequate strength.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 40,739,582

Power: 45 Defense: 46

Willpower: 42 Intellect: 43

Connection: 77

Divine Spark: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Beasts, Soul

Laws: Death, Earth, Matrix

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Pseudo Heavenly Fate

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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