
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Nether Domain Nine Layer Deathlands Part 1


Off In the Distance a few minutes ago-


Members of the Dark Guild that were apprehended by Long Sha moved quickly. The former 2nd in command of the Organisation had a short time window to do so. If not done accurately, the Demon Lord in closed-door cultivation would become aware. Each of them having received a piece of "Vortex Glass" with lightning. Freed from the control, and the threat of the Demon Lord, they were grateful to Long Sha.

"Are you sure he just won't kill us?" A lackey questioned. It would not bode well to be free then move to the control of someone worse.

"I am sure. We will even be rewarded for this one." Long Sha gestured towards Ye Han bound and gagged. It was one of the tasks given to him. Find the former member of the Snow Wind Family. "Part of me believes it was just an overall test but I think.."

Long Sha had stopped the same as his people then looked up. High above, they saw the stream cutting through the air. Even from this distance under it, they could feel the power.

'The stronger they are here, the better for me later. Well before I leave anyway.' Shen Yue thought on the families in the Nether Realm. 'The Fiery Elves would be perfect. As well as the Infernal Brid people. Suppose they can be cowed enough. Well, being nice might work to.'

Focusing back on work, it was only a few hours later until the situation changed.

Ye Ziyun came through on this part of the agreement made. She acquired the sealed Demon Spirit Stone from her grandfather. The old man was convinced he was not worthy of protecting it since even his granddaughter was stronger than him.

A small exchange in the manner of a duel showed that. Coupled with her age, her future growth would be astounding. If she lives long enough to see it anyway with further training.

When she handed it over to Shen Yue, who "destroyed" it in front of their eyes, Ye Mo was actually relieved. Since Ye Ziyun understood only that he took care of it and did not know he actually broke it down and acquired its knowledge, Shen Yue gave her a stronger Flame Vortex Glass piece in exchange.

"Since you are blood, I suggest both you and Ye Hong nourish your Soul Realms along with Ye Mo's using of this. With the three of you working on it together, I am sure the power increase to your Demon Spirits will go a long way. Especially his Heavenly Saint Bird."

Ye Zong was not mentioned for several reasons.

"I will keep that in mind." Ye Ziyun was thankful. Her eyes were a little fearful, however. The same as a few others. "What do you think was watching?"

"I have know idea." Shen Yue shrugged. The Demon Spirit that the Demon Lord wanted so bad was just to much of a mess for him to understand. It did, however, boost his understanding of Souls and Demon Beasts. 'Hmm, I am still a little sleepy. Want a nice comfy bed right now.'

"What are your plans?" Ye Mo asked Shen Yue. 'The few times I peeked on Glory City, everything was fine. I wonder if by chance he was the reason the Barrier was reinforced, causing others to find other ways out?'

Ye Mo had guarded a few exits to prevent those of the Nether Realm from finding the outside. With so many Black Gold Realm and Legend Realm cultivators, the task was to time-consuming most days. But his battle prowess had increased over the years.

"Surveys, Exploration, and Possible Demon Beast Capture." Shen Yue said simply. His Officers coming over passing on intel obtained recently. Increases in activity all over and they hadn't found what he was looking for so far. A few areas were now marked off at least to not go to. "Killing the Death Spiritual God. Yah know, fun things."

"Who are those people approaching?" Ye Ziyun pointed out.

Long Sha, the freed Dark Guild members, and a subdued Ye Han walked over. Unable to see through the inscriptions on the clothing, made Ye Mo tense. He recognized Ye Han however.

Forced to speak of his wrongdoings upon seeing the young Ye Mo, the situation turned a little tense.

"Filthy traitor!" Yu Yan snarled. her eyes flaring up with hatred. She was stopped from executing Ye Han on the spot. "Why!?"

"Not your call." Duan Jian stood in front of her pushing the flames back. "Discussions are still taking place. Do not bring your personal feelings into this. Why did the Dark Guild never attack Glory City, prisoner?"

"I can answer that." Long Sha stepped forward but did not unveil himself. A few eyes locked on him in interest on what he knew. "This was because "they" already thought of Glory City being in their pocket. The strength of the City is low. Only with recent changes this year has it become a viable threat to just them. However, this secret that has been kept for hundreds of years was now sold to the Wugui Family by Ye Han."

"I did everything to live up to the expectations... but for what?! It took only a little bit for the City Lord to choose her over me! Forgetting that Ye Ziyun was timid and unsure of herself just last year! Who wouldn't be furious!?" Ye Han's anger pushed his soul strongly.

Although he sought the protection of the Wugui Family, he was careless. He never thought that the Dark moon Family had forces in Blackrock City.

"Everything I did, it was to survive!" Ye Han did not plead or beg for his life. Assured what he did was acceptable to live, Shen Yue smirked a little agreeing.

Viewing it from his point of view was refreshing to hear. Especially with Nie Li taking everything from him through Ye Ziyun, but if he would have stood on the narrow and waited a bit to see the dissolving in the household, he might have had a better outcome.

'Even with Ye Ziyun having talent, Ye Han's was the same Soul Attribute wise. Besides family choosing over blood, it was not a good enough reason. His darker viewpoint would have served to deal with the Sacred Family originally. But the blank period leads that up for speculation.'

"The Snow-Wind Family always whispered about me! Slinging mud on me for being adopted! You should know what that is like Ye Mo!"

"Oh, dear. He has a point." Shen Yue stated. Remembering bits of that from the different series itself. Thinking about "bullying" having a small part in his actions made for good matters to address for child development in the long run anyway. A bit of a contrast from those growing up in the Dark moon Family after the child ceners opened. "You did marry into the Snow Wind Family. Do you even remember your original name of your family by the way?"

Ye Mo shook a little. Not from shame or anything like that. Marrying into the Snow Wind Family gave him prestige and the resources to become the man he was today. Which helped strengthen the City Lord's Mansion and Glory City as a whole.

"I see." Shen Yue shook his head in dismay. "Time does change feelings and people overall. If you want to talk about it, we can share a drink one day and talk it over. I am sure you have a lot to talk about in regards to the "Secrets" of old."

"I would like that." Ye Mo nodded.

A few understanding it would not be a simple talk. But only Shen Yue and Duan Jian knows that he was looking for information on the "Key" the family was supposedly in charge of. Memory was fuzzy on the exact details on where it leads to.

Also not enough corpses from the Snow Wind Family to give information. Ye Hong was not doing good as a Spy. Good intel but nothing substantial was obtained on secret matters.

"Still need to head further in." The 2nd Officer stated. Reminding him of the time constraints. "The Death Palace is still deep in and growing numbers are enough to deal with already."

A few shivered at the sound of that. Not liking the briefing on the locations and the various families.

"That place sounds dangerous." Yang Xin stated. "I think it better we head back since so much trouble is heading toward Glory City." Her eyes glancing at Shen Yue and Ye Han briefly. 'Will he be put to death?'

"Then head back." Shen Yue kept moving with his people following along with. "No one is stopping you."

"Hmm, I wanted to go with, but much needs to be done back home." Ye Mo stated. The landscape was quite interesting further in. "Can't just pop in every now and then only. Plus, with my restored vitality and youth, I can defintely contribute more."

It would cause quite the stir seeing him so young by several others.

"Shen Yue, we are going to head back as well." Ye Ziyun stated. She received the same response as he gave Yang Xin. "What about you sister Yu Yan?"

"I will travel with them still." Yu Yan tied her hair in a ponytail rocking more of a heroic look now. "With you all heading back, I am sure Glory City will be fine. So many Legend Realm and another Demigod, they won't know what hit them."

"Oh, Glory City has a Demigod already?" Ye Mo was suprised to hear this. "Cannot wait to meet him."

"Meet her grandfather." Ye Ziyun corrected. "It is a long story and I will explain on the way." Ye Hong was reluctant to head back but he wanted to speak to his grandfather a bit and also make sure Glory City doesn't get wiped out by possible Demigods heading there.

'What will happen to Ye Han I wonder?' Ye Hong had forgotten that Shen Yue once told him, that the other was the better choice than him. "As for Ye Han.."

"We lock him up." Ye Ziyun stated.

"Waste of a resource." Shen Yue disagreed. "You would waste food and time on keeping him in a cell. Everything he stated to you here and now, that is someone who is firm in their resolve. Not lacking in it. Your sentiment and hope he will change are useless."

Ye Mo gave Ye Ziyun and Ye Hong a nod.

"You have methods, find a way to figure out everything you can from him." Ye Ziyun said. She looked down unable to look at Ye Han. Pity for the one who treated her kindly once before. Despite knowing what he was going to do to the family and has done to them. 'I still can't bring myself to strike him down.'

In some ways, she was still unwilling to face life. Handing him over to Shen Yue would at least be better most of them thought. After all, odds are he would just kill him when the chance arrived.

"Xiao Kuang, you and Officers 11 through 15 go with them." Shen Yue ordered. "In case there are some unexpected changes. I rather not have to recall any forces unless necessary. Make sure to get in contact with the various Outposts. Your viewpoint might lead to further insights of activity with the Officers." The man nodded in understanding.

Shen Yue whispered to make sure that if those of Glory City did not wipe out the enemy, for them to take the enemy out in secret and seal the bodies up.

Shen Yue, Duan Jian, Yu Yan, and the 10 Officers moved out quickly. Ye Han not understanding what would happen until that night. Meeting Long Sha from the Dark Guild had the young man reeling still.

The Black Star Tiger cub's didn't leave from Shen Yue. In fact, they started climbing all over him nuzzling him in various ways. Yang Xin relented in understanding that they wanted to spend time with the one that smelled like their father.

Making camp was easy after traveling a few miles further.

"A lot has happened." Long Sha passed over some notes to read over. None of the Officers even flinch when he was close to Shen Yue. Looking at Ye Han, he had to ask. "What will happen to him?"

The notes were gone over quickly then passed to Duan Jian and the 1st Officer to look over.

"Oh, take him as someone who works for you." Shen Yue threw a Vortex Glass piece full of Spirit Energy from the Core as well as Hell Law. "If not, I will take him as my own. No sense in wasting the skill and intelligence."

*Shine!* Shen Yue's eyes shined purple with the circulation of the Heart Method. Ye Han was not that bad from a different point of view if you took the time to understand him and look deeper he rethought. Well, betrayal was still something to kill someone over.

But him living in proximity would help disrupt those in the Dimension further.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 39,981,000

Power: 45 Defense: 46

Willpower: 41 Intellect: 42

Connection: 75

Divine Spark: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Beasts

Laws: Death, Earth, Matrix

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Pseudo Heavenly Fate

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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