
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Dream Cloud Part 3 Aggression

Shen Xiu was currently asking the serpents they killed in mass numbers. The Demon Spirit inside were even in better quality than what was found in the Tiny World. The bones would make good weaponry and armor Lu Ning said.

Only a total of 50 were saved. That was only because Hao Huo used them to trade with Yun Ling. The Water Spiritual Goddess was happy to tame them and used their help to boost her defense and combat power.

The Primal Family members that landed were furious about what took place. Seeing the "burial" site excavated was not the problem, they were happy for that part. The problem was that outsiders stepped foot on the Sacred Grounds.

"That's nice and all.." Shen Yue waited until the man finished before talking. "..but the material recovered is just a small bit I have found so far. So much down there that I do not plan on stopping just to placate you people."

This was only this location in the center after all. What was uncovered revealed several other spots needing to be cleared. A possible city or library was defintely worth having to check through.

"This is a place of great importance to them." Xiao Yu tried to play mediator.

"No, this a place to allow my people to grow stronger." Shen Yue pulled out the Thundergod Meteorite Sword and Flame Dagger to show he meant business. "From what we have found out, they have done nothing to this place at all over the years. So they could be lying for all I know."

The Primal Family members took a step back in apprehension. The sword exuding a strange pressure towards them that causes the hairs on the body to float up.

"It cannot mean that much to them even further if they did not put pressure to get further inland. A few hundred miles is nothing for Legend Realm and those at the Demigod level of power." His eyes went cold seeing them flinch at the words. "Oh, you are such sly little things. Little bottom feeders who wish to gain from other's work."

"Considering the number of the serpents we defeated, they didn't have the strength to allocate maybe?" Shen Xiu shrugged assuming this was the case. Her hands still separating scales from the body of serpents.

"They are the rightful ones to whatever is here." Yu Yan stated.

"How the hell do you figure that?" Shen Yue turned the sword towards her. "Me and my people arrived here, did the work, so we are the right ones to what's here! Every last bit of it! I am not sharing with any outsiders after all this work!"

"Our Ancestors Temple can only be accessed by us!" The Elder stated.

"Then you have nothing to worry about and can go." Long Sha stated. "Back to the place you came from. Shoo shoo!"

"If this Temple can only be accessed by you, then nothing for you to worry about then. Unless that is a lie." Shen Yue's eyes flashed in slight anger. 'In the long run, you all die anyway so this is free real estate for me!'

The Primal Family members drew weapons feeling pushed into a corner. It never occurred to them they were defintely outmatched in power.

"We are meant to be on the same side!" Yu Yan felt heartbroken seeing different Human tribes fighting against each other. Not to mention what it was over at that. "Shen Yue.. can you please just relent on this?"

"No. Power is down there that can kill Deities maybe. If it is not, techniques are down there. I am not going to give that up just because of some stupid customs around death! They are dead, it is just land now! Whatever there is up for keeps to whoever gets it!"

Buried History was useless after all.

*Woom!* His Aspect of the Soul increased as the ground lit up. The Flame Vortex Core sucking in everything from the surrounding area. The residual consciousness of those that remained all taken in by him causing a further change in his cultivation.

Weird multicolored Law energy swirled around unchecked.

"Then you leave me no choice." Yu Yan spoke seriously as she turned her back to him and stared at the members of the Primal Family. "The Primal Chaos Ancestor's tomb is no longer yours to .. do what you see fit. Please, withdraw."

She didn't what the people to be killed. From the looks of Shen Yue and company, it would happen.

"This.. will not be the last of this. I assure you." The Primal Family Elder took off with his fellow tribesman. 'I will gather the other Elders since the way is clear to seize the Crypt back!'

A few of the younger members, the ones who lost in fights against Lanruo and Hongyue looked back angrily. To be beaten by someone easily before that served under someone like Shen Yue just made them feel even more indignant.

'Next time we meet, I will have my revenge against them!' The young cultivator was deluding himself.

Once they cleared a good distance away, the little tension that was gathered fell away.

"Erect the Barrier." Shen Yue ordered. Yun Ling did just that without a problem. "Prepare for the phase of the plan."

Ye Han and Lu Ning hands pressed deep into the actual soil. Below the landmass, the earth that was underneath pushed away slowly.

500 feet around the entire island, a dome of Heavenly Energy was erected. The landmass started to shake as it was submerged into the ocean after a few minutes. Several runes lit up in key points taking in oxygen from the water.

*Bzzt!* A trail of lightning left Long Sha as he illuminated the entire place. Constantly traveling around self-generating energy to feed into the barrier in a loop with the water taking out with oxygen.

"Shen Xiu.." Shen Yue gave her a steady look. "..after we raid the place and returned back home, this place will turn into a Prison Colony. With the controls of the Dream Bowl under our direct control, it will help limit danger overall."

"I understand." The term Prison Colony was code for a Secret Bunker. 'Will this place be enough to guard in the future because of the water or because of the fact the Subsidiary Realm might be collapsed?'

Turning towards the large structure that was under all the ash and soil, a staircase was picked up by his Astral Sense. However, nothing else of note was inside.

"Need to see what is down there." Shen Yue walked down the stairs by himself. "Go through what was recovered to see what is worth repairing the quickest."

"You sure it's best to go by yourself!?" Duan Jian stopped at the staircase thinking this was not wise at all. "What if it is like the Death Spiritual God Temple?!"

"It's not, but if it is is you will know. If by chance I let some ancient evil out, I will self-destruct taking it out and it will be up to all of you to deal with the aftermath. Thus the big ole burial sea and this turning into a prison." Shen Yue thought about the jars. "Yu Yan, hopefully, you have an answer for the organs inside the jars we found."

When coming back, he finds out the old Spiritual Goddess was just as lost as him about it.


Deep In the Crypt-


Shen Yue checked the place overhead to toe as he traveled deeper. No statues or anything like that of importance. Not even a single drawing on a wall for illustration. It was not looking good at all.

He thought there would have at least been some type of Inscription that blocked his Astral Sense from finding anything. Needing actual eyes to look at what was available.

"Finally something!" At the end of the staircase, he saw a light. Pure white light that didn't reach into the room at all. "Just freaky." Stepping through, he found it to be a portal like the one that led to the Abyss Prison Realm. "Better not be any stupid crystal gathering, I am not for that at all today."

It sucked that it was not until he was going through that he could feel the type of energy it was. It only allowed someone who was as Spiritual God through.

In an instant, he reformed in a room getting his wits about him. A quick look around and a feel of the environment is defintely a bit of a problem. The air contained thick Heaven Energy and Spiritual Energy. A check with his Astral Sense alerted to the countless people outside the various rooms.

'A type of store or something?'

Everyone was at least at the Heavenly Fate Realm.. as servants. With much higher in power being guards and elders. With the room activating, a servant came in to serve whoever the esteemed guest happened to be.

"How may I assist you?" The young servant didn't give it much thought just yet about who entered. Just that they came into a Vip Room.

"I don't need anything right now, I will call when I need something." Shen Yue spoke with a disguised voice. Still searching the place with his Astral Sense for any trouble. "Go ahead and go."

The moment the door closed, he checked for any Formations on the chair that could be used. Not a single one could be found, unfortunately.

Astral Sense moved to fast and slippery for some, but they defintely felt something. The more crafty ones with Artifacts on their person reacted. To many in disguise started rising from their seats.

"Welp.. shit this!" Picking up the powerhouses further down the different floor levels and grabbing a few words spoken by some, it was time to get the hell out of this place. "Good as time as any to use this!"

*Ripple!* Forcing his Aspect of Time to work on himself, his entire body lit up then vanished. He needed to test the scope of the Sage Emperor on a small scale anyway. Plus the place he was in had a lot of shit heels in it.

Shen Yue was back right before stepping into the portal in an instant. Stopping himself, by effectively slamming his consciousness and entire being into his own body.

"Shit!" Jarred, angry, and with a burning headache, it was not fun to do this at all. "My Health drop some.. as I thought." Despite being dazed, he pulled out some pre-created Arrays and set them up quickly. "Not letting this death trap remain open, damn Sage Emperor might send some lackeys through or something not that I think about it!"

That and the place he arrived in was the Gods Craft Pavilion. Not a place he wanted to deal with anytime soon. Even with a full force to fight with. They were very greedy people after all, with a complete monopoly on artifacts in the Draconic Ruins Realm.

"Alright.." Wiping away the blood from his nose, Shen Yue reached his hands out absorbing the energy of the portal. "..so rich but so dangerous. At least I was able to mess with some Time-related nonsense some more."

The next instant he would mess with Time would be to head to the Stationary Space-Time Realm to train his people. This would be done right after getting to the Skyblaze Sect officially.

*Schup!* The last of the portal was sucked away. Increasing his spirit energy and heavenly energy greatly.

After collapsing the barrier and taking its energy, his own trap was set then he moved out in a rush to make it back up top. Collapsing the staircase the entire way as he did so. Popping out topside, the others were instructed to bury the entrance.

"What did you find?" Duan Jian was to interested and had to know.

"It leads to the Draconic Ruins Realm. Specifically to the Gods Craft Pavilion. On a floor with servants at the Heavenly Fate Realm. Haa, if they were just at the Demi rank it would not have been a problem to stay a little longer." He shook his head in shame. "Even if we all would have went, it would not have gone well with a few of the traitorous I picked up there."

"Servants of the Demon Tribe assume?" Yu Yan asked.

She received a solid confirmation nod on that. Which meant one less place that was trustworthy.

"The Gods Craft Pavilion can be quite heavy-handed at times." Xiao Yu spoke up from behind her fan. "If if you would have gone with others, the amount of people deployed when trouble happens is not low."

"Which means a force will be deployed around this Prison Island to check out other places while I work on what we do have." Shen Yue felt his headache finally recede and the effects the Time travel finally setle. 'Just some Health has gone but nothing else. The Dimension isn't distorted or anything like that. How odd.. but also really good.'

"You should back away from him a little more." Yu Yan felt the air stir but apparently, the others didn't. "Like now!"

*Babump!* Shen Yue's heart gave a loud thump as dense Law energy went through his body. The ground coming to life once more as it started to stir. Just that quickly the phenomenon stopped after he took a breath swallowing all of the energy.

*Schhhuuu!* The Flame Vortex Star Dragon appearing briefly with its mouth open.

"Well... that sucks." The Matrix Law sped up and formed around the Primordial Chaos Divine Spark forming it fully. "How the hell does this work?"

"You have even formed the Primordial Chaos Divine Spark.. no way are you normal." Yu Yan shook her head no longer wanting to risk anything else. "Shen Yue, I am on your side no matter what happens in the future."

Feeling the Connection with her strengthen a little, he didn't say much but gave a simple nod. Her word.. meant nothing still. That was clear to him with how small the Connection was over all between the two.

As work continued for the next few days, Shen Yue focused on his cultivation and getting "rid" of the unsuitable material recovered so far. Shen Xiu didn't mind taking over the excavation project at all. With Lu Ning and several others moving over to help with the excavation part fully.

As for the Primal Family, they couldn't find the place with it being so deep underwater now.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2600

Spirit Energy: 43,739,582

Heavenly Energy: 3,000,000

Power: 47 Defense: 48

Willpower: 53 Intellect: 50

Connection: 2183

Divine Spark: Lightning 3-Fate, Sound 3-Fate, Metal 2-Fate, Beasts 1-Fate, Blizzard 1-Fate, Primordial Chaos 1-Fate

Unsustainable Laws: Fire, Death, Poison, Nether, Time & Space

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm 1-Fate (Fate Soul 3)

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 6th tech level

Astral Sense: 7th tech level

Sword Attainment: 3rd tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 2-Fate, Hell 3-Fate

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