
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Dream Cloud Part 2 Organs in Jars


The Ocean Area-


Hua Huo, Lu Ning, and Shen Xiu found a nice spot near the ocean easily enough. Stepping off the odd landmass was like a breath of fresh air to them. Which it was considering the air was actually ric.

They also felt the immediate difference between the spirit energy here compared to what was in the Tiny World. For those who went to other Realms already, they felt this place was even better.

"This.. this.. is bullshit!" Shen Xiu cursed. Her pet fox yipping in anger as well.

"I agree completely!" Hua Huo gritted her teeth angrily. "I understood that we were screwed because of the environment, but this spirit energy here and the law energy is more abundant all over! Only the Dark Moon City matches in quality!"

Thinking of the Black Inferno Tower, the energy was not as aggressive but much easier to cultivate in with out the special boost that place provided.

"Matches.. more like barely keep up." Lu Ning observed the air closely, eyes shining bright in observation. "All of the enforcement is done by constant arrays and the advances in technology we have with the implementation of all the work being done. This place has a natural vibe to it."

Lu Ning did not voice his anger as hard as they did.

"How many people could have been raised in an environment like this?!" Hua Huo was so angry she started crying and shaking. "Shen Yue said the place was fertile, yet we haven't even moved to rich land yet! Part of me even hoped he was wrong!"

"Yeah.. I can see that." Rubbing the back of his neck, Lu Ning actually didn't want to go to the nearest area of land. His use of Astral Sense was finding it difficult to even push through the thick Spiritual Energy. As a noncombat person, his studies and focus were more in the develop use in the technique. "Over the years, Glory City was controlled by such doctrine with fear of the outside, we never pushed for more."

"What could have been achieved if the Snow Wind Family shared more?" Shen Xiu was thinking over the few books and maps she found in the City lord's Mansion. "If my brother wasn't so power hungry.. what could have been achieved by the Sacred Family working with the other families?"

"As long as we didn't find offensive parties, it would have worked well." Lu Ning spent many days talking with other Committee members about what if's. "If the Ambassadors would have sent someone or anyone to help as well we could have a better life. Or at least less infighting with how powerful they are."

"Maybe we just weren't saving?" Hua Huo knew the harsh reality of the Nether Realm from growing up there. But thinking about the information shared about the Draconic Ruins Realm she felt bitter. "They might have thought we were just poor stupid people unworthy of help. Considering the Ambassadors only choose those they thought had talent and special circumstances about them."

"Resources cannot be source there, it just wouldn't make sense for it to be if their are Martial Ancestors and countless different groups causing trouble. Not to mention the Deity Lakes that produce those stones." Shen Xiu frowned a little. "The power in those stones divided up could raise several cultivators to a decent rank to survive in the Tiny World. Less death more progress."

"Maybe it is a population control method they are doing every five years?" Lu Ning hoped it was not something like that at all.

To prevent themselves from getting to agitated on the situation, they sat down to cultivate to steady the mind. Small little protection arrays deployed made of black steel.

Close to the ocean, a few creatures popped out of the water. Very close in appearance to the Zombie Djiao Dragons. Except they were not dead and composed of Death Energy.

"Raahh!" Firing streams of water out to attack, the demon beasts were in for a small surprise. To use to humans that were not strong to defeat them in small numbers are who knew how to conserve energy from traveling across the ocean.

The water was easily dissolved by the array put up earlier. The demon beasts didn't stop and continued to push on. With more swimming over to attack from various parts of the region. All at the Legend Realm for the weakest one, the attacks were quite dangerous if left alone.

*Thump!* Lu Ning stomped his foot down summoning cannons made of metal and rock from the soil. Entering his firing stance, large harpoons and chains fired out dragging individual serpents towards them.

Behind Shen Xiu, several arrays made of fire started to form up. Spirit energy from the surroundings getting absorbed into them making a large corona in the sky in minutes.

As for Hua Huo, her eyes turned clear as snow & ice. Five Netherfrost birds flew out forming a Slaughter Array to eat teh overgrown serpents. Unlike the other two, she was still angry and needed to went out some frustrations.


Shen Yue and Company-


Hearing the explosions and feeling the numbers around the island made no difference to those at work. If danger popped up, they would call for help.

Ye Han finished up the first two days later. Having created 6 Earth Fate Souls from the abundant energy filter out and carving out about a mile down, he was definitely busy with what he was going to do now.

Inside of his opened up Internal Space, Ye Han took all of the clean dirt he was able to gather and spread it out inside. Seeds of various herbs and regular fruit & vegetation were planted. Out of everyone that was recruited, he was defintely the most changed out of everyone Shen Yue noticed most days.

Tranquil and one with Nature in almost every way. If he started to walk around barefooted all the time, Shen Yue was going to start calling him Big Foot. The green seed in the young man's forehead would spread out through his entire body like the Runic Lines of Shen Yue when in use.

'Hmm, he is getting up there in matching Nie Yu in power at this rate. Then again, she has more duties than he does. So not a problem overall.' Shen Yue turned his thoughts over to the more peaceful one in their group. 'The 2nd Officer's wifey is doing well for herself at least.'

Lu Ning was pulling the water up still after getting to it. Around her was enough for an entire lake. But she was not done in the least. A face of concentration was broken every few minutes as someone tried to tug on the Law of Water from her.

Lu Ning did not let them take hold, of course, steeling her resolve and increasing her understanding in the process. It was odd that another Spiritual God was in this place. Then again, not a lot was covered by the other Subsidiary Realms.

"Grr!" The young blond gritted her teeth in agitation when a hard pull came her way. Circulating her entire cultivation base, she focused the Water Law Energy into a fine point and lashed back in an instant an opening appeared. "Gotcha!"

Far off in the Dream Cloud Realm, a young man couldn't defend himself in the least. The pool of water he was currently soaking in to gain further insights into the Law turn turbulent.

Died red with blood that exited the orifices from the backlash, he didn't think someone would stretch their spiritual energy in such a way to attack. Floating in the pool of water, it was hard to tell if he was alive or dead now.

"SO MUCH POWER!" Lu Ning started to visible vibrate as her understanding of Water Law Energy turn more potent. Her very soul seemed to merge with it. "I can do this!" The Lake of water around her started to enter the body in every way it can at a rapid pace.

"Well, they have defintely gotten further than me." Long Sha said passively. He couldn't do much to help in the comprehending of the Laws they wielded, so he moved towards Shen Yue who was currently smiling. "What is the boss doing this time?"

Swirling energy pushed around Shen Yue as something scratched against him trying to actually kill him. The energy that was trapped started to erupt from the work the others had done. Large swats of land started to float up faster as the digging sped up.

"Mining my friend.. mining." Pieces of metals, old metal he never personally came across in its raw state. "Something is freaking down here! It is taking forever to get to it!"

Raising up through the rotation of elements, Shen Yue sent concentrated bursts of Sound energy downward. Each pulse kicked up dust but also revealed a few feet down and cleaned what was getting pulled out.

"I will help." Long Sha pulled out the different materials to help lighten the load some. Weapons and armor on the left. Pottery and miscellaneous of a different nature on the far right.

The top of a building started to become visible by the looks of it.

"This stuff is really old. Some of it predates the Saint Spirit Empire." Ye Han picked up a pot running his fingers over the side. His Law of Earth giving him snippets on how old it was. "Organs were placed inside after taking them out of the body."

"Some strange way to treat ones dead." Long Sha pushed a large humanoid statue to the side. "Maybe we can find some images to help comprehend something further once he is done."

"Hmmm?" Ye Han sat down criss-cross and focused on a few more pots. Something just felt wrong about them. The longer he spent, the funnier he felt.

"Another day and I should be done I think." Shen Yue focused cultivation on the task at hand fully once he understood the depth of the structures below them. 'Lot to refine after cleaning out taking what is useful.'

As the day passed in the blink of an eye, Shen Yue finished with Ye Han find out something troubling as well.

Something he had to share with them as soon as possible.

"Come again?" Shen Yue blinked at the young man not believing it. The same as Long Sha. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Ye Han passed it towards him showing the inside of a pot he opened up. "this heart was still beating before I opened it. I can only assume I broke the seal when taking off the lid. This Array is way beyond my understanding."

"Check a few other pots to make sure Long Sha." Shen Yue ran his Astral Sense through the different Inscriptions on the pot he currently held. It took a while to comprehend it but it was defintely a type of Organ Preserver. "There are so many broken pots though."

Looking to the side of the stack of broken pots, he wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. Hopefully, there wouldn't be some sealed mummy or something down in the Ruins.


Whose side are you on?-


Yu Yan, Xiao Yu, Duan Jian, Hongyue, Lanrou, and Ye Hong traveled with some locals after a few days. Spotting a sea of countless dead Sea Serpents floating in the air towards Shen Xiu who carved them up taking out material that she could was a little scary.

"They have killed a lot of demon beasts in the area." The elder of Primal Family stated. In every way the man looked like a member of the Human Race. "Hopefully they did not set foot on the Sacred Burial Grounds and stopped here."

"If they have, it is just an accident." Yu Yan offered. Knowing that they defintely did consider the description they learned a few days ago.

"Be ready for anything." Duan Jian already sent out his senses to Shen Yue once he was in range. Apprising him of what was going of course. The response back was they were not gonna stop. To much to learn for one. "We might have to fight the members of teh Primal Family."

Status: Shen Yue Health 2700

Spirit Energy: 41,739,582

Heavenly Energy: 3,000,000

Power: 47 Defense: 48

Willpower: 52 Intellect: 49

Connection: 2183

Divine Spark: Lightning 3-Fate, Sound 3-Fate, Metal 2-Fate, Beasts 1-Fate, Blizzard 1-Fate

Laws: Matrix

Unsustainable Laws: Fire, Death, Poison, Nether, Time & Space

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm 1-Fate (Fate Soul 3)

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 6th tech level

Astral Sense: 7th tech level

Sword Attainment: 3rd tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 2-Fate, Hell 3-Fate

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