
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Dark Moon City Depature

The remaining days back home were spent refining and pushing himself further. Every bit of recovered information was cataloged and added to the library. Any new discoveries were put into the correct Committee members to implement growth.

A few cultivation methods and ways to improve artifacts was nice. However, the best was the information on languages and races that existed. With that in his memory now, Shen Yue was poised to recreate his body once he steps into the Draconic RUins Realm to prevent any possible backlash from taking place.

Xiao Yu came to Shen Yue who was still in deep thought and cultivation to try and understand the Primal Chaos Divine Spark. It was annoying to understand gibberish and not understand it at the same time.

"What is it?"

"My foster father wanted me to deliver this proposal to you, not much of a change so just really going over some key points." Xiao Yu passed over a letter and a box. "Zhu Long remains as well. I assume you can get something from it and the remains of the Divine Spark."

"Of course." Shen Yue gave her a smile as she was figuring out something about what he does with remains maybe. "This is a decent proposal adjustement. Visit as a guest and.. you would like one or two of my people to go to the Divine Feathers Sect and the others to build ties to your Stepfather."

"I am sure you have someone you want to meet there, plus as the Time Spiritual God.." Xiao Yu was very miss informed about what she thought he was. Didn't help Shen Yue exuded the energy of Time while he was contemplating lately. "..huh?"

"I am not the Time Spiritual God. Trust me on that." Shen Yue shook his head firmly against that. Drawing a puzzled look from her. "Just use of the Law causes way to much of a problem than I like or care to deal with. Two families interest me the most."

"They would be who?"

"The Gu and Long Family." Shen Yue thought of the quick gains he could get by messing with that family. As well as if he messes with the girl who takes the fate that would have gotten Nie Li killed onto herself. "Set up a meeting with the Long Family, Long Yuyin's side at that and I will agree to this."

"Ugh, you should have just joined us instead." Xiao Yu felt this would weaken the Sect a little. He gave her a puzzled look. "You have a habit of converting others to your side and beliefs I hear. Ye Hong is about the only one that is allowed to kind of float between this."

"Ye Hong.. is a special case." Shen Yue Grinned getting up. His hand-cut in the air as several letters shout out to several different settlements across the Tiny World. The next Phase of their plans were underway. Unfortunately, I am not an overall Diplomat, I can only do so much in certain ways without compromising myself."

Xiao Yu observed as he placed a shirt over his torso. Not noticing he was shirtless before due to the powerful Law Energy swirling over his body. The young crossdresser felt her cheeks getting somewhat hot once more.

"In what way are you compromised?"

"No no, you misunderstand." Shen Yue shook his head as they walked out. The room sealing behind the two. The spiritual clone Liang Yu appearing inside afterward taking hold of the City's 5th Defense Array. "I am not compromised. Just need to be careful to balance power well enough. Dark moon City is moving to the point that the laws are needing further amendments to them. Particularly the law of ownership."

The young time traveler found herself all ears listening to this as they walked.




Ye Ziyun had recovered and was heading to the Draconic Ruins Realm. Not as strong as she was before but enough that she should survive for a while. Xiao Ninger, Huyan Lanruo, and Xiao Xue were going to the Heavenly Note Sect as well. Yu Yan was even hounded now by Ling Yun, the Ambassador to come with her. It was refused outright with her telling the other she had good enough candidates going with them already.

10 Officers and Xiao Kuang were going to the Phaseless Sect with Mu Ye from the Nether Realm. Xiao Kuang's job was quite dangerous. He was to move to a high position and either stop Xiu Ming from taking the future Sect Master Position, Gain access to the Sky Annihilation Heart Chant, and last but certainly not least, sweep away any talents that could be useful if the other two conditions could not be met.

The Sky Origin Sect received a few young members from Dark Moon City who wanted to just go and have fun. Not having parents made it easy for them to just up and go anywhere really. Du Ze and Ye Hong ended up going there.

Divine Feathers Sect had Nie Li, Lu Piao, Chen Linjian as well as a cultivator named Guan Yi from the Nether Realm going. Nie Xiaofeng, Nie Xiaori, Du Rong, and Du Qing going with their husbands by order of Nie Yu who was staying behind to continue guarding the Tiny World. Wanting her friends and fellow Disciples to get the experience.

Thousand Flowers Sect received the Dark Guild members that Long Sha agreed would do well to go off into the world to cause mischief. Espionage had grown quite well for them.

The numbers in Shen Yue's Internal Space were not going to be known to the public of course.

Long Sha, Duan Jian, Hua Huo, Wei Nan, Zhang Ming, Ye Han, Maynard, Yun Ling, Yu Yan, Sikong Hongyue, and himself were going to the Skyblaze Sect.

Nie Li's chilling gaze swept around the area landing on Shen Yue instantly. Seeing his family members by the Nether Master didn't cause him to relax in the least. Even with Ye Ziyun perfectly healthy, his obsession with her clouded his better judgment.

The Nether Master's gaze fell onto Nie Li and appeared to understand his intentions. After hearing the report from Xiao Yu, despite it held back a lot of information, he knew the two were in different leagues.

"Bruh.. I went through my vi-curious face already, you just do nothing for me." Shen Yue teased with a grin. "Are you wanting to say something to me brat?"

"What you did to Ye Ziyun and Glory City.." Nie Li could barely contain himself. Ye Ziuin had to be reminded of so much by himself and the others that she was almost a different person than before. ".. the defenses are nowhere near as they were before."

The breaking of the agreement took what she gained from having Shen Yue's Vortex Core energy ingested in the beginning, soul-wise away as well. Confusion when Nie Li acted familiar with her over the last few weeks took getting use to.

"Nie Li, I can tell that you want to kill someone. But I must warn you that even though you are my disciple, I cannot favor you. If you lot started killing each other, this would not go well." Ming Fei thought for a moment he may have thought wrongly of the young man if he could not hold himself back.

"I tell you what.." Shen Yue stepped forward taking off his top and letting it hang around his waist. Baring his chest openly. "..we will exchange a blow each. I will even give you a handicapped boy. I won't use my cultivation besides my physical body to resist and strike back with."

"Tch!" Nie Li took the bait but was stopped by his friends. Du Ze, Lu Piao, and Chen Linjian did not hold back keeping him in place. "It's an open agreement, nothing shady going on!"

"The difference in strength is to much!" Lu Piao would not let his friends fight. "My dad told me Shen Yue is really strong Nie Li. Really really strong compared to what we know."

"My sisters don't look concerned at all." Du Ze looked at the two who shook their heads it was a bad idea for them to do an exchange. "It's a trap."

"I am above the board, I swear." Shen Yue crossed his heart with a big smile on his face. "I swear on my heart of hearts it will just be my body only!" Seeing him no longer biting the bait, he frowned and gave a shrug. "Just so pitiful, I wonder if I would have killed her would you have more of a reaction?"

"What!?" Nie Li raged but Ye Hong stopped him this time. "You heard what he said!"

"Yes, he could have killed Ye Ziyun but he didn't. He could have done so much more to make Glory City pay up but didn't." Ye Hong was more understanding of the way Shen Yue operates than most. "This is just a little provocation to test your resolve and others."

"Such a spoilsport of an apprentice." Shen Yue walked away playfully sulking as the Heart Method pulled in some energy. Gaining a quick insight into the way most felt currently. "You better not embarrass the Sword skill I gave you in that Sect."

"It can't be that great of a skill." Ling Yun was generally kind but hearing that something happened to Ye Ziyun she was a little angry. "I doubt it can do much.."

*Woosh!* Her left bang was cut off as sword energy moved so precisely and faster than they could react. A bit of blood dripped down the purple-haired woman's cheek.

"You shouldn't get mad..." Shen Yue was not at the spot they saw him at just a second ago. He was currently right behind the woman with his chest against her back. Hand around her throat with a slight grip to it. "..it will cause wrinkles on a weak woman like yourself."

'Dangerous!' The other Ambassadors knew he grew a lot stronger than what he was before. The Primordial Chaos Divine Spark changed his movement technique somewhat on the base level.

"If I was a bad man.. the things I could do to you in front of all these people.. and other creatures are sickening." Shen Yue's eyes flashed as the Primordial Chaos Divine Spark settled down. "Shouldn't make comments without any strength to back yourself up. Take care of my people.. if you value your life."

The cut on her cheek sealed up. With a trace of Fire & Lightning traveling in her body.

"Consider that feeling a gift for your shit cultivation." Shen Yue was calm and felt like he scratched a weird itch that needed to be taken care of somehow. 'Hmm, did this woman cause problems for me somehow that I don't know about? Or did she cause it for the Primordial Chaos Spiritual God by chance?'

"He shouldn't be trusted!" Nie Li glowered. "Not wanting the Soul Seal should be enough of a reason to tip people off!" At the mention of that, a few of the Ambassadors were thoughtful on the matter.

Besides those going before, the rest had not done so. Considering the skill and threat Shen Yue made to Ling Yun, it defintely caused concern for them. Which was something he wanted to happen.

"Heh, we can form the Soul Seal if that will make you happy." Lanruo chuckled barely able to hold back her grin.

As the seals were made, it became evident to only the Heavenly Note Sect & Skyblaze Sect that it wouldn't hold. The other Ambassadors only noticing it was hard to establish before it went through.

Long Sha and Duan Jian would take care of the formalities in the Skyblaze Sect.

"Can we go now?" Shen Yue pulled his coat over. As the various people went through, himself, Xiao Yu, and Ming Fei looked at each other. His clothes then changed along with his physical body somewhat. Vocal patterns changing enough they wouldn't be able to detect it. "That Soul Seal.. such a tricky little thing."

"You are a monster." Ming Fei was wary of him but his adoptive daughter trusted Shen Yue. "The technique you used earlier when provoking people.."

"The Heart Method Maxium.." Shen Yue wondered where he was going with this. "..allows me to get a good feel of what someone is planning to do by exploiting the weakness in the heart and mind."

"Another Supplementary cultivation I take it?" Ming Fei could see the use in something like that.

"Yup. To get... it.. well, it will cost you more than I think you can afford." Shen Yue was grabbed by Xiao Yu. "Find an appropriate amount of resources and we can talk!"

Ming Fei thought hard about what to procure when he returned to the Divine Feathers Sect briefly. The same as a few other Ambassadors to tempt the Tiny World members for secrets.


Sky Blaze Sect-


The ambassadors did not walk with them after passing them off to one of his people. He did however keep watch considering the importance Shen Yue had for his people.

As they took tests to determine their Root strength, the Skyblaze Sect wanted to meet the new Ambassador to get some answers. As well as meet the Leader of this group from the place called Dark Moon City.

Thankfully it was brushed off that his master took him to experience something in the outside world while paying a visit to the Divine Feathers Sect and a few other contacts.

Considering how a strong burst of power could be felt in the distance towards the Divine Feathers Sect, the Skyblaze Sect Ambassador was able to tie this over easily to prevent concerns.

The gift given to him by Yu Yan and the company going a long way as well. An Artifact made to promote one's Soul Realm but brutalizing it with the use of your own Spirit Energy. Anyone from the same Earth as Shen Yue would notice the Contraption was teh same as teh Hungry Hungry Hippos Game.

With the pellets being clear engraved marbles.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 54,739,582

Heavenly Energy: 6,000,000

Power: 49 Defense: 51

Willpower: 54 Intellect: 52

Connection: 2190

Divine Spark: Lightning 3-Fate, Sound 3-Fate, Metal 3-Fate, Beasts 2-Fate, Blizzard 2-Fate, Primordial Chaos 2-Fate

Unsustainable Laws: Fire, Death, Poison, Nether, Time & Space

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm 2-Fate (Fate Soul 6)

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 6th tech level

Astral Sense: 8th tech level

Sword Attainment: 3rd tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 3-Fate, Hell 3-Fate

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