
Dare Dream

Sweet dreams, it has been long since I have felt the meaning of that word when I was 7 years old I suddenly started having the same nightmare over and over again until I got into an accident and fell into a coma now I am going through this dream hoping to find an exit or to meet my end

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: the Unbelievable Exit

A woman in her mid-twenties walks with a heavy-hearted gait through the sterile corridors of the hospital. as her steps echoes softly against the floor as she passes by bustling medical stuff and other occasional visitors. her face showing different mixed emotions- worry etched into the lines of her forehead, determination glinting inn her eyes and a flicker of hope struggling to stay alight in the darkness of uncertainty.

As she approaches room 106, she takes a deep breath trying to hide the worry in her face, she pushes the door open, inside the scene is somber yet familiar. Her brother, Liam, lies motionless on the hospital bed, surrounded by the soft hum of medical equipment and the sterile scent of disinfectant. Wires and tubes snake from his body to various monitors and machines, keeping him tethered to life in his silent, unresponsive state.

The woman's heart Saddened at the sight of her brother; his once vibrant presence now subdued by the grip of a coma. She approaches his bedside with hesitant steps, her hand reaching out to gently grasp his limp fingers. She whispers words of love and encouragement, though she knows not whether they reach him in his unconsciousness.

A nurse enters the room, her footsteps soft but purposeful. She delivers the news with a solemn expression, informing the woman that there have been no improvements in Liam's condition. The words hang heavy in the air, a reminder of the relentless passage of time and the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

But the woman refuses to be discouraged. With unwavering resolve, she meets the nurse's gaze and declares her steadfast commitment. "I will wait," she says, her voice steady despite the tremble in her heart. "No matter how much time it takes."

As Liam opened his eyes awakening from his, He somewhat was able to hear the voice of his Older sister saying "No matter how much time it takes." it's been 2 months since i got stuck in my dream throughout that time I realized that I am not the only human here there are other people who are in the same situation as me but since we all pass our time running from white ghoul we don't really have time to connect I have passed the last two months running nonstop the only time I get a break is when I meet another human and use him as an escape I get like 40 minutes alone before the monster start searching for me.

So I sleep 40 minutes every two to three days and I sleep in different attractions of the amusement park , my preferred location are the rollercoaster and the Ferris wheel I used them to get like extra 10 minutes of sleep every time I sleep in my dream, I kind of hear noises outside the dream my sister has visited me every day and read stories to me, I used them to get knew escape ideas ,there are different types of white ghouls ,there are those with no eyes ,no teeth and a scrawny figure those are A-group ,the B-group is composed of various monsters that have human like proportions so as to lure their preys the C-groups has monsters that look like A-group but has teeth and are able to talk with a human voice, but let's end this self-narrating .

A-group has higher stamina and agility, B-group has strength and endurance.

Liam had always loved the thrill of amusement parks, the rush of adrenaline as he soared through the air on roller coasters and spun around on dizzying rides. But tonight, the carnival took on a sinister atmosphere as the moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the deserted grounds.

As Liam wandered through the empty pathways, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every creak of the aging wooden structures sent shivers down his spine, and the distant sound of laughter echoed eerily in the night.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of movement in the shadows. Pale figures with elongated limbs and sharp claws emerged from the darkness, their white skin glowing in the moonlight. Liam's breath caught in his throat as he realized he was being chased by these nightmarish creatures.

With panic fueling his steps, Liam raced through the labyrinthine pathways of the amusement park, desperately seeking refuge. His heart pounded in his chest as he ducked and weaved through the empty rides, the creatures hot on his heels.

Frantically searching for a hiding spot, Liam's eyes fell upon the towering silhouette of the Ferris wheel. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards it, hoping to find sanctuary within its towering structure.

As he reached the base of the Ferris wheel, Liam scrambled up the metal framework, his hands trembling as he clung to the cold steel. With a surge of relief, he pulled himself into one of the empty gondolas and huddled in the corner, praying that the creatures wouldn't find him.

But as Liam waited in the darkness, a strange sensation washed over him. The Ferris wheel began to shudder and groan, its ancient machinery coming to life with an otherworldly hum. Panic gripped Liam's chest as he realized the wheel was moving, slowly ascending into the night sky.

With a mixture of fear and disbelief, Liam watched as the ground fell away beneath him, the carnival shrinking into miniature beneath the swirling mists. As the Ferris wheel reached its apex, Liam's breath caught in his throat as he saw something unexpected.

At the far end of the amusement park, illuminated by the faint glow of moonlight, was an exit gate. It shimmered like a beacon of hope in the darkness, promising safety and salvation from the nightmare that had engulfed the carnival.

With pounding footsteps echoing in his ears, Liam dashed away from the Ferris wheel, his heart racing with every beat. Behind him, the creatures pursued relentlessly, their ghastly forms flickering in and out of the shadows.

Dodging and weaving with practiced agility, Liam narrowly evaded their grasping claws and snapping jaws. His breath came in ragged gasps as he sprinted towards the exit gate, each step bringing him closer to freedom.

As the creatures closed in, Liam's mind raced with doubt. Was the exit gate real, or just a cruel illusion conjured by the carnival's malevolent magic? With every fiber of his being, he prayed that it was his salvation, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

With a burst of adrenaline-fueled determination, Liam redoubled his efforts, his muscles burning with exertion as he pushed himself to his limits. Leaping over fallen debris and ducking beneath low-hanging branches, he surged forward, his gaze fixed unwaveringly on the distant glow of the exit gate.

Despite the creatures' relentless pursuit, Liam refused to falter. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged their attacks, narrowly avoiding their talons and teeth with split-second precision. Every near miss fueled his resolve, strengthening his determination to reach safety at any cost.

As he drew closer to the exit gate, Liam's heart soared with hope. With one final burst of speed, he lunged forward, his fingers brushing against the cool metal of the gate as he pushed it open with all his strength.

And then, as he stepped through the threshold into the cool night air beyond, a wave of relief washed over him. The exit gate was real, a tangible barrier between him and the nightmare that had haunted him.

With a triumphant cry, Liam raced away from the carnival, leaving the creatures far behind in his wake. As he disappeared into the darkness, he vowed never to look back, grateful to have escaped the clutches of the midnight carnival and its twisted denizens.

And though the memory of that fateful night would linger in his nightmares for years to come, Liam knew that he had emerged stronger and braver than ever before, a survivor of the darkest horrors imaginable.

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