
Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams Huh it's the only word I was never able to grasp it's real meaning, most people always tell me how in their dreams they are able to do anything, how everything they want is in their hands but for me it's different.

I don't even remember when it started but since then my night had become quite agitated, every night I have the same dream and the point where I left that dream waking is the same point where I will spawn back when I sleep, I vaguely remember but I think I was seven years old when it all started.

It was a day as normal as any other day ,but everything changed when it got at night time, That night when I went to sleep, I started to feel an uneasy feeling that was kept me awake and stopped me from getting any sleep after several hours trying to sleep I finally got some sleep and that's when it all started. 

I opened my eyes thinking that I was waking up and cursing to why did I get Insomnia this night as my vision got more clearer, I found myself in a control room of an abandoned Amusement park ,I tried to get out of the control room but it was locked then I heard screams from outside that's when I decided to look out the window and there they were the creatures that I would meet several times in the next decade and I gave it the name <white ghoul>.

As I looked in the window something that looked like a skinny or scrawny guy who was chasing another guy as the scrawny guy jumped on the other guy and they appeared in the moonlight I finally saw it ,it was scrawny looking entity with no eyes ,no teeth ,really long nails and a skin as white as snow after it finished reaping the guy to shreds and I who bore witness to that traumatic tapestry .

Suddenly the white ghoul tilted its head and started looking toward my direction, As it looked at me, it twisted its face and made a horrible smile with its toothless mouth and its gaze gave of enough murderous intent to make my legs go numb, So I decided to take a new course of action and hid under the window hoping it would go away, Suddenly there were no sounds in our vicinity and the only thing that could be heard was my tears touching the ground and the white ghoul breath and with tears flowing down my eyes I held my breath in hope that if it didn't hear me it would go away.

In a matter of second The entity rushed toward the door like a crazy wild beast and started hitting the door of the control room by every hit that resounded on the door , a barrier like object appeared in front of the building somehow giving me a false sense of safety since that night ,Now every time I sleep I find myself in the same control room as before and the entities always increase in numbers as time passed the sense of security only grew and the fear decreased.

So, all I had to do was to wait until somebody would wake me up, it continued for another period of two years and the barrier of the control room finally gave in and broke into pieces , when the white ghouls realized what had happened saliva started flowing from their horrendous mouth and they all leaped to attack me and Somehow I always knew this day would come so I decided to accept my fate but it looked like fate wasn't ready to give up on me because there was another barrier that surrounded my body but now I knew that with time this barrier would also be broken .

Few years has passed since the last time the barrier broke now i try to sleep as less as possible, I always go to therapy I have tried every medication, every method and every sorcery known to man but look at me still living that way now every night, I sleep and run away from the white ghouls and hide in another place where i will spawn the next night.

"So, Liam after hearing your story ,i feel like it would be caused from the result of traumatic experience "said doctor Dave

"So, do you watch, horror movies?"

"Nope "answered Liam.

"Have you lived any traumatic experience?"

"Still no" answered Liam.

"Doctor, I told you my life is great, but my dreams are bad "said Liam

"Liam, it's been 9 years we worked together, so try to find another excuse, but here take this flyer I told a friend of mine about your situation and he gave you the opportunity to be one among the beta testers of a new sleeping mask that help you to control your dreams. "

Liam took the flyer and left to go home.

Vision mask 

you are invited to take place as one among the beta testers of the vision mask on 23rd may 2015 at 9:00 a.m so be prepared to take leave a bus will come to take you at the designated time be sure to be there .

"oh ,it's tomorrow ,i won't sleep this night to be ready for tomorrow ok ,let's play a game till the morning " thought Liam

"Ring Ring "

[8:53 a.m]

"oh look like it's time "said liam

he then waited outside until a big blue bus appeared when he entered there were 38 people in it including him,they then made several stops until they were over 60.

As the morning sun cast its warm glow through the windows of the bus, Liam found himself a familiar seat near the back. He was a young man in his mid-twenties, with a rugged charm that seemed to emanate effortlessly from his easy smile and tousled brown hair. His hazel eyes held a spark of curiosity, a constant search for the extraordinary in the mundane, much like the journey he embarked upon every day.

Leaning back against the worn upholstery, Liam observed his fellow commuters with a keen eye, each person a character in the daily narrative of the bus ride. Across the aisle, an elderly woman with silver hair meticulously knitted a scarf, her hands moving with practiced grace, a testament to a lifetime of skill and patience. Liam couldn't help but admire her dedication to her craft, finding a quiet beauty in the simplicity of her actions.

Beside her sat a young couple lost in their own world, fingers intertwined as they shared whispered secrets and stolen glances. Their love seemed to envelop them, cocooning them from the hustle and bustle of the city outside, creating a bubble of warmth and intimacy amidst the chaos.

Further up the bus, a businessman in a sharp suit tapped away at his phone with a sense of urgency, his brow furrowed in concentration. Liam imagined the weight of responsibility that must rest upon his shoulders, the countless emails to answer, and meetings to attend, all while navigating the unpredictable currents of corporate life.

Beside the businessman, a student with headphones draped around his neck flipped through the pages of a textbook, his expression a mixture of determination and fatigue. Liam recognized the familiar struggle of balancing academics with the demands of everyday life, the relentless pursuit of knowledge tempered by the reality of deadlines and exams.

As the bus rumbled on, each person lost in their own thoughts and dreams, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to them all. In this fleeting moment, they were united by the shared experience of the morning commute, each one a thread in the rich tapestry of human existence.

With a smile playing on his lips, Liam settled deeper into his seat, content to be a silent observer in this symphony of life, finding solace in the simple beauty of the journey.

As the bus hummed along its familiar route, Liam's attention was suddenly drawn to the front of the vehicle where the driver sat, his hands firmly gripping the wheel. The shrill ring of a cellphone shattered the quiet hum of the engine, and with a distracted glance, the driver reached to answer it.

"Hello?" His voice crackled through the speaker, a hint of tension lacing his words.

Liam's curiosity piqued, he strained to hear the conversation over the rumble of the bus. His heart quickened as he caught fragments of the dialogue, words like "do it" and "no other choice" sending a shiver down his spine.

Suddenly, the driver's expression twisted into a mask of fear and resignation. Without warning, he veered the bus off the road, sending it hurtling towards the edge of a cliff.

Panic rippled through the passengers as screams filled the air, mingling with the screech of metal against rock. Liam's mind raced as the world seemed to blur around him, the sensation of weightlessness engulfing him as the bus plummeted into the abyss below.

In the chaos that followed, darkness descended upon Liam's consciousness like a heavy curtain, swallowing him whole.

 the sterile surroundings of a hospital room. Tubes and wires snaked from his body, tethering him to machines that beeped rhythmically in the background. 

Beside him, other survivors lay motionless, their faces peaceful in the soft glow of the overhead lights. Liam's heart sank as he realized that they, too, were trapped in this limbo between life and death.

Liam then started to open closely his eyes but rather than seeing himself in the hospital, he found himself in the scenery he had seen more than once the abandonned amusement park then he heard "I'm sorry ,but looks like your brother has fallen in Coma"

Suddenly the barrier broke in front of him as the pieces fell down he suddenly realized that he was now stuck in his dream with no kind of protection and as to make matter worse he heard voice in his head say 

"Sweet dreams" and the voice started to laugh in the most evil tone known to man.

he tried to see where the voice came from but there was no one near him he continued to hear that laugh then the white ghouls started chasing him.

yo dear readers this is a new story i just came up with hope you enjoy it fell free to leave some feedbacks

RG_DARKcreators' thoughts
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