
Dare Dream

Sweet dreams, it has been long since I have felt the meaning of that word when I was 7 years old I suddenly started having the same nightmare over and over again until I got into an accident and fell into a coma now I am going through this dream hoping to find an exit or to meet my end

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: the chosen leader

As Liam walked in the dark corridor of the Exit tunnel way , with his resolve getting stronger thinking that at the end of this path ,he would finally be able to reach the end of this dream, As light came at the end of the tunnel he was filled with an newfound emotion perhaps hope which he never had but he found himself in a train station where there were a large numbers of people grouped together as if they were in a meeting "hey you... you must be new" Liam started to look around to see who called for him.

There was a tall guy who had incredibly muscular figure with a smile that looked like watching a sunset on a good day ,but Liam had comprehended that in this world, it was survival of the fittest and that information was the key to survival "are you perhaps talking to me" asked  Liam in a perplexed and confused manner " yeah, I'm talking to you"answered the guy

The key to survival is to make sure that everybody take you as an insignificant, weak-willed and weak-minded person "ah, sorry ,i forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jason Baek" said Jason in a confident manner , Liam perplexed by the confidence of the man , he politely answered " my name is Liam and right now I am currently confused...Would you mind explaining to me the current situation?" , "Let me catch you up"Jason excitedly answered 

Jason explained to Liam that each and every person has lived through the same circumstances as him, they all had the amusement park as their starting point and that there are more floor as you go up that's the reason why they are all staying here waiting, we need to build up a large number of manpower before deciding to go up " Now, that I have help you... Would you mind voting for me " ," it will be my pleasure" answered Liam

A makeshift voting booth stood in a corner of the station, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty. Here, survivors cast their votes, their voices echoing in the cavernous space. They were choosing a leader, someone to guide them through the darkness, someone to strategize and lead the fight against the unseen horrors lurking beyond.

Among the candidates stood Jason Baek, a man with a military background, his stature exuding strength and determination. He stepped forward, his voice steady amidst the murmurs of the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "I stand before you not just as a soldier, but as someone who understands the gravity of our situation. I have faced adversity on the battlefield, and I know what it takes to lead in times of crisis. We need someone who can make tough decisions, who can strategize effectively, and who can inspire us to stand together against our common enemy."

Baek paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, his words resonating with many.

"I offer you a vision of unity and strength. Together, we can overcome these challenges. But we need leadership that is not only strong but also compassionate, leadership that listens to the voices of the people."

He gestured towards the ballot box.

"Today, you have a choice. Choose wisely, for the fate of our survival rests in your hands."

As the voting commenced, Baek's words lingered in the air, his message of hope and resilience echoing through the station. For in times of crisis, it was not just strength of arms that mattered, but the strength of leadership and the unity of purpose. And in Jason Baek, many saw the embodiment of those ideals, a beacon of hope in the darkness , and so the new chosen Leader was Jason Baek everybody was contemplating there new leaders thinking they made the best decisions.

and Now we embark into a new journey

Voiddrkcreators' thoughts