
Dance to your heartbeat

He wasn't looking for love. Well he did once upon his teenage years but... kind of lost it because he didn't have what it takes to keep her around. Sad truth apparently. He didn't expect to meet a woman who has it all, seen it all and still wants him like oxygen to a life in amidst his nightmare. A woman who definitely knows what she wants and take it without a second thought. A blessing in disguise?. "Hey" She called him in a whisper in a dead silent room with just them two inside, naked under the covers, "How?" She asked breathlessly while tracing all the lines on his chest before kissing hardened nipple. "Huh?" The boy asked him with the same state but, the only difference was him being still in his after sex haze and currently turned on. That was the best sex he ever had in his life no offense to his ex. "How does one know if it's love?" She explained before continuing, "How do they know if it's true love to begin with?... How can one know that it's going to last forever? mmh?" Asked the girl expectantly searching for his eyes in the darkness. "Uh..?" The man found himself dumbfounded naturally, like who asks questions like that to a one nightstand?. You want more? Then, all you got to do is put me in your library and let's enjoy this story together ;)

General_Majesty · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 10_-_ Home

"Are you nervous?" Asked Sam in a whisper in the dim candle lighted room with rose petals everywhere. The atmosphere itself was romantic enough, perfect for what they were planning on doing spontaneously that day but, the problem was them.

At first Sophie was tensed after his question but, then she shook her head in reply before taking in a deep shaky breath while still in his arms, "Should I be?" She asked breathlessly.

"You don't feel confident like this... You're afraid. Is this your first one night stand?"

"It actually IS the first with someone I wish to impress so, a lot of pressure here"

"Not because I've pinned you down like this?"

"I like you trapping me down like this"

It was meant to be a joke but, it came out weak and pathetic. She was afraid. So afraid that it was starting to affect Sam big time.

Everything was going so perfectly well before they stumbled on the bed, tangled up with each other. He never learned body language but, he was starting to understand his gut on what it's been telling him all along.

"I'm nervous here too" Said Sam with a small laugh looking down at her, "You can always say your mind with me and I'll stop"

He didn't know if it'd help anything but, he was grateful to at least make her eyes shine with life once again.

"Are you kidding me?" Asked Sophie, irritated. Gaining the upper hand by turning them so she'd be the one embracing Sam.

"I never had a script for these things" Said Sam as a form of justification.

"Shut up and just kiss me" Said Sophie seriously before, she relaxed her arms, searching for his eyes, "Please"

"No" Refused Sam politely before, kissing her on her forehead tenderly.


"You told me that I should follow my instincts for your pleasure and mine. To let it come to me naturally... I... I don't think we are ready for this" Explained Sam as patiently as he could.

"But, I'm already wet!" Said Sophie pushing his hands between her open legs and yes, as she claimed. She really was wet. Maybe even wetter than anything he ever felt on his fingertips.

The heat was so tempting that he found himself pushing the cloth there aside a little to press his finger in there. Just one and even that was enough for him to react big time.

"Sophie..." Called out Sam cuddling her like she was his too too, his elephant doll that he had since childhood, "Thank you for coming into my life like a tornado"

"You don't even know how to compliment a woman. Was that even a compliment?" Asked Sophie turning to sleep on the other side of the bed. It was hard to say if she was mad, embarrassed, ashamed or just shy.

"As good as they come" Said Sam settling for spooning her from behind and kissing her nape before, biting her there to hear her moaning. His new favorite sound.

"You're weird" Whispered Sophie. Sam wasn't sure if it was gratefulness and relief that he detected in her tone but, it was something. It was a touching moment.

"Sleepy?" Asked Sam after some time when he felt her relax on his body at last.

"No, I'm just..." Trailed off Sophie to blow wind and still remain hesitant to what she wanted to say. "It's hard to say these things for me"

"Go on... I'll be here all night if you need this discussion going"

"Sammy" Called Sophie before she shook her head but, then she turned to look at Sam, "Do you think your mother and aunt likes me?"

"Of course they do! What's there not to like?"

"Even if I decide to come clean with them on what I used to do?"

"Used to?"

"I mean... we are dating now, aren't we?"

"I mean yes but, you do like being a stripper, right?"

"... and a p*rnstar" Replied Sophie with a sad smile, "It's a part of me and it's really important for me to love all of me"

"Do you sometimes wish you could erase it from history?"

"No" Said Sophie, gazing upto his face with a serious face, "There's nothing I would change that's mine now"

"Then why do you care about their opinions?"

"They are your family!"

"And what about my opinion?"

"We wouldn't be here if you had shown even the slightest hesitation or disgusted in being with me when you saw me top less in front of all those people that night"

"I didn't know you then"

"You do now and I'm still in your arms like this plus, I saw the look you were giving me while I was on that stage"

"What look?"

"Like you wanted me to possess you somehow. Dominate you. Make you mine in front of all those people"

"I still do" Whispered Sam hungrily, "But, just not today"


"Because, I've been a fool and inconsiderate to you" Expained Sam, "You're more than just your body so, I'm sorry I didn't insist on that more"

"I really want you though"

"I know but, not like that tonight and I understand"

"Then how are we ever going to date if you don't conduct this experiment?"

"Please don't term sex as an experiment. It's really heartbreaking"

"I still want to date you"

"Aren't we dating here?"

"You said you wanted to have sex to know if what you feel is more or just a body reaction"

"It's not" Said Sam kissing her on the lips. He didn't know where he found the confidence but, all he knew is that whatever he wanted to do was appreciated by Sophie and that was enough. "I like you"

"You're weird"

"I like you"

"What do you like about me?"

"I like the feeling you aroused in me" Replied Sam kissing her on her chin, neck, collar bone..., "You're perfect. Very strong, brave, smart, beautiful... You're my girlfriend"

"I'm your girlfriend"

"My empress, the star to my sky..." Whispered Sam stills kissing her every part he could. He was so gone that he didn't know anything else than Sophie's body and it's responses to him.

And just like that, he knew he was doing great by her. Whatever he was doing and however he was doing it. He was home. It was natural.

She made it feel like a blessing. She was the Goddess to that world.

Long time no see.

I'm sorry, I had one of those many author blocks.

Please, bear with me.

General Majesty @ur_service.

General_Majestycreators' thoughts