
Dance to your heartbeat

He wasn't looking for love. Well he did once upon his teenage years but... kind of lost it because he didn't have what it takes to keep her around. Sad truth apparently. He didn't expect to meet a woman who has it all, seen it all and still wants him like oxygen to a life in amidst his nightmare. A woman who definitely knows what she wants and take it without a second thought. A blessing in disguise?. "Hey" She called him in a whisper in a dead silent room with just them two inside, naked under the covers, "How?" She asked breathlessly while tracing all the lines on his chest before kissing hardened nipple. "Huh?" The boy asked him with the same state but, the only difference was him being still in his after sex haze and currently turned on. That was the best sex he ever had in his life no offense to his ex. "How does one know if it's love?" She explained before continuing, "How do they know if it's true love to begin with?... How can one know that it's going to last forever? mmh?" Asked the girl expectantly searching for his eyes in the darkness. "Uh..?" The man found himself dumbfounded naturally, like who asks questions like that to a one nightstand?. You want more? Then, all you got to do is put me in your library and let's enjoy this story together ;)

General_Majesty · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 9_-_ Just like home

"Hello guys"

Greeted Sophie nervously when she took the scene before her. Both women were visibly guarded, Sam noticed that.

"I brought a little something for everybody" Added Sophie before stepping fully into the place. Without Sam's direction she improvised on who was the mother and the always drunk auntie. It wasn't a hassle for her.

"You didn't have to, Sophie" Said Sam respecting her a whole lot more. He didn't knew that he could fall for her even more before that moment.

Truly there's nothing like enough love in human's brains.

"I knew that but, I couldn't bring myself to come in here empty handed" Replied Sophie shyly before she turned to the ladies to read their reactions on her gifts.

"Well, it's_Jesus!" Stunned Sarah looking inside her gift box with awe before turning to Sophie with adoration.

"Do you like it?" Asked Sophie curiously but, she was definitely proud of herself.

Before, Sarah could reply. Hazel had to come into the spotlight too "Wha_?" Uttered Hazel completely speechless, Making Sam nosy all the more.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked Sam curiously trying to peek inside his mother's gift box.

"Such a busybody!" Said Hazel to Sam, going to stand beside Sophie who slightly flinched due to her closeness assumed Sam, "How about you marry me, girl? I feel like you're my soulmate and for spoilers?, men are trash"

"But, she's my girlfriend, aunt Hazel!" Grumbled Sam with a pout, grabbing his Sophie, selfishly.

"That was before her soul spoke to me!" Insisted Hazel, pulling Sophie towards her.

"Hazel darling, hands off her and three steps away from her sweet Sam" Commanded Sarah and Hazel and Sam unconsciously obeyed, making way for Sarah to launch herself onto Sophie, knocking oxygen off her lungs in the process, "Oh, Thank you little darling for this precious present! I was like half a soul without it in my collection"

"What just happened?" Asked Sam confusedly since that was her always collected traditional mother on his Sophie. HIS!.

"Your mommy just took Sophie from you" Stage whispered Hazel before adding in a warning tone, "I'll be careful if I were you... She's bisexual anyway"

"What?" Startled Sam. That was news to him. Was that why she was so willing to break it off with his father so soon?. That got him thinking.

"Samuel? This time, you scored yourself a billion" Said Sarah patting Sam on his cheek playfully after coming down from the frozen Sophie, "I just hope that it's true that she makes you happy"

"She's fantastic" Said Sam without missing a beat, making his mother smile fondly at him.

"I can see that now" Said Sarah looking back at Sophie who gave her a smile in return.

"Now I'm jealous" Lamented Hazel sipping on her wine.

"So when, how did you two meet each other?" Asked Sarah leading Sophie to the table, gifts forgotten.

"I'm talking about all the novel like edits that you came up with when you first realized that he was the one" Pried Sarah excitedly.

"I...I..." Stuttered Sophie seriously taken off guard by Sarah's question.

"Mommy but we need to leave now" Came Sam's excuse that he was sure that if Sophie wanted an out, she got that.


"She didn't even eat anything on our table!"

"He was tranquility" Said Sophie spotting a blush on her face, looking down at her hands while biting her upper lip slightly.

"Huh?" Asked Sarah not really getting it, followed by Hazel's, "What was that?"

"You asked me how I felt the first time I lied my eyes on him" Explained Sophie slowly before gazing into Sam's confused baby eyes, "I felt peace from his presence... comfortable... Just like home"

"Wow" Said Sam feeling all tingling inside somehow. Was that how flirting works?. He was signed up.

"A home? Aren't you going overboard there, soulmate?" Came Hazel's wet blanket on Sophie who simply shook her head.

"I actually don't know how to lie" Said Sophie sincerely.

"She's a ten!" Announced Hazel with a toast in the air.

"Hardly" Replied Sophie with a smile.

"And humble too? Make that a hundred!" Said Hazel getting tipsy once again.

"Eat your fill, dear" Said Sarah fixing Sophie a plate, "I'm not obsessed with my son nor do I cling onto him, you know?"

"Sarah..." Warned Hazel holding his sister's gaze but, was ignored.

"He just has gone through so much and enough heartache to last him eternity at such a young age" Continued Sarah with a pain nostalgic look on her face obliviously to her that she was drowning Sam into his painful past.

Back when his family was just a picture perfect and his worst nightmare when shadows tends to disappear.

"Mommy" Called Sam. Not really knowing what to say if she decided to give him her time of day.

"He deserves the world. Are you sure you can go beyond your way to make him happy?" Asked Sarah seriously looking at Sophie.

"I can't guarantee that" Said Sophie thoughtfully before continuing, "But, I can tell you this... uh?"

"Sarah, my mother. Mother? Sophie"

"Gosh, us! Where are our manners?"

"Flushed down the toilet?"

"And that's my aunt Hazel"

"The fairytale queen"

"Ha. Ha. Ha! Very funny, Sarah"

"She's still trying to find her prince charming at her age"

"Age is nothing but, a number!"

"And how's your luck so far?"

"Lost it all in a second"

"She hooked up with her boss today and got fired tired coldly"

"He never told me he had a wife and five... six... nine children while others are still to come to light!" Cried Hazel pitifully, "I'm such a fool! I had all the signs there in front of me..." Trailed off Hazel before she fell asleep right there.

"That sucks" Said Sam feeling hurt for his auntie but, found himself with no way to help.

"You didn't know?" Asked Sophie, surprised.

"It just happened this morning even I got to find out through her drink buddy" Explained Sarah caressing Hazel's face gently but, one could see the hurt in there.

"It usually wears off in the morning" Said Sam as a way to comfort himself but, ended up surprising Sophie all the more, "This usually happens?!"

"But, today is different, babies" Said Sarah helping her sister to stand, "She loved both the man and the job"

"He told me we were going to be doing forever" Mumbled Hazel making her sister laugh.

"Then, let's just do his forever without him" Said Sarah indulgently, off they go up the stairs.

"We can do that" Mumbled Hazel, tipsy.

"Just like always" Replied her sister.

"Your family is..." Started Sophie when she was sure that she's out the ladies hearing range.

"Chaotic?" Supplied Sam.

"I was going to say loving but, okay" Said Sophie casually before holding Sam's hand. Squeezing his digits, "Now I know why I found you irresistible"


"Because, you have this... this, aura of a devil in a body of an angel. You're making me want to dive into hell with a smile"

"And are you willing to?"

"Gladly" Replied Sophie before pulling Sam to her for a kiss.

"Woah! Didn't want to see nor hear any ofthat but, my food..." Said Sarah pointing at her still full plate on the dining table.

"Oh, Sorry" Said Sophie embarrassed.

"No need... You may want to keep it down a bit. The walls in this house are never good for privacy" Advised Sarah in a stage whisper tone.

"Actually, we were going out" Said Sam as an afterthought.

"Then, bring her back in one piece" Said Sarah after a pose.

"I'm a gentleman. Of course I'll bring her back alright"

"Gentleman my sole!" Said Sarah moving up the stairs with an airy laugh.

"Are you really hungry?"

"Just me being greedy I think"

"Then, dig in since we have all night to ourselves" Said Sam playing with her hair while she started to eat with gusto.

Sorry for the late update, soldiers

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