
Dance to your heartbeat

He wasn't looking for love. Well he did once upon his teenage years but... kind of lost it because he didn't have what it takes to keep her around. Sad truth apparently. He didn't expect to meet a woman who has it all, seen it all and still wants him like oxygen to a life in amidst his nightmare. A woman who definitely knows what she wants and take it without a second thought. A blessing in disguise?. "Hey" She called him in a whisper in a dead silent room with just them two inside, naked under the covers, "How?" She asked breathlessly while tracing all the lines on his chest before kissing hardened nipple. "Huh?" The boy asked him with the same state but, the only difference was him being still in his after sex haze and currently turned on. That was the best sex he ever had in his life no offense to his ex. "How does one know if it's love?" She explained before continuing, "How do they know if it's true love to begin with?... How can one know that it's going to last forever? mmh?" Asked the girl expectantly searching for his eyes in the darkness. "Uh..?" The man found himself dumbfounded naturally, like who asks questions like that to a one nightstand?. You want more? Then, all you got to do is put me in your library and let's enjoy this story together ;)

General_Majesty · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter_-_ Negotiating.

The morning came and both of them were still so much glued to each other. Maybe it wasn't the sex that makes it unbearable to say goodbye to lovers after all. It was the comfort they bring to each other.

Sam felt so torn when it came morning and they eventually would have to go to the office.

"Morning lover boy" Greeted Sophie slightly blushing on the fact that she opened her eyes to a whipped look of Sam.

"Morning beautiful" Croaked Sam, kissing her all over her face. Dropping all the pretense of him not being obsessed with Sophie. He realized it just yesterday and he wanted to show it to her for as long as they remained a couple.

"Wow, what did I do to deserve the shower so early in the morning" Asked Sophie laughing aloud. Happy.

"Can we resign and just spend the rest of our lives like this?" Asked Sam after he deep breathed Sophie and hugged her so tight like he wanted to take her in him.

"No. I don't date broke boys. I'm no charity" Refused Sophie with no hesitation.

"Damn!" Cussed Sam going to kiss her chin and nibble it good.

"What's with you today?" Asked Sophie not really complaining. She was ecstatic on the contrary.

"I don't know but, I like it. You don't?" Replied Sam gazing at her.

"I do too, just insecure about my morning breath and appearance"

"You're perfect"

"You are"

"No, you're the perfect one here"

"I like you, Sammy" Said Sophie meaning every word before she kissed him on the lips gently again and again, "So much"

"I like you, Sophie" Said Sam breathlessly, "Like crazy"

"Your suggestion about resigning and freezing this moment, is it still valid"

"No, because now I want to show you off to all the people in my life"

"Egotistical much?"

"I rather you call it confidence for that's what I always feel when I'm around you"

"And billion points goes to Samuel the poet!" Announced Sophie before she clapped proudly and Sam bowed humbly making her cackle to no end.

They were like two grown babies with each other. He was free to Sophie, so free that he could do and try anything without feeling the need to think of a third party judging him.

And maybe that's what love is like. Maybe love is doing what you want and leave the rest to your partner.

Was it a give and take?. He didn't know that for sure, it just felt like sharing on some occassions and sometimes like whatever was Sophie's was his.

And just like that a month had gone by with their bubble still floating with little fragile hearts.

"Are you done with your schedule?"

"Not quite. I have an eight p.m class"

"Should I wait for you here?"

"No, I wouldn't feel okay with you waiting here"

"Why? I'd still be waiting for you back at home anyway. What's the difference?"

"Well, fine if you insist"

"And I strongly insist" Said Sam holding Sophie's hands, pulling her to him. He liked them like that. No space couple.

"I'm going to order our dinner while waiting, okay?" Informed Sam before kissing below Sophie's ear and felt her shudder beautifully "I don't feel like wasting time in the kitchen tonight"

"Oh really, baby boy... And what are we going to do instead?" Whispered Sophie with a thick tone. She was horny. They both knew that.

"You know the usual..." Said Sam casually with a shrug, "With you naked from heels up and me making you cry in pleasure"

"With what?"

"What do you suggest? I got a very long list in my to do list as you know"

"I could use some dick to rise me up the stars tonight"

"I could have that arranged"

"And maybe you can eat me up before my class? I'm kinda turned on at the moment"

"Honey, you're getting out of control" Chided Sam but, ended up separating her legs with his thigh in between grinding on her pussy rhythmically.

"What's control?" Asked Sophie breathlessly moaning with every friction. She was insatiable. She loves sex, especially those with no prior notice. She likes it all.

But, just when they were starting to lose themselves to their instincts Sam heard a door being open and a gasp from the doorway.

"I'm sorry! Sorry... I wanted to... Jeez, it's seriously fucking up my cool attitude..." Mumbled Allen with shock and shame written all over him.

"What is it, Allen?" Asked Sophie calmly since Sam turned to a stone already.

"Since Ray is back as you know. We were proposing to throw a party for you since you are our new member and all"

"Tonight?" Asked Sophie surprised and kind of hurt.

"Yeah, after your class" Said Allen

"Does it have to be tonight, though?" Asked Sophie with her hands tight on Sam's biceps.

"I think you should go with them" Said Sam tenderly.

"And where will you be?" Asked Sophie sharply.

"I have someplace I need to be tonight" Replied Sam, guilty.

"Come on, can't it get postponed?" Asked Sophie to Sam, pleading.

"It actually can't" Said the determined Sam.

"Then since I'm the star to this party, how about we do it tomorrow night instead? You kind of sprung it on me last minute to be fair" Said Sophie diplomatically.

"Sophie..." Called out Sam but, was ignored by her.

"Let me talk to the boys about it and see what comes up, yeah?" Said Allen awkwardly.

"That would be really helpful and appreciated" Replied Sophie before Allen left.

"What's wrong, Sammy?" Asked Sophie when they were alone once more.

"I hate it" Said Sam.

"What do you hate?"

"How they think that nobody got nothing better to do and their invitation should be treated like a lifeline"

"I thought it was okay" Said Sophie leaning more into Sam, "I think parties are a bore when they are prepared. They go with people's moods"

"I just hate it"

"Noted" Said Sophie licking Sam's neck, "Where were we?"

"Ordering dinner"


"Yes, I am"

"Are you sure?" Asked Sophie unzipping her sweater.

"What are you doing?"


"I like your approach on this agenda"

"And I like your participation more" Said Sophie turning on some sexy music playlist, "Are you ready for it?"

"I'm gonna be dead by the end of it for sure"

"That was the plan all along" Said Sophie before she started to swing her hips, moving to the sound of the beat with her eyes stuck on Sam intensely.

She knows how much it drives him to the edge and she likes him there. Hooked. Helpless. Hopeless. Hers.