

(MATURE CONTENT**) "Why did you do this?" ."Answer me!". Josh an easygoing guy who was immune to love because of how his father was being treated by his mother, decided not to fall for any woman . But, fate had his own cruel way of making him find love. "I don't care Josh no matter what I'm not like all women. I will still wait for you cos I love you ". Sabrina couldn't stop crying. Sabrina who fell in love with Josh after a crazy night in her car meeting him for the first time, couldn't stop loving him no matter how much red lights he showed about women. Will she succeed in breaking down the walls he had already built because of his past? Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "Why?"...... Find out how Josh will have his revenge on the woman who took his life from him. His father. A story about betrayal, and a quest to win your lover's heart

Agenyi_Rejoice · Urban
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


While Sabrina was still trying hard to concentrate, Josh had just rejected another female customer who came to hit on him again. While he was arranging the food stuffs, he received a call from Daniel.

"What is it Daniel?" "I am not meant to receive phone calls during my working hours." 

"We have caught your stalker Josh." Josh placed the last pack of vegetables on the shelf and leaned on the shelf. "Go on." 

"I thought you said....."

"Just shut up and continue." He looked through the aisle to see if anyone was seeing him. 

"Okay. We found out that he was sent by your mother to..."

"Don't call her my mother Daniel. Continue."

"Sorry. He was sent by Mabel to investigate whether you dad really sold the company because it went bankrupt, or if he transferred all the properties to you before his death."

Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "What does she want from me. Isn't killing Dad enough?" He left the goods he was arranging and went straight to Mrs Williams office. Sabrina noticed the anger on his face as she watched him walk quickly to Mrs Williams office. 

"Is he alright?" She looked at the door of the passage to Mrs Williams office that was slightly opened. " I hope is nothing serious."

As soon as he reached the door, he knocked softly. 

"Come in." Mrs Williams answered from inside. She smiled when she saw Josh. "Is there anything you want my dear?"

Josh massaged his nape, thinking of the lie he will give Mrs Williams to let him go today. "Ah yes. Daniel had an accident so he has been rushed to the hospital so...." 

Mrs Williams quickly got up from her seat her face with total worry. "Is he alright?" 

He immediately regretted this reason but he had to move on. He helped her sit back on her chair. "Is nothing serious is just his leg. So I was thinking if I can go to the hospital cos he has no family except me." 

"Sure. Go my dear." She escorted him out to the door. "If you need anything, just call me okay?"

"Yes ma'am." He quickly left the store. Sabrina was confused about everything and Mrs Williams saw her reaction. 

"His friend had an accident." Sabrina gasped in shock. "Is he alright?"

"Mrs Williams sighed. "That is what he is going to find out there." 

As soon as Josh was a few blocks away from the store, he sighted a black car which looked familiar and he knew it was Daniel's car. He went into the car and saw Daniel who was fast asleep.

"Really Daniel." He sighed and tapped him softly to wake up." 

Daniel woke up at yawned and stretched almost hitting Josh on the face.

Josh pushed his hand. "Dude let's go already."

Daniel scoffed. "You just came." He drove off immediately.

Daniel and Josh reached an old apartment. Daniel opened the door. Each of the furnitures was covered with big white clothes. It showed that this place has been abandoned. Josh inhaled the air of the house and closed his eyes, remembering the beautiful memories he and his dad had here. Josh went to a room. And stared at a huge painting of his father. He looked into the eyes of the painting. The painting had a retinal scan. The painting immediately moved showing a staircase leading underground. 

He and Josh went through the staircase which led to a huge base underground. Daniel led Josh to one of the rooms. He opened the door and Josh went inside.

He sat in front of the man whose face was facing the ground. Daniel pulled the man hair up which made him scream in pain. 

Josh smirked seeing the man in pain. He raised his hand to stop Daniel from still pulling his hair. He rested his back on the chair and crossed his legs. He pulled a cigarette pack from his pocket and a lighter. He inhaled the cigeratte and blew smoke into the air.

"Tell me who sent you." He waited for the man to answer him, but it looked like he was testing his patience. "Who sent you!?" He got up and punched the man right in the face. 

The man looked at Josh and started laughing like a mad man. His face was oozing out blood due to the heavy punch. "What will you do if I don't tell you huh?"

Josh stood straight and signalled Daniel who knew what to do. Daniel brought out a nutcracker from his pocket and grabbed the man's index finger and pressed it between the nutcracker.

"Ahhhhh! It hurts." He struggled to remove his hand. But Daniel was way stronger. " Okay I will talk. Lease it's painful." 

Josh signalled Daniel to stop. "Talk."

The man was still in pain but he managed to speak. "I have never seen the person who sent me. She only called me and gave me information about you, saying that if I manage to get everything you are doing right now, she will pay me well."

Josh glared at him. "Is that all you know?"


"How many people are working for her?"

"I don't know. I just happened to get this deal Mr.. ahhhh!!" Josh had already grabbed the nutcracker and placed it on his private part and squeezed it. 

"Attitude mister, attitude." He removed it from his groin and gave it back to Daniel. " Take him to the cell now." 

The man was dumbfounded. "I have told you all I know, let me go!" He struggled to remove the ropes from his body. Daniel untied the ropes and called some of the bodyguards to take him to the cell. 

" Let me go! I have told you all I know !" They pulled him out of the room as he was still screaming until his screams could not be heard anymore.

Josh sighed and kicked the chair that the man sat on. He sat on his chair looking weak. "Why me Daniel?" 

Daniel sighed and squatted in front of him, patting his lap. " Don't give up now bro. You have to avenge your father's death okay? She will never go scot-free okay?" 

"I despise her Daniel. What did my dad do? I miss him Daniel." He bursted into tears. "I miss him so much." 

Daniel's eyes were filled with tears as he hugged his best friend. " Be strong for him bro, so he will rest In peace." He patted Josh's back trying to stop him from crying. 

As they left the apartment, Daniel decided to take a long drive for Josh to calm himself down. "You okay bro?" 

"Yeah." He wined the glass down to receive  fresh air. The air swept his curly hair across his handsome face, as he was thinking of all the happy memories he spent with his father...

"Daddy! Daddy." Little Josh ran towards his father. Who was sitting on a bench in a park watching his son play with other children. 

"Daddy! See this butterfly. It's so beautiful."

His dad picked him up and made him sit on his lap. "Yes my son. It's beautiful like you." 

Josh looked at his dad with a confused look. "No daddy, girls are beautiful, boys are handsome." He pointed to himself which made his father laugh. "Yes my dear, you are really handsome." He pecked his son on the cheek.

"Eew daddy, gross." He frowned and cleaned his cheeks . 

His dad laughed at what his five year old son what doing. "Don't you want me to kiss you again." 

"No daddy, I am a big boy now don't kiss me." He pouted his lips. 

"Okay, i won't. I promise. But you will wish I kissed you everyday." He hugged his son tight.

"I love you daddy." He hugged his father tight. 

His father chuckled. "So you can be affectionate huh. I love you too son." He released the butterfly, as they both watched it spread it's beautiful wings and fly away...

' I wish you pecked me everyday dad. I wish.' He closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his face.