

(MATURE CONTENT**) "Why did you do this?" ."Answer me!". Josh an easygoing guy who was immune to love because of how his father was being treated by his mother, decided not to fall for any woman . But, fate had his own cruel way of making him find love. "I don't care Josh no matter what I'm not like all women. I will still wait for you cos I love you ". Sabrina couldn't stop crying. Sabrina who fell in love with Josh after a crazy night in her car meeting him for the first time, couldn't stop loving him no matter how much red lights he showed about women. Will she succeed in breaking down the walls he had already built because of his past? Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "Why?"...... Find out how Josh will have his revenge on the woman who took his life from him. His father. A story about betrayal, and a quest to win your lover's heart

Agenyi_Rejoice · Urban
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


As soon as Daniel dropped Josh home, Josh went to his room to rest, because today had been frustrating for him. He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't even hear his phone ring. The phone rang three times, before he realised it. He was reluctant to pick the call, until when he saw the caller before he got up from the bed.

"Hello ma'am."

"Yes my dear. How is Daniel?"

"Daniel?" He immediately remembered the lie he gave Mrs Williams. " Ohh, yes Daniel he is fine now. Only a few, umm drips, then he will be free to go home." 'Was that lie convincing enough? I'm sorry Mrs Williams.'

"Okay then. I will call you later."

" Yes ma'am." The call got disconnected, and he heaved a sigh of relief. "That was close." He decided to take a nap to cool of.



"Kyle!, Kyle!" Mabel yelled as she stormed into the house.

Kyle came out with no expression on his face like he was already used to her nagging. "What is it Mabel?" He left where they were standing to the sitting room.

She went to where he was standing. "Why is there no money in my account?"

"There is no money there, because you spent all of it Mabel."

She moved closer to him and blew the cigeratte she inhaled to his face. "Really?" She laughed and clapped her hands.

"As my husband, is it not your responsibility to send me money?!" She slapped him hard which made Kyle fall on the floor with blood, oozing out of his mouth.

She squatted In front of him and squeezed his neck almost strangling him. "Husband, before I reach my destination, I want to hear a 'ding' from my phone okay?" She pushed him hard which made him fall back on the floor flat.

She saw her son who was watching the whole situation his dad was in, with tears filled in his eyes. "Come here baby." She gestured for him to come, but the boy just stood still, still staring at her. She angrily stood up and left the house closing the door behind her with a bang.

Little Josh ran to his father and hugged him crying. "Daddy, mummy is so mean."

Kyle hugged his little boy. "There, there my boy." He patted his son's back, before getting up to sit on the couch. He placed his son on his laps.

"Don't worry my boy, mummy hit me because she was angry okay?" He pecked the little boy who was still crying.

"You know my boy, daddy loves mummy so much that is why I let her do this. When you love...." He stared at the little boy whose blue eyes were opened wide, with his small pink lips pouted who was staring at him. His cute face made the man burst into laughter.

"Why am telling you all these? When you are much older, I will tell you all these. He wiped the tear off his face, and carried his son to the kitchen.

"Do you want ice cream my boy?"

The little one started jumping in his father's arms. "Yay! Ice cream."

Kyle placed the little boy on the kitchen counter. "Be a good boy and wait here okay, I'll be back. He left him to go to the room to take a first aid kit, to treat the wound his wife inflicted on him.

Later in the night, Kyle was watching the television with little Josh in his arms who was fast asleep, when the entrance door suddenly opened. Mabel came into the house drunk, as she staggered to the living room. Kyle immediately stood up and took Josh to his room.

He tucked in Josh and kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

Kyle quietly left his son's room back to the living room where Mabel was on the couch muttering things to herself. He picked the TV remote from the table, and switched the TV off.

As he was going back inside, Mabel grabbed his hands from behind and turned him around making him face her. As soon as he faced her, she kissed him hard making Kyle breathless.

She released his lips and stared at him with her eyes full of lust and desire. Kyle gently pushed her at shoulder length. "Mabel, you are drunk. Please, go in and rest."

She placed her finger on his lips. "Shh, I want you now. It's been long honey." She wrapped her arms around his neck and crushed her lips on hers. Their tounges intertwined with him tasting the alcohol in her mouth.

Knowing she won't stop while they are in the living room, he carried her with her legs wrapping around his waist to the room.

As soon as they reached the room, their lips were still glued together, until, Kyle broke the kiss him panting. Mabel didn't let him go as her legs were still wrapped in his waist. He sat on the edge of the bed still panting.

"Mabel please, just sleep. You are drunk right now."

She moved her lower body on his groin and moaned. "I need you. Now". She pushed him to the bed with her above him and kissed him again. She moved from his lips to his ears and bit and sucked his earlobe. Kyle tried hard to resist. But, he didn't want to hurt her. So, allowed her do what she wanted.

She unbuttoned his pyjamas shirt and kissed his bare chest. She licked and sucked his nipples, which made Kyle gasp. "Mabel."

She removed the gown she was wearing. Leaving only her bra and panty on. She unhooked her bra revealing her small breasts, and her panty which was already wet due to her arouseness.

Kelvin gaped at the sight of the nakedness of the woman he loved. He couldn't control himself any longer and pinned her down on the bed, immediately removing his shirt and everything else. He sucked her breasts which made her moan loudly. He left her breasts and went down to her stomach, before reaching her sex.

"Ahh...oh Kyle." She moaned loudly when she felt him lick her there. They switched positions and she sat on him as she guided his shaft Into her.

The night was filled with moans and gasps of two people, who had serious issues in their marriage.

After their intimate session, Mabel fell asleep while hugging Kyle. He looked at her with tears filled in his eyes. "Why are you doing this to me Mabel? One time, you are affectionate. Then the next, you are...." He choked on his words because everything was to hard for him to handle. He sighed and later got up from the bed. He came back to the bed with a wet towel and wiped her body, before he took a bath and left the room to the balcony to take some fresh air.

He suddenly heard a sound from the kitchen and went to take a look.

He went to the kitchen to see little Josh trying to get water from the fridge. But his hands couldn't reach it. He saw a big hand take the water from the fridge and smiled when he saw it was his father. "Daddy." He grinned showing his few teeth.

Kyle poured the water in a small plastic cup and carried him to feed him the water. Little Josh drank the water with some of the water droplets dropping from the side of his mouth. Kyle used his thumb to clean his son's mouth, before taking him back to his room.

He usually slept with Josh in his room to avoid Mabel coming back home at night to lash out on him. He tucked in Josh before lying down next to him.

Josh raised his head up a little to look at his dad. "Daddy, is mummy still angry at you?."

Kyle looked at his cute innocent son. "No dear mummy is not angry anymore okay?"


"Now go to sleep so you won't be late to school tomorrow."

Josh snuggled in closer to inhale his father's scent. "Goodnight daddy."

"Goodnight dear." He slept with his son who still gave him the hope to live.