

(MATURE CONTENT**) "Why did you do this?" ."Answer me!". Josh an easygoing guy who was immune to love because of how his father was being treated by his mother, decided not to fall for any woman . But, fate had his own cruel way of making him find love. "I don't care Josh no matter what I'm not like all women. I will still wait for you cos I love you ". Sabrina couldn't stop crying. Sabrina who fell in love with Josh after a crazy night in her car meeting him for the first time, couldn't stop loving him no matter how much red lights he showed about women. Will she succeed in breaking down the walls he had already built because of his past? Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "Why?"...... Find out how Josh will have his revenge on the woman who took his life from him. His father. A story about betrayal, and a quest to win your lover's heart

Agenyi_Rejoice · Urban
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


As soon as they alighted from the bus. Sabrina didn't want Josh to leave. "Goodnight Josh." 

"Hey it's dark, lemme walk you home." "My house is not far from here." 

She was very happy. Her insides were screaming with joy. "Okay thanks." Her face turned crimson. 

"No problem." He smirked seeing her cute face. Thankfully for Sabrina, everywhere was dark so he couldn't see her red cheeks. 

Sabrina and Josh reached the front of her gate. Josh looked at the small cozy building. Which was painted in cream colour with a little garden at the side of the house. 'Her house is as cute as her'. He cleared his throat. "I will be leaving now okay?" 

"Yes, thanks for following me home." She went through her gate and looked back seeing him still standing. She waved at him. "Goodnight."

He waved back. "Goodnight." After she went inside, he walked home. "She looks really familiar, I just can't remember."

As soon as Sabrina closed the door, she stared squealing. "Is this real?" "I think I'm dreaming, I wonder why he doesn't like hanging around with girls." She gasped. "But he likes talking to me." She opened her eyes wide in her realisation. "Does that mean... " "No no no I'm thinking way ahead, he can't just like me like that, no". She went to her room and took a shower before collapsing on her bed, because she was really tired. She couldn't even eat cos sleep had already taken over.

As Josh arrived home, he was startled seeing Daniel watching the television and happily eating chocolate chip cookies . He tiptoed to where Daniel was cos the guy didn't even notice when he came in. He stood right behind Daniel and smacked his head behind.

"Ahhhh! Ghost! Ghost." Daniel jumped from the chair and immediately ran to the kitchen without looking back to get a knife. Josh just leaned on the couch watching his best friend's madness. 

As soon as Daniel ran out the check the 'ghost', he saw Josh staring at him with his lips pursed trying to stifle his laughter. 

"Josh?" "Were you the one that hit me?" He started massaging the back of his head.

"Nope, it's the ghost behind you look." 

"Ahhh!" Daniel screamed and went behind Josh holding his pants. Josh sighed and pushed him away and bursted into laughter. He forgot the reason why he smacked him.

"Bro, why did you hit me like that?" Josh immediately remembered the reason and stopped laughing. His face immediately became dark. Daniel gulped at the sight of Josh and started walking away slowly.

Josh looked at him and chuckled. "You're lucky that you silly attitude stops me from getting angry at you all the time." "That slap is for making me drink so much last night, and lying to me about we both getting a job at the store".

"Bro I suffered to get it." "And also why will I waste my time working there when I get better payment working for you. Duhh." 

"Okay then Daniel, you're fired." Josh left Daniel dumbfounded, his feet stucked to the ground. As Josh went to the kitchen, he heard a terrible sound of wailing. He smiled and went outside pulling a poker face. But inside, he was laughing loud.

Daniel knelt down in front of Josh. "Please forgive me bro, don't fire meeeeee huuuuu". He started wailing again. "My future wife and kids will depend on this job please." He fell dramatically. 

Josh was amazed at the silly way of his friend trying to beg him. "Leave me." "I was just joking".

In hearing this, Daniel immediately stood up and dried the fake tears from his eyes. He grabbed Josh's hand and kissed it multiple times.

Josh was disgusted by what he did and removed his hands and cleaned his hands on Daniel's shirt.

"Eew! Gross." "Are you crazy Daniel?". He looked at him with amusement wondering how he ever got to know him.

Daniel noticing this giggled. "Bro, you are stuck with me for life okay?" He picked his coat from the couch and readied himself to leave. "Im going bro, see you tomorrow." He blew a kiss to Josh, who immediately shoved it off his face.

"Silly Goat." He sighed and went to his room.

After having his bath, he laid as he was also exhausted, cos he has never done something this difficult before. He stared at the ceiling still trying to remember where he had seen Sabrina before. "She looks sooo familiar." After a long time he drifted to sleep.

The next day as Sabrina was already leaving her house to go to work, she saw Josh who was already walking down from the other street close to hers. "Should I call him?" She decided not to before she starts behaving weird. She quickly turned and started walking ahead for him not to notice her but unfortunately, Josh already did.

"Hey, Sabrina!"

"Oh no." She looked back and saw him smiling, walking up to her. "Good morning Josh."

"Good morning miss." He bowed like a complete gentleman.

Sabrina chuckled seeing what he did. "Do you have to be formal this early morning?"

"You are a gentle lady, so I decided to be a gentle man to." He placed his hand on his chest and the other one folding it behind his waist acting like a fancy guy.

Sabrina stared at him with her eyes full of love and longing. "So, how are you seeing the job?" "Is it stressful?"

"Nope it's not." "Mrs Williams is very nice and you're cool too, I have a friend now apart from Daniel."

"Who is it?" She asked feeling sad that he considered Mrs Williams as a friend instead of her.

He looked at her and ruffled her hair. "It's you duhh."

She was screaming inside with joy. 'i am his OMG!! I am his friend.' "Really?" "I am too good." She patted her back proudly.

He laughed seeing what she did. "Yeah you're good I just don't know why I'm comfortable around you." He sighed. "You know how I was cold to girls in school." "If had met you then, maybe I would have known you for a long time." 

Sabrina smiled. ' You knew me and even touched me that night'. She just wanted to say it to him. But she knew she couldn't. At least, not yet.

"At least you know me now." She smiled until her eyes turned crescents.

"Why are you so cute?" He ruffled her hair again.

"Ah stop." "I took time to look this pretty." She arranged her bangs he scattered.

"Okay, sorry." He chuckled at her answer.

Sabrina was very happy with the way she was going with Josh. They spoke to each other about a lot of things until they reached the store.

Mrs Williams saw them coming together and smiled. They saw her looking at them smiling.

"Why is she smiling." Sabrina was confused.

"Maybe she won a lottery?" Josh said also looking confused.

As soon as they opened the door, Mrs Williams greeted them. "Good morning both of you."

"Good morning ma'am." They both greeted her back in unison.

"I am glad that my workers are getting to know each other." "It will bring peace and harmony in the work place." 

Sabrina and Josh looked at each other and smiled. Josh turned to look at Mrs Williams. "Don't worry ma'am, cos there will always be peace and harmony we promise." 

"Yes ma'am." Sabrina assured Mrs Williams.  

After they talked for a while, Mrs Williams went back to her office. Josh went to arrange the foodstuffs at the back, and as usual, some ladies were hitting on him. Sabrina found it hard to work because, she couldn't keep her mind off the women that always go to meet him, trying to touch him which he always tries to avoid.

'Concentrate Sabrina.' She shook her head. But she just couldn't. "ugrh!" "Concentrate, concentrate." She picked up a magazine and started going through it.