

(MATURE CONTENT**) "Why did you do this?" ."Answer me!". Josh an easygoing guy who was immune to love because of how his father was being treated by his mother, decided not to fall for any woman . But, fate had his own cruel way of making him find love. "I don't care Josh no matter what I'm not like all women. I will still wait for you cos I love you ". Sabrina couldn't stop crying. Sabrina who fell in love with Josh after a crazy night in her car meeting him for the first time, couldn't stop loving him no matter how much red lights he showed about women. Will she succeed in breaking down the walls he had already built because of his past? Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "Why?"...... Find out how Josh will have his revenge on the woman who took his life from him. His father. A story about betrayal, and a quest to win your lover's heart

Agenyi_Rejoice · Urban
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


Mabel woke up in the morning with a huge headache. She suddenly felt irritated and ran to the bathroom to vomit. "I drank to stupor again." She quickly cleaned herself and got ready for another day of wasting her life. 

She reached downstairs and saw Kyle getting ready to take little Josh to school. As Josh saw Mabel, he hid behind his father's leg. Kyle turned to look at Josh behind him. He sighed and carried his son up.

"I need the key Kyle." She stretched out her hand forward, to collect the key. 

Kyle looked at her from head to toe. "You see your son." 

"Yes. So?" 

"I want to use that car to take him to school, and go to my work place Mabel." He left the living room and went outside. 

Mabel gritted her teeth in anger. She followed him outside and grabbed him from behind to face her.

"So fucking what." 

Kyle became angry. "Language Mabel!" He turned and started going to the car.

Mabel was furious. "Ohh language huh?" She ran back inside and came back outside with a sledge hammer. 

Kyle seeing this moved away from the car protecting his son as Mabel ran to the car and broke the windshield, and the windows of the car.

"Mabel! Why did you do this!?" Little Josh started crying as he became scared of his mother the more. 

"If I can't drive the car. No one else will!!" She threw the sledgehammer on the floor and left the house.

"Daddy I am scared." Josh cried out as he hugged his father. 

He patted his son's back. "No my boy. Don't be. You always tell daddy that you are a strong boy right?" He wiped the tears off the boy's face. He took a taxi to his son's school. Then later to his office.

Later in the evening, Josh was watching cartoon in the living room. Kyle went to the bedroom to place a call. 


"Hello boss." Jack replied from the other line.

"I want to change my will."

"Okay boss. Tell me the details." 

"I want all my properties to belong to Josh. And he will take over once he is 20 years old." 

"Sir if I may ask." 

"Go on." 

"What of your wife?"

"Why do you think I am still married to her?"

Jack didn't understand what Kyle was saying. "I don't get you sir." 

"I won't divorce her because, if I do. Half of my hard earned money will go to her. And I don't want that. I want my son to own everything I have because he is my life." 

Jack pitied his boss because he knew what was going on in his boss's life. "Yes sir you're right. I understand." 

After taking to his lawyer for a while. He cut the call and went to back to the living room to see Mabel squatting in front of Josh who was obviously scared of her. 

"Why are you scared of mummy my boy?" She pulled him closer to her. But Josh tried to force his way out of her grip.

"You are scary mummy." He cried.

Mabel was shocked at what her son thought of her. She looked at Kyle who had been standing watching everything. "What have you been telling my son Kyle?"

Kyle sighed. "You caused this Mabel. Look at your attitude Mabel. He is not blind to see how you behave." 

She released Josh and went to Kyle. " How I behave?" She laughed hysterically. "You made me like this Kyle." 

Kyle was confused. "Wait, how did I....."

"Shut up!! Shut up." She pulled him by the collar  and pushed him to the floor with her straddling him. 

"Where is all the money you promised to shower me with huh?" She gave him a sounding slap. "You told me you love me. Where is all the money you had?"

"Mabel, you can hit me all you want. I had issues with my company. So, I am almost going bankrupt." 

She became furious and started beating him. "I hate you Kyle. Bastard. Why do you think I married you?" 

Kyle held her hands cos of the shock due to what he heard. "What do you mean Mabel?" He was already bleeding.

"Yes you fool. I married you because of all that money and now it's all gone." 

Kyle shut his eyes close as the pain he felt right then was unbearable. "So all was for money?" He already found out the reason. But he wasn't ready to accept it. He hoped he was wrong.

She got up from his body and kicked him before leaving the house. 

Josh who was crying went to his father. He knelt before him and touched his father's face. "Sorry daddy." He used his little hands to touch the wounds on his father's face. "Daddy needs first aid." 

Kyle chuckled. "My baby boy is now a grown man huh." He hugged his son. "My boy. You know why I don't fight mummy back?" 

Josh faced his father. "Because you love mummy." 

"Yes my boy, and also. It's not good to hit a woman. I was always taught that, once you hit a woman, that day, you cease to be a man." 

Josh listened carefully to what his dad was telling him.

"So my boy, whatever you do, don't hit a woman okay? Your mum may hit me. But is not all women that are like this." He lapped his little boy. "I pray and hope that you will find a woman who will love you and treat you right. Amen." He remembered what Mabel just to him and bursted into tears. He hugged his son tight. "Daddy loves you son." 

Josh patted his father's back. "Let it all out daddy." 

He cried for a long time.

It's been two weeks since Mabel was home. Kyle was playing games with his son in the living room. The door was suddenly banged open.

"Kyle! Kyle." She went to the living room. 

Kyle ignored her and took Josh to his room. "Son whatever happens, don't come outside okay?"

"Okay daddy." 

Kyle left the room and closed the door to go back to the living room.


Mabel looked at him. "I need money." 

He sat on the couch. "There is no money anymore." 

Mabel was dumbfounded. "What do you mean there is no money." 

Kyle already became furious. "Enough! I am sick and tired of your nonsense. You married me because of money and now it's gone. Just leave me and my son in peace."

Josh was resisting the urge to come out cos he didn't want his mother to hurt his dad. 

"I don't care Kyle I need money." She pulled his collar and slapped him hard. 

Kyle pushed her that she almost fell. "Don't you dare hit me ever!. I am done with your rubbish Mabel." 

Mabel was shocked at her husband's anger. She had never seen him like this before. This made her furious. "You pushed me!"

Kyle laughed. "Just imagine what I can do to you. But I won't. I will never hit a woman no matter how despicable she can be!" 

"Ohh, that was a mistake Kyle." She ran into the kitchen.

Kyle immediately ran to his son's room and closed the door. He brought out his phone to call his best friend Smith. He knelt in front of Josh who was already trembling in fear. "Don't worry. Everything will be alri....ugh!"

"Daddy!!!" Josh screamed as his dad splurted out blood. 

Mabel already barged in with a knife and stabbed Kyle's neck from behind. Realising what she had done. She ran away from the house. 

Kyle fell on the floor as he held Josh who was crying. " Don't cry my boy." He handed the phone to Josh. "Talk to your uncle okay? Tell him to come and take you away from here..ugh!"

"Daddy what about you. Daddy?" He shook his father who suddenly stopped moving. "Daddy!!! Daddy!" Little Josh screamed. "Daddy please don't leave me." As soon as the call got connected, he spoke to the man on the other line. "Daddy is not moving. He said you should come get me from here." 

Smith on hearing this panicked and left his house immediately.

He arrived at the house. "Kyle!" He searched everywhere, until he reached Josh's room. He saw his best friend lying in a pool of blood with Josh staring at his body.

Josh saw Smith who was in shock. "Mummy placed the knife here." He pointed at Kyle's neck. "And ran away." 

Smith ran to him and hugged him as he was crying. "I'm sorry son. I should have come here on time." He wept bitterly at the way hi best friend was brutally murdered by his own wife.

Josh didn't know what to do. He started screaming. "Daddy please don't leave me. Ahhhhhhhhh!" He immediately fainted. 

Smith panicked and took him to the hospital. He had already called the police to the house.

While in the hospital, the doctor came out and Smith ran to him. "How is he?" 

"Well he is in a state of shock and is very bad for a little child like him. What happened?" 

Smith stared down at the floor. "His father was murdered." 

The doctor gasped in shock. "That is terrible. But don't worry, we will take care of him." 

"Thank you doctor." The doctor left Smith who started crying again. His best friend was brutally murdered by that witch. "I won't let you go Mabel."

Smith was allowed to visit Josh in the ward who was fast asleep. He sat next to the bed. "I will bring your father's killer to justice my dear. I promise."