

(MATURE CONTENT**) "Why did you do this?" ."Answer me!". Josh an easygoing guy who was immune to love because of how his father was being treated by his mother, decided not to fall for any woman . But, fate had his own cruel way of making him find love. "I don't care Josh no matter what I'm not like all women. I will still wait for you cos I love you ". Sabrina couldn't stop crying. Sabrina who fell in love with Josh after a crazy night in her car meeting him for the first time, couldn't stop loving him no matter how much red lights he showed about women. Will she succeed in breaking down the walls he had already built because of his past? Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "Why?"...... Find out how Josh will have his revenge on the woman who took his life from him. His father. A story about betrayal, and a quest to win your lover's heart

Agenyi_Rejoice · Urban
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


Sabrina came out from Mrs. Williams office and looked at Josh again. "How can I even focus with him here." She sighed and went back to her seat.

After Josh was done with arranging everything in the shelf, he decided to take a break. He saw Sabrina lost in her thoughts and decided to talk to her since he was bored.

"Hey." He waved across her face cos she looked lost.

Sabrina came out of her thoughts seeing Josh. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest as she saw him smile. "H-hey." She smiled back.

"You look lost."

"Oh yeah, just thinking of college days." She immediately regretted what she said.

"Oh okay." "Well you look familiar a lot so I'm not surprised that we were in the same school."

'Does he remember what happened that night?.' She began to tremble. "Yes we were in the same class."

"Oh yeah." "You were the one that gave that presentation that only you and I passed fully."

"Yes." She knew that her cheeks were red already and she was already feeling embarrassed.

Josh stared at her before talking. "So, how did you start working here?"

'He wants to know about me.' Just the sudden thought of it made her happy within. "Well, my dad was the owner of a mattress company, so we were quite rich." Business was always abundant until when daddy had issues regarding the company as someone sold our company secrets of making quality mattress to our rivals, and the cost was less expensive than ours." "So, people stopped buying from our company." "Dad fell into depression after taking a lot of loans because he couldn't pay back, they siezed his properties." "He died out of depression unfortunately." She sighed.

Josh felt sorry for what happened happened to her. "What about your mum?"

"Mum died when she gave birth to me." She felt sad remembering everything that happened. "Now, I have to survive alone."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." He looked at her with affection.

"Ahh, no no, is all in the past." She smiled trying to look okay. Her heart was in chaos cos Josh was just smiling and looking at her. "Are you done with arranging everything?"

"Yeah, just wanna take a break." Sabrina decided to ask him also.

"What about you?" Josh didn't know what to answer with.

"Umm, I helped myself through school and help from a friend, then I decided to take a job here ta-da." He spread his arms wide which made Sabrina laugh.

"We both are trying to survive. Fighting!" She raised her fists up showing determination. Which made Josh laugh. They talked for a while until they both had to resume what they were doing because a customer just came in.

The customer approached Sabrina with a smile. " Hey, please I am looking for the kitchen utensils section."

'She looks nice.' Sabrina thought. "Yes ma'am, you go straight and turn to your left." She pointed towards the direction to the lady.

"Okay thanks." She left to the section.

As Josh was arranging the things on the second shelf, the lady looked stunned at the earthly god right in front of her. "Wow." She said aloud which caught Josh's attention.

"Is there anything you need ma'am?" He looked at her confused wondering why she exclaimed like that.

"I came to look for utensils, but I never thought I will find something better." She licked her lips as she looked at him from head to toe.

Josh was already irritated by the woman because he knew what she was thinking about. " Ma'am, we have good utensils. Buy anyone. It will come in handy and it lasts longer than any other one. He tried to act dumb to what she was doing.

"I'm not talking about that silly, it's you." She came closer to him. "I like you handsome."

Josh clenched his fists in anger before he calmed himself down. "I don't like women."

The woman was dumbfounded. She felt sad. "Wow, I guess I lost you." "You to handsome to be gay you know."

Josh was surprised with what she thought of him. ' I don't like both'. But he decided she could think that way. " If you will excuse me." He left to go to the aisles.

Josh and Sabrina were done for the day so, Mrs Williams allowed them to go. As Sabrina was walking, Josh ran up to her.

"Hey! Sabrina wait." He ran to her panting. "Where do you live?"

Sabrina was speechless. 'He wants to walk with me?'. "I live four streets away from here, I will just enter a bus to the next bustop." "My house is nearer there then, I will just walk it."

"Ohh, same here."

"Really?" She could remember that she has never seen him around the area.

"Yes." " Just moved in there recently like last week."

"Ohh okay."

He looked at her and smiled at her cuteness. "I guess we will be walking home together now then."

She stopped walking and looked at him. Noticing her stop, he looked back and went to meet her. "What's wrong?" "You don't have to....".

"No!" She yelled which startled Josh. "Is just that I'm surprised."

Josh chuckled. "Suprised about what?"

" You know back in college, you weren't like friendly to girls." " People even thought you were gay..". She immediately shut he mouth regretting what she said . But she didn't expect him to laugh.

"You so funny you know." "I don't like hanging around girls cos I don't trust them."

She looked at him confused. "Why?"

"Well cos...." He paused. "I will tell you when the right time comes okay?"

"Okay". "So what about me?" She looked at him like a child expecting candy.

Josh chuckled. "You different I know you are not bad." "Just today a customer was hitting on me."

"Wait, what?" He started telling her about what happened that day while they were walking home.