

PREFACE He pushed her against the wall, holding her firm and steady. The tension between them was becoming so unbearable. She hates this guy standing in front of her but she can't deny how much she wants him inside of her. She was dripping wet for him. She can feel her p**sy painfully throbbing for his touch, kisses, and d**k. He leaned his face closer to hers, their lips almost touching. The closeness between them intensifies their s*xual needs. She could feel his er*ction rubbing against her. “You want this as much as I do, Foxy. Why playing hard to get?” His breath fanned her face, sending shivers down her spine. “We are enemies.” She said, trying to remind herself and knock some senses into her but that didn't work. The tension didn't die down as she'd expected. He smirked, kissing her neck. Her eyes momentarily went shut and her breathing picked up to an unusual rhythm. “Wanna play a game, Foxy?” He asked, moving his lips away from her neck and looking deeply into her eyes. She furrowed her brows, least expecting those words. “Game? What are you on about?” “We both can't deny the s*xual attraction we feel for each other. You want me as much as I want you. So how about we play the game of dares?” He raised a questioning brow at her. “You are sick.” She attempted to push him away but he held her firm and groped her a*s to which she released a soft moan, biting her bottom lip. He wasn't wrong when he said she wanted him. Her body was in desperate need of his d**k and touch but her heart and soul wants him dead. “Are you scared of falling in love with me if I f**k you?” He said, teasingly. “In your dreams.” She spoke. “So what's stopping you now, Foxy?” He whispered softly into her ears, gripping her a*s tight and peppering hot kisses over her neck and shoulder blade. She couldn't think straight with his hands exploring her body. She was f**king wet for him. “Come on, say yes to the game. It will just be between you and I.” He paused. “So tell me, are you in?” She hesitated before saying, “As much as I want you to f**k me, I still won't hesitate to kill you after we take care of that bastard.” “The feeling is mutual,” “Fine. I'm in.” He ran the tip of his tongue over her earlobes and she shivered, inhaling a deep breath. “Good choice. Now, I dare you to open your legs, I want to f**k you against this door.” It was a dangerous game but both were willing to risk it!

Temmy_Ebony · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


{ S*x and Hate... }


By, Dammrare




"Let's forget about our hate for each other and f**k this f**kers up."

"Let's do that." She smirked.


Harry took off his suit jacket and tossed it aside on the floor before unbuttoning the cufflinks of the white long-sleeve shirt he was wearing and rolling up the sleeves to his elbows.

While Scarlett on the other hand, put her black hair up into a high ponytail and rubbed off the red lipstick on her lips.

She was ready to have some fun and spill blood. This f**kers made Justus escape, she's going to f**king unleash her wrath on them.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked beside her.

Scarlett clutched the knife she was holding tightly and answered in a very cold voice.

"I was born ready."

They started running towards the men at the same time, the men were running towards them.

Both met each other halfway and the fight began.

Twelve of them were gripping straight batons while four of them were in possession of guns.

Harry drew his gun out of the waistband of his trousers and shot at two men with guns in one go.

Another one with a gun fired at Harry but he dodged it immediately and shot the pr*ck's hand.

The man yelped in agony, the gun dropping from his grasp. Harry took the opportunity to fire a shot through the man's head, blowing his brains up.


Scarlett on the other hand was handling the men with batons, displaying her amazing combat skills.

One of them threw a punch at her to which she ducked and his fist connected on his colleague's face that was standing behind Scarlett before.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry." The man apologized to his colleague, a little bit distracted.

Scarlett saw his distraction as an opportunity and took it as an advantage. She brushed the f**ker off his feet and thrust her knife into his chest, five times, killing him instantly.

The other one who was mending his bleeding nose didn't notice what just happened until Scarlett dived her blood-stained knife into his right eye.

"Ahh!" He screamed in pain and staggered back, cupping his now bleeding eyes as he cried in anguish.

"Coward," Scarlett scoffed, slitting his throat and he dropped dead on the ground.


Two more men advanced towards her, raising their batons up in the air in an attempt to hit her but she was quick enough to dodge to the side and knock one of them to the floor while she slash the right cheek of the other.

The one who had fallen to the ground stood up to his feet and tried his luck once again to strike her but seems like luck wasn't on his side as he missed his target for the second time.

In a swift motion, Scarlett climbed up to his shoulder, wrapped her legs around his neck, and flipped him over.

He forcefully fell to the cold ground with his back, and a deep groan of agony escaped his lips.

Scarlett wasted no time to straddle him and started punching him repeatedly in his face, watching him bleed from his nose and lips.

She didn't stop hitting him until she heard a gunshot and a body plopped down beside her.

It was the dead body of the man she had slashed his right cheek with her knife earlier ago.

She frowned, turning around to find Harry staring at her with a satisfied smirk on his face.

Her greatest enemy just saved her. Should she be grateful? Nah.

"You're welcome, Love!" He said at the top of his lungs.

"Don't f**king call me that, stupid. And I never thanked you!" She glared back at the bastard she was punching and grabbed the knife that lay beside her and stabbed him by the side of his neck before getting off his body.

Blood gushed out of the open wound by the side of his neck and he gradually stopped breathing.


"Don't be an ungrateful b*tch, Foxy." He smirked, kicking the stomach of the man who tried to whack him with a damn baton.

"I never asked for your help." She told him, giving one of the men an uppercut.

"Argh..." He grunted with his mouth a little bit. Scarlett quickly grabbed a baton from the ground and shoved it into the man's mouth and then stabbed him thrice in his forehead.

He dropped dead on the floor.

"Of course, what was I even expecting from a bitch like you?" Harry retorted, firing a shot at the d*ck of the man who tried to whack him.

"Holy f**k." The man screamed and fell to the ground, cupping his d**k.

"That hurts like a bitch, right?" Harry asked him.

He frantically nodded his head, crying uncontrollably.

"That's good because my intention was to hurt you," Harry replied and fired a shot at the right eye of the man and his chest.

The man died instantly.


"Just so you know," Harry began, yanking the hair of another man. "you owe me your life."

"Don't worry, I will repay you one way or another."

She threw her knife at one of the men advancing towards her and being the amazing targeter that she was, the knife plunged into the forehead of the man and he hit the cold ground, dead.

"By dying, right?" Harry raised a questioning brow, snapping the neck of the man whose hair he have been yanking.

The man died as well.

Another one of the men was running towards Scarlett, she quickly took off one of her shoes, and just as he got closer, she thrust the heel of the shoe inside his eyes, leaving it (shoe) stuck there.

"Arrrrrgh!" The man screamed, staggering back as he tried to pull the heel out of his eye.

Harry shot the brains of the man from behind and he dropped dead on the floor.

Scarlett threw a glare at Harry.

"What the f**k? He was my damn prey. I was going to kill him." She hissed.

"You were taking time on finishing him off." He replied, shooting three other men at once.


"I can take as much time as I want. You don't f**king have the right to kill my prey, you bastard!" She growled.

Harry rolled his eyes, ruffling his hair.

"You are so... annoying." He muttered.

"And you are what, huh?" She glared hard at him.

"Don't f**king try me, Foxy. You owe me your life, remember?" He snarled, matching her glare.

"I swear I f**king hate you." She bellowed.

"The feeling is mutual, Love." He winked.

She groaned, taking off her other shoe and throwing it at Harry.

Harry didn't move away, the shoe flew past him and a few seconds later, he heard a grunt behind him.

He turned around and found the last man out of the sixteen men, dropping to the ground with Scarlett's heel stuck in the bridge of his nose.

He was going to stab him but his worst enemy just saved his life.

Scarlett walked the distance to the man, who was lying on the ground, breathing slowly.

She collected the knife he was going to use on Harry and slit his throat. He finally stopped breathing.

"I have three things to tell you..." She turned her gaze to Harry. "First, don't f**king call me your love. I won't warn you again. Second, You're welcome. And lastly," She loosened her hair and run her fingers through it. "I don't owe you anymore."



A range rover car rolled to a stop in a large field. There was a private jet already waiting for Justus.

He quickly jumped out of his car along with Rafferty and they both rushed to the jet.

"You are_" The pilot and flight attendant began but got rudely interrupted.

"F**king get inside and let's get the hell out of here!" Justus snapped, clambering the stairs and going inside while Rafferty, the flight attendant, and the pilot trailed after him.

A few minutes later, the jet took off.


Justus released a deep breath of relief, leaning back to the cool cushion.

Rafferty approached his boss and sat down opposite him.

"I feel so relieved," Justus smirked. "I can't believe I almost lost my life out there."

"I would have protected you with my life, boss." Rafferty said.

"And what happens when you lose your life?" He raised a questioning brow, watching him closely.

"I'm sorry. That was thoughtless of me to say." He apologized, slightly bowing his head. "My life is worth nothing compared to yours."

Justus simply rolled his eyes, not saying anything to his consigliere for a few moments.

"Do you think they are going to survive it? I mean, they are outnumbered by our men." He mumbled.

Rafferty let out a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders. "I really don't know what we should expect, boss. But we all know that those two underbosses are strong, skillful, and smart. I won't be surprised if they end up killing the sixteen men."

"F**k. Gina and Luke are so useless. They couldn't even handle a simple job!" He snarled, balling his fist.

"Calm down, boss. We still have the upper hand, remember? The Italian and Russian Empires won't know what hit them when next we strike. And don't forget that we are not in this alone."

"You're right. It took me a lot of courage to embark on this mission. The two Empires must be destroyed. That's my biggest goal."

"It will be."

Justus's phone chimed, signifying a new text message.

He picked it up from the vacant spot beside him and read the text silently.










Justus dropped his phone back down and glanced at Rafferty who has been watching him quietly while he chatted.

"Tell the pilot to take us to Cuba." He said.

The consigliere bowed, rising to his feet.

"Yes, boss."



"I miss you so much, Mom." Jesse pouted.

"I miss you more, honey." Mrs. Maynard replied. "I'm sorry for leaving for that long."

"It's alright. What matters is that you are back and well." Jesse smiled, placing her head on her mother's shoulder and closing her eyes. "It feels so good to have you this close, Mother."

"Same here, baby girl."

The door flung open and Mr. Maynard came into view.

He had an angry look on his face.

Jesse snapped her eyes open and frowned when she saw her father.

"Dad, it won't hurt to knock." She rolled her eyes.

Mr. Maynard ignored his daughter completely, focusing on her mother instead.

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

"Hi, honey. Long time no_"

"What are you doing here!?" He snapped, making Jesse a little bit startled.

"Father, what's going on? Why are you being harsh on my Mother?" She asked.

Mr. Maynard released a breath, trying to calm himself down.

"Calm down, Baron." Mrs. Maynard informed, standing up from the bed. "Let's talk outside."

"No, wait," Jesse interrupted, looking between her parents. "Why can't you converse here? Why do you need to go outside to talk?"

"My love," Mrs. Maynard cupped her daughter's face and smiled. "Go to bed, okay? We will see tomorrow morning."

"Are you sure you won't leave again?"

"I promise not to leave." She dropped a tender kiss on Jesse's forehead and left the bedroom alongside Mr. Maynard."


"What are you doing here?" Maynard asked as soon as they entered the master's bedroom. A room he once shared with his beloved wife.

"I know you are mad at me, and yes, you have every right to be but you have to listen to me." She said pleadingly.

"Listen to you?" He scoffed. "Do you think you can leave our lives and return to it as you f**king please?"


"The world doesn't revolve around you, Ellen." He stated.

She nodded her head in agreement, tears trailing down her face.

"I know. I was greedy, selfish, and_"

"Wicked." He cuts her off.

Ellen has been married to Baron Maynard for years. She wasn't just his wife but his everything until she disappeared, two years after birthing Jesse.

She disappeared without even saying goodbyes or stating her reason for the departure.

She just left without leaving a trace.

Baron looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her. As for Harry, he learned to live his life without a mother's love.

However, neither Harry nor Baron told Jesse about what her mother did. They only told her that she (Ellen) went to her hometown to take care of some business.

"I accept but can you please listen to what I have to say? I'm begging you."

"You left without a reason. So what makes you think that I want to listen to your reasons now? Who even let you into my house!"


"Don't f**king call my name. In fact, leave my house. Get out." He roared angrily.

"Please listen_"

"I SAID LEAVE!" He barked, shooting daggers at her. "Harry should not return home and meet you here because trust me, you won't like what he will do to you if he does."

Ellen swallowed nothing and released a soft shaky breath.

"But I promised Jesse that I wasn't going to leave. I don't want to break my promise to my daughter."

"Can you hear yourself talk at all?" Maynard asked. "You made a vow to always stand by me at the altar, remember? But what did you do? You left me. You left our children. My children. You are an expert in breaking promises so don't act like a damn saint now. Get out of my residence or else, you will regret it."



Scarlett strolled into the house, looking like a complete mess. Her hair was let loose to her back, she was wearing no shoes and there was dirt over her body.

Mateo approached her.

"You are back," He smiled.

She didn't return his smile instead she scowled at him. "Where is my Father?"

"In his office with Gunner." He answered.

"Okay." She started walking away when Mateo asked her a question.

"Are you going to see the boss like that? Shouldn't you have your bath first?"

"What I have to tell him can't wait." She responded, rounding a corner and leaving Mateo behind.


"We will get the shipment ready, boss." Gunner stated.

Osvaldo nodded his head, signing some documents. "Yeah, you should. After all, you are the one in charge of the shipments and I trust you to do a good job."

Gunner bowed slightly. "I will never disappoint or fail you, boss."

"I know you won't."

There was a knock on the door.

Osvaldo finished signing the documents and handed them over to Gunner.

"Do a good job."

"I will." Gunner bowed once again and walked to the door before he could open it, someone did from the other side.

As soon as his eyes met Scarlett, a deep frown clouded his face.

"Are you alright? You look like a mess right now." He said.

"Yeah, I know." She mumbled. "I need to speak with Father first."

"Oh, sure. When you finished talking to the boss, meet me at the gym, okay?"

She forced a smile to her face and nodded her head. "Sure."

Gunner stepped out of her way and she entered the office while he strode outside and closed the door, giving both Father and daughter some privacy.

"Oh, my sweet child, you've returned." He eyed her from head to toe. "You look..."

"Like a mess." She completed her father's sentence, rolling her eyes. "I know and Gunner already pointed that out."

"You should have had your bath first before coming here. You don't need to rush yourself to tell me the good news."

Scarlett bites her lower lip, sitting down on the chair she has pulled out for herself.

"Well, I haven't come with good news." She stated, confusing Osvaldo.

"What do you mean?" He asked, raising a questioning brow at her.

She hesitated before answering, "Justus escaped."



By the time Harry returned home, his mother was already gone.

He walked the distance to his Father's office and knocked softly on the door.

"Yes?" Maynard responded from inside. "Come in."

Harry pushed the door open and walked in, shoving his hands inside his pants pocket.

His father eyed him from head to toe, raising a questioning brow.

"Does it take you to look like this just to kill that bastard?" He asked.

Harry drew a chair out and sat down, ruffling his hair.


"How did it go? I'm sure you killed him. I trust you to do a good job. F**k, I've been waiting for that good news since I left the party and_"

"I didn't kill him." Harry cut in.


"I lost him."

"You lost him?" Maynard repeated. "How? This doesn't make any sense, you haven't missed any assigned mission. Well, aside from killing the Italian mafia underboss." He paused. "How did he escape from you, Harry?"

Harry explained everything to his father, only omitting the part where he saved Scarlett and when she saved him in return.

Maynard listened attentively until Harry was done with the explanation.

"This is f**ked up. Why is the Italian Mafia after him as well?"

"It could only be one reason..."

Maynard narrowed his eyes.

"Which is?"

Harry hesitated for a few seconds before saying,

"Justus Augustine might be the one who threatened the Italian Empire. Don't forget we got the same threat message with them."
