

PREFACE He pushed her against the wall, holding her firm and steady. The tension between them was becoming so unbearable. She hates this guy standing in front of her but she can't deny how much she wants him inside of her. She was dripping wet for him. She can feel her p**sy painfully throbbing for his touch, kisses, and d**k. He leaned his face closer to hers, their lips almost touching. The closeness between them intensifies their s*xual needs. She could feel his er*ction rubbing against her. “You want this as much as I do, Foxy. Why playing hard to get?” His breath fanned her face, sending shivers down her spine. “We are enemies.” She said, trying to remind herself and knock some senses into her but that didn't work. The tension didn't die down as she'd expected. He smirked, kissing her neck. Her eyes momentarily went shut and her breathing picked up to an unusual rhythm. “Wanna play a game, Foxy?” He asked, moving his lips away from her neck and looking deeply into her eyes. She furrowed her brows, least expecting those words. “Game? What are you on about?” “We both can't deny the s*xual attraction we feel for each other. You want me as much as I want you. So how about we play the game of dares?” He raised a questioning brow at her. “You are sick.” She attempted to push him away but he held her firm and groped her a*s to which she released a soft moan, biting her bottom lip. He wasn't wrong when he said she wanted him. Her body was in desperate need of his d**k and touch but her heart and soul wants him dead. “Are you scared of falling in love with me if I f**k you?” He said, teasingly. “In your dreams.” She spoke. “So what's stopping you now, Foxy?” He whispered softly into her ears, gripping her a*s tight and peppering hot kisses over her neck and shoulder blade. She couldn't think straight with his hands exploring her body. She was f**king wet for him. “Come on, say yes to the game. It will just be between you and I.” He paused. “So tell me, are you in?” She hesitated before saying, “As much as I want you to f**k me, I still won't hesitate to kill you after we take care of that bastard.” “The feeling is mutual,” “Fine. I'm in.” He ran the tip of his tongue over her earlobes and she shivered, inhaling a deep breath. “Good choice. Now, I dare you to open your legs, I want to f**k you against this door.” It was a dangerous game but both were willing to risk it!

Temmy_Ebony · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


{ S*x and Hate... }


By, Dammrare





"This is f**ked up. Why is the Italian Mafia after him as well?"

"It could only be one reason..."

Maynard narrowed his eyes.

"Which is?"

Harry hesitated for a few seconds before saying,

"Justus Augustine might be the one who threatened the Italian Empire."


"How is that even possible? Why would he dare threaten us and the Italian Mafia? Has he no fear?" Baron snarled.

"You know, it is the only logical reason why Foxy was chasing after him as well." He stated.

His father frowned. "Foxy? Is that what you call her now? Isn't her name Scarlett?"

"It is but I choose to call her Foxy."


"She has the personality of a fox." He simply answered.

"Whoa. I didn't know you knew a lot about her personality, son. Tell me, is it out of hatred? Or something more?"

"Wait a minute, what are you thinking, Father?"

Baron shrugged his shoulders as he shook his head quietly. "Nothing. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore. Is it the fact that you lost Justus and now, our property and empire are at risk? Or the fact that you know a lot about the personality of our sworn enemy? Or the fact that your mother came by the house today? Which one of them should I think about and be worried about?"

Harry's face dropped immediately after he heard the last sentence of his father.

Did he hear him correctly? Or was he beginning to hear things?

Let's say it was the latter, there is no way he would have imagined hearing that.

"Who did you say came by the house today?" He asked in a low voice, breathing heavily in anger.

"Out of everything I said, was that the only thing you could pick out?" Baron scoffed.

"First of all, simply because I nicknamed that bitch Foxy doesn't mean I know 'a lot' about her personality. In fact, I don't bloody care about her or what she does with her life. Aside from thinking of ways to end her f**king life, I don't worry about her at all. She is the least of my worry. And yes, I nicknamed her Foxy because of the hatred I have for her and not because of any negative thoughts you have in mind." Harry's patience was growing thin. He was gradually losing his sense of reasoning as his blood boil to a hundred degrees. "Secondly, I will find Justus in every part of the world even if it means going to hell to look for him, I will. I assure you this, I will protect the empire and our property. Now back to your last statement," He paused, trying to calm his nerves down so he wouldn't explode. "Who did you say came by the house today?"

Baron hesitated for a few minutes before answering the question that loomed in the air.

"Your mother."

Suddenly, the door opened and Jesse strolled inside, looking around the office as if looking for something... Or rather someone.

"My love, what are you doing here?" Baron asked, looking up at his beautiful daughter.

"Where is my Mother?" She asked.

Harry held his breath, balling his fist angrily to the point of his knuckles turning white but he just didn't care.

"Why are you looking for her?" Baron asked, giving his son the 'calm down. Don't do anything stupid in front of your sister' look.

"I can't seem to find her anywhere in the house. Where is she?" Jesse asked.

"Well, you see..."

"You kicked her out of the house, didn't you?" Jesse accused her father, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say as she glared hard at him.

"No, I..."

"Why are you not sleeping?" Harry cuts in, turning his gaze to her.

"Because I was waiting for Mother to return to my room so I can sleep in her arms." She answered.

"You've been sleeping comfortably on your own, haven't you?" He groaned.

"Harry," Baron called out warningly.

Jesse was a little bit confused. She glanced between her father and brother, wondering why Harry was acting this way. He didn't even show any sign of excitement when she told him that their mother has returned home after all these years.

"I missed mom and_"

"Go to bed, Jesse." He cut her off, coldly.

"Harry, stop talking to your sister like that." Baron warned.

"Why should I go to bed? What is wrong with you? Why are you not excited that Mother returned home? Haven't you missed her?" She questioned.

"We. Have. No. Mother." Harry growled, rising to his feet and standing in front of her. "You don't want to see my other side, Jesse. Go to bed right now."


"GO TO BED." He roared, scaring the shit out of her.

Never had she ever seen her brother in this kind of a sore mood. And never has he spoken to her like this.

Jesse slowly turned around, still looking confused, and then stepped out of the office.

"Harry, what is your problem? You shouldn't have spoken to her like that. Jesse doesn't know the truth of what your mother did."

"Why did you not tell her? I tried to tell her the truth but you forbid me from doing so, why?"

"Jesse is fragile and vulnerable. How do you think she will react if she finds out the truth that her mother left her when she was barely two years old?"

Harry stayed quiet.

"I know you are still hurt about what your mother_"

"She is not my mother. I don't have a mother. I begged her to stay but she refused..."

Memories started flooding back.


Ellen descended the stairs, dragging her luggage with her as she headed for the front door.

Seven years old Harry ran after her, holding her luggage back so she wouldn't leave.

He was crying profusely.

"Mummy, please don't leave us."

"Let go of my bag, Harry." She said coldly, pulling his tiny hand away from her suitcase.

Baron stood by the foot of the stairs, carrying their one year and 3 months daughter. She was soundly asleep in his arms.

He didn't say a word to stop his wife from leaving. He just quietly watched the scene between her and their son.

"Mummy, don't leave us. Don't leave me."

"I have to go, Harry. Trust me, you will do fine without me." She said, touching the doorknob.

Harry wiped off his tears and stood straight as he said his next words. "If you step out of that door, don't ever come back because I swear I will kick you out myself if you do."

Ellen watched him quietly for a few minutes and then moved her gaze to her husband and daughter.

She let out a deep sigh and said, "Live a healthy life, son. Be happy without me and take good care of yourself and sister so that when I return to both of your lives, you will be able to kick me out and give me a reason to fight hard to be a part of you and your sister's life again. And also know this, I love you and Jesse so much and I wish the both of you every happiness of life." With that said, she stepped out of the house, shutting the door behind her and at the same time, shutting herself away from her family.


"Who even let her into the house?" Harry asked after a moment of silence.

"When I came back home from the party, I found her in Jesse's bedroom. So I guess the guards let her in."

"How can they be so careless to let a stranger into the house? I am definitely going to punish every one of them." He stormed out of the office.

"Harry... Harry!" Baron called out but there was no response. "F**k, what am I going to do with this boy?"



Scarlett already told her father everything that happened during the chase and he listened attentively without making any comment. Yet.

By the time she was done, he let out a soft sigh, massaging his temple.

If confusion was a person, it would have been him.

Why did the Russian Empire chase after Justus? What was their connection with him?

He glanced up at his daughter and she was likewise staring at him, waiting patiently for his next words.

After a moment, he asked, "Why was Harry after him?"

"I wish I knew." She answered.

"He didn't tell you anything?"

She shook her head as a no. "Ni, he didn't. And honestly, I didn't bother to ask him any questions. His reasons for chasing Justus us none of my damn business. Why do you ask?"

"I am trying to solve the puzzle here, Scarlett. It makes no sense why the Russian Empire will try to kill Justus. I've never heard about any clash between both parties." He said.

"There must be a reason. I mean, take us for instance, we had no issue with Justus and yet he sent an assassin to eliminate me."

"That's it!" Osvaldo said. "You just cracked the puzzle, child."

She frowned. "How do you mean?"

"Do you remember that the Russian Empire was sent a threat message and then they confronted us, thinking we sent it?"

"Yes, I do." She nodded her head. "Hold on a sec, you don't think Justus sent the threat message to them as well."

"Actually, I do."

"What? That makes no sense. Why would he f**king start a fight he knows he can't finish? Nobody has ever dared challenge our empire or that of the Russians talk more of challenging us together at the same time. He definitely wants a death wish."

"Something must have encouraged him to challenge us." Osvaldo stated.

"Something?" Scarlett scoffed. "Or you mean someone? I don't know why I have this feeling that someone helped him escape."

"Why do you think that?"

"Everything happened so fast during the chase. One minute Harry and I were chasing after him and the next minute, there is a truck in our way, preventing us from going any further. And when we crossed over to the other side, he wasn't there anymore but instead, there were sixteen men ready to fight us. There is no way he made all of the plans himself. Someone helped him and whoever did know about our plan."

"F**k. I have never been this confused all my life. What the hell am I missing here?" He groaned.

"Don't worry, Father. I will handle the situation."


"Justus might have gone into hiding and covered his trace so that it would be hard for us to find him. However, one thing is certain..."

Osvaldo raised a questioning brow.

"And that is?"

"He is somewhere across the world. No matter where he runs to, he won't be able to hide from my wrath, Father. Trust me to take charge of this case." She told him.

"Hmm. You're right and I trust you, child. But you need to know that the family and our property are at stake here. We can't be too reckless or stupid. And if he truly has a helping hand, it would only make things difficult and complicated for us. We have to be extra careful."

"I know, Father. "


Scarlett walked the distance to the gym and when she walked in she saw Gunner punching a punching bag.

She stepped further into the room and leaned against a wall, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched him.

"You are finally here," He said, not looking away or taking a pause from inflicting damage on the poor punching bag.

"Yup." She answered, popping the letter p.

"I almost thought you'd forgotten that you are supposed to meet me up here."

"I have a retentive memory, Gunner. And thank you for thinking so low of me." She rolled her eyes.

"Saying it that way makes me look like the bad guy." He pointed out as he eventually stopped punching and turned to look at her. "You still haven't had your bath."

"I'm just leaving my father's office." She defended, grabbing a bottle of water from a stand not far from her reach and throwing it to Gunner which he caught with ease. "Why did you ask me to come here? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Gunner took a sip of water and it out a breath of refreshment and relieved.

"I wanted to know how everything went. Did you catch the pr*ck?" He asked, taking another gulp of water.

"Nope." She answered.

A frown appeared on Gunner's face as soon as she replied to his question.

"No?" He repeated just to be sure he heard her correctly the first time.

"No." She concurred. "He escaped. Surprisingly."

"How? That's so unlike you, Scarlett. You never fail a mission. What happened?"

"Well, everything happened so fast. Not an excuse but it is my reason." She said.

"This is bad news." He mumbled.

"Yeah, it is. But don't worry, I will handle the situation. Justus can run as fast as he wants or far away from home but believe me, I will make him come to me."

"How will you do that?"

She smirked. "Do you know what to do to draw an ant to your den?"

Gunner shook his head as a no, collecting a white face towel from the towel rack and dabbing his sweaty face with it.

"You lure them with something sweet. Just as if you want to lure a vampire, you use blood. Everyone has a weakness and believe me, I will find Justus's weakness and use it against him."

"I love the plan. Always come to me if you need anything, dear. I am ready to help."

"I will keep that in mind." She pushed herself off the wall. "I should go to bed now."

"Yeah, it's already late. But hey, don't forget to have your bath first. You stink!"

Scarlett rolled her eyes, walking towards the door. "Thanks a lot for the honesty. And be glad you are one of my favorites, if not, I would have blown your brains right now."

Gunner chuckled.

Scarlett left the gym, leaving him behind.

As soon as she went out of sight, he pulled his phone out of the shorts he was wearing and scrolled through it.



"You need to apologize to Jesse," Hugo said, giving him a condescending look.

Harry stayed quiet, glancing down at the glass of water in his grasp.

"You really hurt her feelings, you know." He added.

"I know. I was just pissed off and_"

"And foolish." Hugo snapped. "Why are you and Hudson so fond of this behavior? Whenever you do something bad, you blame it on your emotions. Have you forgotten the saying; Anger comes first before regret? Your emotions are no excuse for hurting your baby sis feelings."

"Why are you scolding me so hard, Hugo? She is my sister, remember? And I already feel so bad for how I treated her last night. I was harsh on her and I regret my actions."

"Then apologize to her."

"I tried to but," He shook his head calmly. "She is refusing to see me."

"Of course." Hugo huffed.

Harry took a sip of water and dropped the glass on the kitchen counter, letting out a deep sigh.

"I hated the fact that she was getting too attached to that woman. I mean, she barely knows this woman and she is already wishing to sleep in her arms. It's crazy."

"The woman is her mother. A woman she has been wishing to meet. What do you expect her reaction to be before?"


"You didn't tell Jesse the truth, remember?"

"Father wouldn't let me. And it's driving me insane. Frankly, I didn't say anything because I thought that woman would have a little bit of respect for herself and not come back into our lives. I even thought she was dead."

"Are you going to tell Jesse the truth now?" Hugo asked.

Harry slowly shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"I don't know. I can't do anything with my Father's permission and you know it."

"Yeah... when it comes to Jesse, the boss is always careful with her. She is his little princess after all."

"Can you help me talk to her? I'm sure she will listen to you. She always listens to you. I really need to speak to her and apologize for my rude behavior last night." Harry said, pleadingly.

"Well, I will try but I'm not promising you anything."

"Just try."

Hudson stepped inside the kitchen and glance at Hugo.

"Are you the one taking Jesse to school?" He asked.


"Well, she is already waiting for you outside." He informed.

"Oh. Okay. I will see you both later!" He dashed out of the kitchen afterward.

Hudson moved his gaze to Harry and raised a brow at him.

"Are you going to still keep those guards locked up in the dungeon for letting your mother into the house?"

"She is not my mother," Harry said through gritted teeth. "And yes, they will remain locked up for three days without food or water so that next time they will think twice before letting a complete stranger into the house."



Justus hung up the call and dropped his phone on the table.

He has just finished speaking to his partner-in-crime.

Rafferty approached him with a glass of whiskey and dropped it on the table in front of him.

"Boss, I will like to ask you a question if you don't mind." He said.

Justus looked up at him.

"Speak. I'm listening."

"Do you trust him?" Rafferty asked after a moment of silence.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't?"

"I don't know but if he is able to betray them, why do you think he won't betray you either?"

"Because we both want the same thing, Rafferty. We both want the Italian and Russian Empire destroyed."


