

(THIS IS MTL I.E MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL) (FROM MTLNOVEL) (AUTHOR:qingsi looking back,日常系美剧) [ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: Traveling through the world of American dramas, in order to avoid premature death, embark on the path of an ordinary doctor. Along the way. Existing The Big Bang Theory Group of Seven, Friends of the Six Group, and the Five Group of Xun Ma Ji as friends, There are also Interns Grey, Dr. House, and good doctors. There is also the disappearing lover, fruit hard candy, and the horror of Ulenka. Daily life is not ordinary, and American drama life is endless.] [MY SYNOPSIS: NOVEL IS IN MULTICOMPLEX WORLD CONTAINING AMERICAN TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. SOME OF THEM ARE BIG BANG THEORY FREINDS YOUNG SHELDON HOUSE M.D GREY’S ANATOMY AND SOME OTHER THILLERS MOVIES {NOT HORROR LIKE GHOSTS}. SO BASICALLY THIS NOVEL IS ABOUT OUR PROTAGONIST WHOSE LIFESPAN IS SHORT BUT HE CAN GET MORE LIFESPAN BY HELPING OTHERS GOOD KARMA SO HE DECIDES TO BECOME A DOCTOR TO LIVE HIS SYSTEM : BASICALLY GETS ATTRIBUTES FROM HIS FRIENDS SUCH AS INTELLIGENCE OR STRENGTH ETC .] (NOT MY NOVEL IT IS FROM MTLNOVEL)

binnu99 · TV
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113 Chs

Daily American Drama Chapter 23: Enemy of 1 Life

The summer vacation passed quickly.

   Adam, who started in second gear, successfully passed the driver's license. The level of driving really made the old driver Emmet stunned.

  Drifting on the corners and overtaking in the drains, Emmet couldn't even think of it, but he was supernaturally played by Adam.

   Every time Emmet asked about the skills, Adam smiled, and when he was anxious, he used 'talent and appearance' as a prevarication.

   Talent, Emmet can understand, but there is a relationship between car skills and appearance?

   Fortunately, Emmet just talked about it. With his sincere personality, he really asked him to practice this kind of driving skills. How dare he.

   The new semester has begun.

   Adam, they are already 10 years old in high school.

   Because of the credit system, although the four members of the Hard Candies are all classmates, the number of classes together has been decreasing.

   Emmet was naturally the worst. He failed a few times and had not enough credits, so he could only make up for it.

   Adam and Juno are working step by step.

Little Shelton was urged by all the teachers, and even the principal took the initiative to contact a private high school with free tuition and scholarships for him. However, because he was too young, he couldn't make the trip, but in the end he couldn't stand the stupidity of the high school. Zhou Rang's grandmother sent her to the best public university in the state to attend classes with those college students.

   It didn't take long. The college students in the entire lecture hall were both marveling at little Sheldon's genius and annoying him.

   Especially when the test papers were handed out in class, when Little Shelton looked at their test papers and shook his head and sighed, almost everyone, like the teachers in the county high school, had the heart to kill the child.

   Fortunately, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

   "What's wrong, Sheldon, are you unhappy?"

   During lunch, Adam asked little Sheldon listlessly while poking the food but not eating.


Little Sheldon first denied it, then saw that Adam and the three of them all looked over and curled their lips: "Well, there are some strange emotions that I don't know how to express. My grandmother said I was jealous, but I don't think so. ."


   Adam's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Have you met... someone smarter than you?"

   The first thing he thought of was the genius girl Peggy, who he had been waiting for.

   Adam believed that as long as he became friends with her, that wisdom point would definitely rise again.

"How can it be!"

   Little Sheldon's voice became sharp: "Although she looks smart, she is definitely not as smart as I am!"

"she was?"

   Juno also came interested.

   "Tell us!"

  Emmett is also excited, because he also sees that little Sheldon's emotions are not right, and thinks of the jealousy little Sheldon's grandmother said, and he has indescribable excitement.

   Don't blame him for being unjust, it's really what little Sheldon's usual gestures and gestures inadvertently reveal, full of 'stupid people on earth' and 'you are just talking orangutans', which is too annoying.

   Now I suddenly heard that someone may slap Little Sheldon in terms of IQ. Naturally, there is something unhappy about Little Sheldon. Say it to make everyone happy.

   "She's Peggy Adler."

   Little Shelton was helpless, so she frowned and said, "Like me, I'm also attending classes at the university."

"How old is she?"

   Juno said the key.


   Little Sheldon suddenly didn't want to talk anymore, and the unique high-definition image memory involuntarily presented the panoramic scene of the first meeting with Peggy.

   That day, as soon as he entered the lecture hall, he saw a little girl sitting in his seat, which made him very upset, but he still reluctantly said hello.

"Hello there."

"Hello there."

   The little blond girl was digging out a book from her pink schoolbag. Hearing the sound, she raised her head and smiled, and told little Sheldon her name, Peggy Adler.

   "You look so young?"

   Little Sheldon was surprised: "Which adult in your class brought you?"


   Peggy smiled and said: "It was Dr. John Sturgis who listened to my lecture on quantum chromodynamics at high temperatures, and then invited me to attend his class."

   "That's it."

   Little Sheldon looked a little ugly.


   Peggy stared at little Sheldon, smiled sweeter when he saw it, and added: "He is so good to me!"


Little Sheldon only felt that Peggy was too annoying, and couldn't help it anymore, and said with a cold face: "First make it clear that Dr. Sturgis is my mentor and my grandmother's boyfriend. He is still here. My family had spaghetti with hot dog bites."

   Dr. John Sturgis, there are too many similarities with Shelton.

   If Sheldon does not meet Leonard, a godsend roommate in the future, 99% will become another Dr. Sturgis.

   Seventy old pure Yang, living in scientific research, knows nothing about human relationships, is alone, has no friends, and not surprisingly, there are mental illnesses.

Little Sheldon's grandmother is an old lady with good looks. She is very popular among the elderly. Because she sent Little Sheldon to attend the class and met with Dr. John Sturgis, the two happened unexpectedly. spark.

   It is not the client who is most excited about this, but Little Sheldon, because he thinks this is the best choice to improve the overall IQ of the family members, all kinds of initiatives, and a posture of wishing to marry his grandma to John immediately.

   Now that a little girl suddenly popped up and came to **** John's attention from him, it's strange that Little Sheldon didn't go crazy.


   Peggy chuckled.

   Little Sheldon became even more angry, and said unceremoniously: "Do you know this is a very advanced course? We will talk about deriving nuclear physics from the quark model..."

   Peggy interrupted with a smile, "Do you know if he can teach ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to do eight-color gluon operations with matrix multiplication?"

   Little Sheldon opened his mouth, his momentum suddenly stagnated: "I don't know."

   "Then do you know how to make Leibniz's integral law?"

   Peggy asked.

   Little Sheldon's face was ugly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he reluctantly said, "I don't know."

   Peggy sneered and said, "Then what do you know?"

   Little Sheldon was almost crying, and said angrily: "I know you have taken my seat!"


   Little Sheldon sat down angrily, not wanting to care about the annoying girl next to him, but the girl was very interested in him.

"How old are you?"

   Little Sheldon finally found confidence, proudly said: "Ten years old."

   "I am ten years old too."

   Peggy smiled happily: "Your birthday?"

   "February 26."

   Little Sheldon replied subconsciously.

   "I am March 17."

   Peggy looked back at the lecture hall and smiled happily: "I am the youngest student in the class, so interesting."

   Little Sheldon can only roll his eyes to look at her, that is, his current blacklist has not yet formed, otherwise Peggy will definitely be at the top of the list and become his lifelong enemy.

   "I hate her!"

   After finishing the story, Little Sheldon made a summary.


   Emmet couldn't help laughing wildly.

   Little Shelton obviously doesn't know a word: People you hate often have their own shadows.

   Adam and Juno couldn't help but look at each other, Adam's smile suddenly stagnated, a strange flash in his eyes, but they remembered the news...