
Daemon king

.10 years ago seemingly out of nowhere mysterious space ships red and black in color appeared in the atmosphere controlling them where unknown creatures, 2.3 meters tall on average these new creatures called “daemons” have superhuman strength, speed, and human level intelligence their long arms and legs and with a body covered in red bullet proof scales and massive claws is what makes them so dangerous, hence the name daemon, So in this new world all militaries across the world joined together to fend off this threat, so to fend off this threat several monks and technicians joined to make whats called a power chip, that allows people to control certain elements, and with the power chips they might stand a chance.

Dkw · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Accepting his fate, ace closed his eyes, ready to perish, any way of escape he could think of was thrown out the window neither he nor his friends could do anything… BAM his ears started ringing, he was on the floor, all he could see was smoke, he didn't know if he was alive, until he felt someone tap him on the back, "ace we`ve got to go!", mark said with a serious tone, he got up as fast as he can and started running, as far as he can, not knowing where they were going, they looked back to see the daemon fighting with a human dressed up in a military uniform , it looked like the man was winning, which eased them a bit.

After a while of running, they found a small empty shop to hide in, "what the hell happened back there" ace asked mark, "that daem, monst, thing was about to stab you with its claws, I thought you were dead it seemed like an eternity when It was attacking you, when that military guy punched it with a big explosion" mark explained, "he must`ve had an explosion ability chip or something like that" he added

As mark explained what happened, all that ace could think of was his mother, where was she? Is she ok? Is she even alive? "I am going to my house" ace suddenly said, "no way, you`d die out there" mark pleaded "I don't care I have to find my mom" "but" "I won`t listen, if you wanna come with me, great, if you don't, I understand," ace cut off mark while grabbing his bag and heading towards the door, "ace, meet me at the military bunker, I wish you luck" mark said as ace was walking out the door, ace just gave him a nod and started running towards his house