
Daemon king

.10 years ago seemingly out of nowhere mysterious space ships red and black in color appeared in the atmosphere controlling them where unknown creatures, 2.3 meters tall on average these new creatures called “daemons” have superhuman strength, speed, and human level intelligence their long arms and legs and with a body covered in red bullet proof scales and massive claws is what makes them so dangerous, hence the name daemon, So in this new world all militaries across the world joined together to fend off this threat, so to fend off this threat several monks and technicians joined to make whats called a power chip, that allows people to control certain elements, and with the power chips they might stand a chance.

Dkw · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Red claws could be seen breaking through the door, panic started consuming ace`s minds and the only thing he could think of was ESCAPE! But his body just couldn't move, looking down he could see half the students lying on the bus ceiling which was now the floor, unknown if they where dead or just passed out, frozen with fear ace`s body finally moved, him and his fellow classmate mark had finally managed to break a window, mark who was the same age as ace, he was a bit shorter than ace, he wore thick glasses and had blonde hair that was almost red now deu to the blood, it was unclear if thhe blood was his or not, but they didn't care as they saw the horrifying site of the daemon that had no wings draining the life energy out of their classmates, their classmates getting more wrinkles and white hair while their life energy was being stolen from them, while the daemon was distracted, a new student manage to escape, he did not have a ability, he was small in size his straight black hair was now all fuzzed up and cut dew to him trying to escape from the broken glass,

Ace and the 2 others started sprinting at full speed, while mark was using his wind ability to speed them up every once in a while, they were running in all directions, scared for their lives, the where now almost 100 meters away from the broken buss, looking back at it, they could only see their dead classmates, and the daemon looking at them with its bright red snake like eye, as ace blinked he could no longer see the creature.

after only a moment, he heard a thud, looking back a classmate had the daemon ontop of him,draining him like he did the other student, adrenaline started to flow through ace's veins, it was a truly horrifying sight to witness, the daemon dissapeared again, he couldnt see it, ace was confused,scared when suddenly the daemon jumped from a broken rooftop ontop of him, it was only a few feet apart from him, he could see its scaly skin, horrifying snake like eyes, and horrifying claws, he was frozen in his place, nothing he would do could save him now, he could only think about his family as the claws of the daemon came closer to him, closer,closer, it seemed like his life flashed before his eyes, all his good,bad,joyfull memories,until he finally accepted his fate.

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