
Daemon king

.10 years ago seemingly out of nowhere mysterious space ships red and black in color appeared in the atmosphere controlling them where unknown creatures, 2.3 meters tall on average these new creatures called “daemons” have superhuman strength, speed, and human level intelligence their long arms and legs and with a body covered in red bullet proof scales and massive claws is what makes them so dangerous, hence the name daemon, So in this new world all militaries across the world joined together to fend off this threat, so to fend off this threat several monks and technicians joined to make whats called a power chip, that allows people to control certain elements, and with the power chips they might stand a chance.

Dkw · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Goodbye, and ẃ̶̫̦̪̜̩͌͌e̶̢̙͍͓̎l̷̙̘̱̖̃͐̇̌c̷̜̐̀̃o̵̗̮̎̉̿̎m̵̗͓̏̀͗̏ȩ̶̣̖̥̗̐̆͊

As ace was running through the streets, sounds of sirens, explosions, and mostly screams, but he didn't care about any of that, all he cared about was his mom, what seemed like an eternity of running finally led him to his neighborhood.

As he turned the final corner, he could see his house, at least what remained of it, it was half destroyed, bricks, wood, concrete all on the ground. As he approached the house Ace`s heart started racing, he thought of every possibility that could've happened to his mom, maybe she went to the military bunker, or maybe she got saved by a soldier like he did, he tried thinking of all the good possibilities, but that wouldn't be for long as his life was about to change forever.

As he searched outside the house, he couldn't find anything nor anyone, going around to his garden, he didn't notice anything, when out of the rubble, he could see a human hand, and he immediately rushed to pull the rubble off whoever it was, when he did, he couldn't believe his eyes, "m,mom!" he shouted while in tears and tearing the rubble off her, "son.. basement,*cough* chip, box,basement" ace`s mother stuttered in a weak voice, she closed her eyes, ace was still desperately trying to pull the rubble off 'MOM!,PLEASE, please…." Ace started balling his eyes out, he knew it was too late, she wasn't breathing, he hugged her for the last time, cursing the daemons, cursing this world and mostly cursing himself for being too weak

After what seemed like an eternity, ace finally accepted the fact that he would never see his mother again, but something was bothering him , his mother`s last words, therefore he decided to head down to the basement that was surprisingly unbothered, it was an old basement, made of stone that had plants growing out of it, it was his first time entering the basement as his mother never allowed him to go in there, heck he never saw he go in there, well that didn't matter now, he finally reached the door at the end of the stairs, when he opened it, a sudden gush of cold wind surprised him, after that two torches on the opposite side of the fairly small room lit, but instead of the normal orange color it was an ominous dark red color, and on the opposite side of the door was an old looking wooden chest with a black lock on it, approaching it, he thought it would be just some money or gold that his mom was saving, since they weren't that rich it wouldn't be a lot, but when he touched the lock, it became dark red in color and snapped off, before he even had time to think about what the hell happened, the chest busted open with a bright flash, he was in a completely different room, the walls where so dark that it seemed infinite it was filled with a red liquid up to ankle height, littered with skulls and bones to what he can only presume as human remains, and opposite to him in the last almost infinite room there was a black, shadowy figure with only its eyes shining bright red, it had 8 wings, 4 on each side that where also dark red, "t̵̥͒ḫ̴́ǐ̸͚š̶̜?̴̻̿,̵̦͘ ̸̻͋û̸̗n̸͎̒i̷̺̐ṁ̶̬ṕ̵̙r̷͍͛e̴̬̓s̸̯͋s̸̑ͅi̸̥̊v̴̳̈́è̴̤,̴̼͐ ̴̡̊o̶̳̍n̸̠͗l̴̦̇y̷͚͂ ̴̟̈́ť̶͖i̶̗͛m̷̭̅e̷̽͜ ̵̗́ŵ̸̗i̴̤͘l̴͓̃l̵͇̔ ̶͍͂t̸̥̄e̸̫̅l̶̝̔ĺ̶̙ ̶̙̇y̸̮̔o̷̙̒u̶̘̇ ̵̠͑ḁ̸̾b̸̗̔i̶̝̚l̴̪̕i̵̹͆t̸͚̏i̶̤̋ẻ̵̫s̴̳͠" the shadowy figure said with a menacing,sick voice.

Ace just stared frozen with fear, he couldn't understand what it was saying, when suddenly it snapped its fingers and ace was back in the real word…