
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 13 - Why choose one?




Splitting my attention between my main body and avatar was weirdly easy, and my eldritch mind may have something to do with that. The walk toward where I would choose my bloodline wouldn't take much longer.

The whole time I was walking there, I was trying to determine what I would choose for my bloodline, as there could only be one. The line between choosing Azathoth versus The Scarlet King was becoming ever more challenging to decide.

Opening my system interface, I created something using 100 eldritch souls and ate it. Time would tell if this could help me in what I was trying to do. I still had 1,952 souls left, so that didn't bother me much besides the apparent waste it would have if this didn't work.

I made it to the end of a large cliff and looked down. My goal was right there, and the look of this place was strangely majestic.

Thousands of spawn lay kneeling on what could be determined to be some kind of eldritch concrete. The material had weird scribbles and rune-like patterns as far as I could see. Thousands were waiting outside a barrier of some sort, and I'm pretty sure these newly evolved creatures were waiting for failures to come out.

The jump from evolution was no joke, and because of this, they had to take drastic measures by trying to gain strength from the failures. It was understandable because if put in that situation, you would want to be completely ready before going higher in The Outside.

Above the site was a massive eye looking down at the entire area, which could be considered a watcher or protector of this area. No fighting should be had inside the barrier, for this place wasn't for that, and breaking this rule would have you terminated.

I jumped from the cliff face and used gravity defiance to slow down my fall until I hit the ground with barely any momentum. Walking forward, I noticed the eldritch creatures outside the barrier made room for me to pass them without trouble. They knew I had come here to get my bloodline, so fighting was off the table.

I walked through the barrier, noticing the eye had turned to me for a split second before returning to doing what it was before. There were little markings where you were supposed to kneel to awaken your bloodline.

The ones who successfully awakened their bloodline would be allowed to stay here until they wanted to leave. They wouldn't be able to go around this level of The Outside as this place was for those who hadn't awoken their bloodline.

I found an empty spot closer to the center as this place had many spawn coming here. I could tell it was massive in size, built like it was inside the leftover crater left by a meteor. I took a kneeling position on my chosen spot, and the effect was immediate.

I felt like my body was on fire, as if my cells were being ripped apart by the atom. The two bloodlines in my body fighting for dominance now showed themselves on the outside. I saw myself changing colors from black and brown to pure crimson rapidly, but then I heard the system speak to me.

"An external force is trying to change the host's genes. It is possible that in doing this, the host's bloodline might evolve, but it could lead to the evolution failing. Should this be intercepted?" The system's words rang in my ear due to the pain I was currently dealing with because of my two bloodlines fighting.

'Intervene!' I thought while trying to hold my composure. The system responded to me with a concern while I was busy, not trying to lose my mind.

"Through intervention, the system will have to use souls to take over the process, and because of the host's bloodline, the number of souls it would take would increase. Do you still want to go through with this action?" The system was trying to express that I would lose a hefty amount of my souls in this exchange, but I didn't care.

'Just do it already!' I felt the fighting bloodlines in my body calm down as it turned from unbearable pain to a nice, calm, and warm feeling. Just as I was enjoying this feeling, the system spoke up again.

"There are a total of five eldritch bloodlines in the host's body. Two of them are currently fighting for dominance as they are the host's main bloodlines. The rest are slowly being taken over by the two main bloodlines to aid in their fight against each other and are too thin to be used in evolution. Please choose a bloodline out of "The Crimson Monarch" or "The Blind Idiot," as these are the only two available options."

I knew that I had more than one bloodline, but to think that the two were actually consuming the other bloodlines I had till they weren't even available choices. The choice was a tough one, but I had one thought in my mind…

'Who said I had to choose!?' I thought to myself with a smile as I knew exactly what I was going to do.

The pill I ate earlier had unique properties that I had created just for this purpose!

Pill Of The Indecisive: There are always choices in the world, but who said you had to choose? This pill allows you to have a primary and secondary bloodline, and even if those bloodlines are almost entirely opposite, they still won't fight while inside your body.

I smirked at my genius because it was almost frightening how good I was when put under the pressure of choice.

'System make "The Crimson Monarch" the main bloodline and make "The Blind Idiot" the secondary bloodline!' I was excited to see exactly what would happen as I thought this.

"Bloodline evolutionary choices have been completed!" The system spoke to me, but I couldn't register it because my senses were changing.

My body was changing in real time as this was happening. The black on my body receded while the crimson color grew to take over the black. The mix of black and crimson had changed, and now I had 90 percent crimson, with the 10 percent black being in rune-like lines on my body.

I felt all-powerful for a second and didn't know why until I looked up. A crimson crown appeared before, slowly fizzling out like it never existed, and I could only assume it was a prince's crown due to its size being so small.

I slowly stood up and started walking outside the barrier as my time here had come to an end, but while I was walking, I checked my stats.

Name: Eren

Title: The Crimson Prince, Blind Idiot Child

Race: Eldritch

Bloodline: The Crimson Monarch, The Blind Idiot

Eldritch Name: Urdal Amhuthatl Shub-Cxarru Taallist Cnyggdotl… Azaogdesz

Form: Infant

Hierarchy: Bottom Of The Spawn

Attribute: Chaos, Disorder, Boundlessness

Strength: 1,000

Speed: 1,000

Magic Energy: 1,000

Activity: 1,000

Loaded Materials: None

Skills: Ultra Speed Regeneration, Hollow Crimson, Gravity Defiance, Custom-Made Avatar, Soul Protection, Boosted Gear, (#$?#!*#@) x1, Shape Mold, Unbreakable Mind, Outer God Soul,

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Talent Ability 4: Crimson Prince

Explanation: As the crowned prince of The Scarlet King, you are not without identity, and the crown on your head shows that! The crown boosts all stats and abilities by 50 times and will continue to increase as you age!

Talent Ability 5: Blind Idiot Son

Explanation: As the child of Azathoth, all his pantheon shall recognize you and treat you as one of their own! Those of higher power might not make a move on you if they are connected to Azathoth, thus treating you as if you were their equal or higher, even though you may not be on the same tier of power!

Items: None

Number Of Souls In Possession: 1,482 (Lesser Eldritch)

Evaluation: Even with minimal customization, you could destroy worlds by going all out!

To evolve, one only needed to get to 1,000 in their Magic Energy stat and then come here to evolve, but I as a gamer, completely maxed out all my stats to 1,000. I didn't know if going past 1,000 in any other stat besides Magic Energy would have any consequences, but I didn't want to find out, so I played it safe.

I saw a couple of new abilities that I didn't have before, including the one from the memories I had gotten called "Shape Mold."

There was one ability that was jibberish, and I didn't know what it did, but I knew it came from my bloodline, and I only had one use of it. The other abilities I got were excellent, and I even got "The Crowned Prince" ability, which would summon a crown and give me a 50 times extra power boost.

Once I exited the barrier, I looked up and imagined myself rising into the air. There was no pathway to higher levels in The Outside, and the only way to go up was to try and imagine yourself climbing up stairs once you met the requirements.

I felt myself being taken away as my vision cut out for a minute, and when it returned, I was already in the second level of The Outside.


Lots of things are happening, and we are just getting started! I'm going to try and add more details cause some people are saying they can't follow what's happening in the story.

It might just be those stuck on the prologue, but I don't know why. I tried to be cool, but people just didn't like it.

Well, for those of you who can follow the story, do tell me if you think I'm going in a straight line or if I'm jumping everywhere like a wild chicken without a head.

(Sorry for the late chapter I was up till like 2:30AM just playing games. I'm currently trying to make my writing better for y'all so I'm going to try and make dialogue more fluid. Chapter 27 should have a noticeable increase of quality.)



(Don't forget the R!)