
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 12 - How Siblings Talk




Staring me down, SCP-682 looked at me with emotions I could only assume were related to anger. Like an older sibling barging into the room of the younger one to confront them for their wrongdoings, SCP-682 started walking around me.

I could only picture a dog walking circles around a cat stuck on a pole because, one way or another, that cat would come down soon, and the dog would jump at it. 

There were no words that needed to be shared between us as I knew my title was in effect and that this was a newfound sibling rivalry. The older sibling must show the younger one where they stand in the family ranks.

I stood firm as if saying to 682, "Show me my place in this family," as I would not bow my head before an older sibling, with me being the eldest one in my past life. There was only one option for an older sibling whose younger sibling didn't know where they stood… We fight!

Immediately, my muscles tensed as 682 pounced on me. His open jaws were large enough to swallow me whole with one bite. 

Fighting a sibling who cannot die and can counter anything you throw at him was absolutely bullshit! It was like playing a fighting game for the first time while they had spent the last two years playing the game.

Slowing 682 down as much as I could with gravity defiance, I dodged out of the way of his attack only to pull my fist back and uppercut his chest. The result was instant as 682's massive body crashed into the ceiling with a resounding wave of debris.

I was in an avatar with only 25 percent of my power, but if I conserved long enough, I could slowly use the boosted gear to keep up with 682's adaptive regeneration.

SCP-682 fell from the ceiling, landing with a thud-like sound. I saw in real-time as 682's body adapted and added more speed and defense to his build. I felt that my gravity defiance would likely not work a second time as 682 charged me again.

Using my tendrils, I turned both of my arms into long swords as I would rather not have him adapt to my punches and instead focus on him adapting to slash damage. I sprinted forward to dodge another bite from 682, as it seemed he also got a little faster as well.

Going as fast as I could, I landed beside 682's stomach and started slashing like my life depended on it. The cuts came in rapid succession as I heard him roar in rage and frustration as I slashed into him.

I held back a bit because I wanted to see if his regeneration would increase his speed even further, and if it did, I might need to stall the reptile till he gave up. In only five seconds, I had landed over a hundred slashes, all in different lengths and depths, to make sure I was able to cover as much as I could.

Yet the result was almost instantaneous as the adaptive regeneration kicked in; the wounds healed almost instantly to the point I doubted if this was the SCP-682 I knew.

682's head turned immediately as another wide-open mouth bite came my way. I dodged just barely as I was surprised. Not only was that attack way faster than the one before, but it was like he was getting used to my speed.

'Dammit, what kind of monster am I dealing with? This version of SCP-682 is nothing like what I knew previously!' I thought as the monster I was going against pushed forward in its assault with a swipe of its claw.

This could be considered 25 percent of my total speed without boosted gear, but considering I attacked all for five seconds, this was staggering. I held back to ensure he didn't adapt past what I could handle, yet he was still this fast!

I couldn't stall this version of 682 out, so my best bet was to apply pressure. I ran forward, dodging another claw strike by nimbly sliding over it with barely enough room to get through.

Stabbing into 682's back legs, I ultimately used all of my speed to sever the portion and disfigure the flesh around the thigh. I turned and ran toward his face, which just so happened to turn to me at that moment to stab straight into 682's eyes.

The roar of pain from SCP-682 sounded like a dragon screaming in my ears point blank as 682 started shaking its head, trying to get me off. I jumped off the head of the monster in front of me, but that was a mistake as the creature's tail crashed into me full force with speeds I didn't think 682 would get this early into the fight.

The fight had only been going on for what could be considered two minutes of human time. The regeneration and adaptation of this version were way too high to be normal.

I put up my arms for defense as I couldn't dodge, only to be sent through the wall of the containment chamber. I kept traveling as wall after wall broke as I came into contact with it like I was an armor-piercing round shot from a tank.

After traveling through 20 walls and using gravity defiance to try and slow my acceleration, I finally stopped. I was regenerating and about to stand up when I heard a voice from in front of me.

"Do you concede?"

SCP-682 spoke to me in an arrogant tone, like he knew he was better. I couldn't tell why I was so angry, but I couldn't even register the sound of his voice and only the words. For me, this was the biggest slap in the face I've ever received, and it came from a sibling of mine!

I stood up shaking with rage as I uttered one word…


The red gauntlet appeared on my left hand and glowed green while saying the exact words I did. I felt the winds push back as my entire being was flooded with power I could not access before.

The confusion on SCP-682's face heightened my excitement even more as I appeared beside him again. I sent an uppercut to his stomach with full force, intending to go all out!

682's body folded like an omelet as he was sent flying straight through 30 facility floors, almost reaching the top floor as he stopped. I jumped with all my strength, using my newly boosted gravity defiance to aid in my flight. I appeared right next to 682.


That was all that was heard from my mouth as I proceeded to blast 682's body to the surface with rapid-fire punches. The creature's body broke through all the layers of the facility and flew in the night sky.

I waited till his height reached its summit and then spoke again.

"Boost. Boost."

The effect was immediate as I felt my body flooded with more power. Using all my speed and gravity defiance, I flew toward 682. My fist made contact with his face as he flew through the air at high speeds, but I wasn't done as I chased after him.


Again, I spoke, flying after 682's body, and once I reached him, I landed thousands of punches all over his body. I continued this by grabbing his tail and swinging him in the opposite direction as I dragged him through the air while still punching him.


With another power boost, I again sent another uppercut toward 682, this time aiming for his head, sending him flying upward. I continued this with a two-hand downward slam directly on the head.


With my last power boost used, I sped downward, circling until I generated enough movement, and proceeded to knee 682 in the stomach while flying upward. The reaction was violent as the winds and shockwaves around us showed just how deadly the knee I gave him was.

Finally, using all my power, I kicked 682 upward and forward, hopefully sending him into orbit or far past that.

I landed on the ground, trying to catch my breath and calm myself down. I had dragged 682's body through the air so fast that with the amount of shockwaves I created, I'm pretty sure I really messed up the surrounding terrain.

'Finally, I can-'


I immediately turned around, crossing my arms in a blocking motion, but it was too late as I was sent flying. The hit felt like- No, it didn't feel like anything because my arms and portions of my torso were gone. I crashed into multiple mountains, and even when I was sent into one, my body would keep traveling and end up going through the mountain.

When I finally stopped being embedded in the ground, I shakily got up, only to feel a presence behind me. Still in the kneeling position, I turned around and heard it again.

"Do you concede?" It was SCP-682 with the same arrogant and full of themself tone they had before. The fight was already over before it started… This truly wasn't even a battle. SCP-682 eviscerated me.

682's adaptive re- No, it's adaptive immortality, but it had to be higher than normal and, if anything, could be considered "adaptive immortality+" if we were going by video game standards. The regeneration was too fast to be anywhere near normal.

Thinking back on 682's words, something seemed off because I was in the heat of the moment. I hadn't heard it before, but… 682's voice was deep yet high, and it didn't make sense to me.

The only way to know was to ask, so I opened my mouth and asked a singular question: "What gender even are you?"

682 snorted before speaking up with the same tone I hated: "Female." And that explains it, as the timeline I am in has a female SCP-682, but I still couldn't wrap my head around it, mainly because 682 WAS ALWAYS MALE!

"Hahahhahahaaha!" I started laughing like I had heard the funniest joke in the world and, in turn, exceedingly frustrating 682, but before anything could happen, I spoke up again.

"I concede. You have bested me in combat." With those words, 682 seemed even fuller of herself as she walked away back to the Foundation facility. I ended up walking back to the facility as well and reentering my containment chamber.

The Foundation staff were puzzled about how I survived my encounter with SCP-682, considering the lizard never left opponents alive when it attacked. They would never get any answers from me, though I would never speak when questioned.

The whole battle left me with one thought on my mind that perfectly showed how much this experience meant to me. 'This truly shows me how far I can go! My journey is still just starting when compared with these monsters!'


(Ark Survival Ascended comes out today! they just dropped the trailer not too long ago out of nowhere and said "It releases... TODAY!")

This is my longest chapter, and hopefully, you enjoyed this even stronger version of SCP-682, as we will return to this avatar in the future.

For those who want to know, this is an SCP Universe timeline where all the prominent characters are gender-bent to female.

Able was not female due to not being a "prominent" enough character and because of his lore.



(Don't forget the R!)

Currently working on chapter 25 so if you want to see that early check it out!