
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14 - The Second Level




The second level of The Outside wasn't like the first, as this level had some special rules to it. The entire level was actually a tiny dimension that was based on the strength of the person in it and would grow based on how much power you had.

For each point in my stats, the size of this place would increase by five square meters, and this place was fully customizable as long as you were the only one in it.

I would need more space, but for now, I could do what I was trying to do in the first level of The Outside.

Immediately, everything around me changes into a beautiful and lush environment. I am on a flat part of the ground where, in front of me, is a drop-off that leads to more trees. To the left of me is more flat ground that eventually leads to a descending part that would allow me to get to those trees without jumping down.

Behind me is a cave with a weird entrance, and inside the cave is oil. The oil is even leaking from the ceiling and is forming pools on the ground.

This was the Valguero map from Ark, and more specifically, this was the oil cave of that map. It was considered one of the strongest caves on the map for a reason. I didn't like the oil, so I removed it and had the walls inside the cave be black and crimson instead of just black and gray.

The reason I chose this as my starting point was because of one thing every Ark player hates to see… Raiders. Precisely of the eldritch kind, and so if I could block them off with a choke point and place my turrets that automatically can tell friend from foe along with me backing them up, I could hold off any enemy that comes.

The dimension's strength reflected mine, so damage to the cave shouldn't be an issue, especially when I can repair it with just a thought. I would have to do a couple of things first, but before that, I made another ability.

Ark Survival Building: The ability to place and use structures with a game-like effect. This allows the user to place down any structure by seeing a hologram of it, and upon confirmation, the structure will be placed on its own. (It comes with a video game bar that allows structures to be placed on it.)

It took me 374 souls to make even this barebones version, and the required structures cost a soul per 30 structures. In total, I spent 400 souls on everything. I placed the tek generator in a place that couldn't be seen from the front and then set a singular turret. Ark habits die hard; it seems as if you can never have not defend you while building.

I built the wall in a way that allowed the most turrets but also ensured you wouldn't even be able to come through before getting blasted. The structures I used were reinforced by supports while also being supported by the materials as I made sure the definition of the structures would hold up to eldritch assaults.

I set up the turrets that I had on the now newly named "death wall," as the color of it was pitch black to make it seem like nothing was behind it. The number of turrets will go up with time, but I didn't need all of that for now.

The reason was that I checked my soul count and smiled.

Souls In Possession: 1,082 (Lesser Eldritch.) 1,000,000 (Human.)

The deal with the Foundation had come to a close, and I couldn't be any more excited. The fight with SCP-682 could have sped up the process, but I knew exactly what I was doing with these souls.

I took one human soul, and using the system, I erased the ego. I fed it some human souls to increase the size and power of the soul while I gave it a new ego. I also fed it portions of eldritch souls that had their egos wiped.

Using the system, I made a body for the soul and stuffed it in the body. The body was six feet and two inches, with white skin, dark blue eyes, and black hair. I gave it a muscular physique with a scar on the side of his mouth.

The clothes were a tight-fitting black shirt with baggy white pants. I then started customizing the abilities, stats, and weapons of this new creation.

"I name you Karasu Zenin Fushiguro." I spoke aloud to the now-finished product of my creation. It was a throwback to my life as a human, as I had a friend who went by the name of Karasu. I tried my best to add his ego onto the soul as he would make my journey more humorous. I went with Toji as a base for his power set.

Sorcerer Human

Name: Karasu (Zenin) Fushiguro

Attribute: Chaos

Race: Human(?), Customized Creature

Ownership: Host

Lifespan: Unknown

Strength: 435

Speed: 782

Magic Energy: 0

Activity: 568

Skills: Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Silent Steps, Floating Steps, High-Speed Regeneration, Death Defying, Combat Instinct, Return

Loaded Materials: Item Sub-Storage (Glock, Katana, Bullets x500, Military Combat Knife, Split Soul Katana, Inverted Spear of Heaven, Chain of a Thousand Miles.)

Talent: Heavenly Restriction

Explanation: This Binding Vow removes all magical energy and makes the user of this vow undetectable by any life or magical energy detection. Increases all stats by 150 percent in exchange for eliminating anything magical. (It does not reflect base stats, as you must increase base stats by 150 percent to get the correct stats.)

I made him even stronger than the normal Toji ever was and even gave him the ability to return to my inventory if he needed to return. The weapons also weren't free as they cost a pretty penny in my savings as well.

He had all the upsides of Toji without his forgetful nature and would be easier to motivate because of the powers he could get. All is fair, even manipulating a close friend to fight for me like he was a battle servant.

Considering he should have all the memories of his time before, it should feel like he was reincarnated.

I would make a couple of roles for my creations to fill. We have Assassin, Destroyer, Power, and Support. These different sections would have creatures and my creations put in a place where they shined the most.

Karasu would be the vice-leader or commander of the assassin division, while the true leader has yet to be created. The true leader is the best assassin I know, and his creation would take over a million souls to get him to a point I find deserving.

For now, I would wake Karasu and fill the rest of the wall with turrets. I pulled his body out of my system and laid him on the foundations I had placed.

"Wake up, dumba*s." I kicked him lightly after I spoke to him, and the reaction was immediate.

"The f*ck? Where am I?" His reactions were faster due to his stats as he looked around rapidly, trying to figure out where he was.

"Where do you think you are, Karasu?" He had turned to me while I spoke with a stupified look that almost turned to anger until he heard me call him Karasu.

"No way… YOU DIDN'T!!" He shouted loudly, asking me a question that only I understood, and knowing exactly what he was talking about, I responded.

"Oh, but I did!" I responded in a tone radiating confidence and arrogance, as we both knew what was now happening.

I had a conversation with Karasu a month before about what I would do if I reincarnated with powers beyond my dreams, and one of the things Karasu had asked was the power and skills of Toji from Jujutsu Kaisen.

I would have to fill Karasu in on the situation, but right now he was busy testing out his powers like a kid who just got his favorite Christmas present. I felt like a father who had just figured out why he had kids and decided to let him do that outside of the cave so he wouldn't accidentally ruin the tek generator.

With another being ready to test out their powers and fight my enemies with a smile on his face, I think I just got my first worshiper.

I would send Karasu to other words to gather worshipers to aid me in going up the power system. The eventual rise in power will come when I find a world without supernatural capabilities. Due to my avatar not having a soul, it was basically like sending over nothing to other worlds and this allowed me to evade the world repulsion forces I should be feeling.

'Who wouldn't worship the "god" who cured your stage four cancer, healed your disability, and gave you special abilities?' With that thought, a sinister smile grew on my face as the only way to get followers was to make it so their life couldn't exist without you.


(I'm still trying to improve my chapters as I don't think I'm 100% there yet. I'm trying to give more direction to chapter 27 but have been procrastinating with a new update for a game that has dropped. Sorry for being late again.)

Yes, "Toji" is a customized version with all his abilities yet less of his personality due to his forgetful nature. Having a friend who you can manipulate without their knowledge can really go a long way, it seems.

The creation you see here was supposed to be a better version of Toji, and I'm pretty sure I successfully created that, but this isn't the greatest assassin.



(Don't forget the R!)