
What kind of GANK without flash?

It was also the first time for Roy to see what a noble soul looked like, he didn't think that the first time he got such a soul, it was actually synthesized by himself, not from a human being.

He originally thought that the noble soul would be golden, but now he is wrong, this noble soul is like a transparent crystal, the color is brilliant!

Looking at it, that kind of golden divine soul can only be obtained from divine creatures, and the divine creatures that Roy knows so far seem to be angels.

Regardless of whether it is a fallen soul or a noble soul, in the application of the system, it is used to create skills, Roy used one hundred and ninety-eight souls, synthesized two high-quality souls, counting, a high-quality soul, only folded ninety-nine low-grade souls, but its role is not ninety-nine low-grade souls can be compared to.

These kind of customized skills in the system, can allow Roy to ignore certain rules, for example, if he wants to use powerful magic like Saeren, then he can directly in the system to simulate the dynamic effect of magic, magic can be shaped, do not need to specialize in learning and magic related knowledge, what spell chanting, what conditions for casting spells, etc., can be completely ignored away!

This is the reason why Roy didn't want to learn magic knowledge by himself even though he knew that the world of Heroes Invincible has powerful magic knowledge, because theoretically, even super strong magic such as Judgement of Doom, Roy can simulate it in the system by himself.

Of course, if he could simulate it, he would need the corresponding magical energy to unleash its power.

However, this time, after obtaining two high quality souls, Roy did not customize this kind of offensive magic.

He had started planning a few days ago, so naturally, he had made the skill materials he wanted in advance.

This time, he created two skills, the first of which was [Flash]!

[Flash]: Instantly move to the position determined by your gaze, can be used continuously for a short period of time!

In the system's interface, Roy made this skill is also very simple, that is, the body instantly appeared from another position, but in view of his consumption of the dark fruit, so he added a little special effects, this flickering process, it looks as if his body instantly turned into a cloud of black mist, and then the black mist appeared in another position, the body reappeared, how to say this skill? This skill looks like the instantaneous movement of the Blue Devil in X-Men.

As for the second skill, it is [Transmission]!

This skill, and [flash] is different, flash is a short distance instantaneous movement, and [transmission] is a long distance, but because Roy does not know the geography of the world, so he will transmit the coordinates, fixed in the fat tiger side, in the dynamic demonstration of the skill, Roy's body into a ray of light disappeared in the original place, and then again into the light appeared, appeared in the fat tiger side.

This is the benefit of creating Fat Tiger in the first place, since Fat Tiger was created by him from the system, so he and Fat Tiger have a spiritual connection, in some cases of need, he and Fat Tiger can move separately, and then with the help of this transmission skill to rejoin together, in this way, even if summoned to the other side of the world, and faced with the unfamiliar geography of the situation, he was able to perform this skill to escape.

Since some time ago, Roy let Fat Tiger to escort the armament, but due to the elf troops surrounded Saeren, so Fat Tiger and their escort equipment, can not be close to, from and Fat Tiger's spiritual connection, they did not encounter elf attack, but at this time can only be blocked in the far from the battlefield, Roy has now let Fat Tiger to drop those siege equipment to retreat, retreat to the evil city. Roy has now asked Fat Tiger to leave the siege equipment and retreat to the Devil's City, so if he needs to use his teleportation skills, he can return to the Devil's City in an instant.

These two skills that were created are for escaping, since he wants to go to the front and push his hand, Roy naturally has to consider the issue of retreating.

Due to the existence of the Devil's Contract, Roy and Saeren, neither of them can directly attack the other, that is to say, Roy can't directly kill Saeren, Saeren can't directly kill Roy, but can indirectly use the power of others to kill the other side, what Roy wants to do now is to take advantage of those powerful Dragons when they are there, to borrow their hands to kill Saeren!

The upper level demons are indeed very strong, at least in this world, the upper level top level demons like Saeren is as powerful as the dragon, besides the angels, the only ones who can have the power to kill the upper level demons are the dragons, well, of course, those powerful heroes are expected to be able to do it too.

What Roy has to do is very simple, that is to go and watch the battle, if the elves and dragons can kill Saeren, then so be it, if Saeren is really fierce, then Roy will push in the dark.

Don't forget, Roy has another skill, Bloodlust! When this skill was first set up, Roy set it up to be able to use it on other specified objects. Before, Roy had been using it on himself and Fat Tiger, but now, he was going to use it on those dragons!

40% increase in strength and speed, for Roy, his own strength and speed is not too high, the increase does not seem high, but for those already powerful dragons, 40% increase is amazing!

It's possible to completely crush that guy from Saeren!

Of course, because it is said that the more powerful the dragon, the stronger the resistance to magic, Roy also do not know if bloodthirsty art is considered magic, will not take effect on the dragons, so for the sake of insurance, Roy also specially modified the bloodthirsty art settings, added a [ignore magic resistance] attribute.

In order for the dragons to deal a fatal blow to Selen, Roy needs to get close to the dragons to cast the spell on them, and since Roy is also a demon, there's no guarantee that the dragons won't turn around and attack him, so it's very important to have the skills to run away ready.

Now, what he has to do is to save and materialize these three skills. Since he is worried that two high quality souls may not be enough, Roy has invested another 198 souls and synthesized two more, so that the number of high quality souls he is holding will be four.

Two times 198, plus the 400 souls used to make the Hradec Cube, and the 46 souls used for the wings high speed flying attribute, Roy paid a total of 842 souls, Roy got more than a thousand souls, in a flash, only 232 left, then if the flash and transmission skills can be realized, he still needs to make the essence of magic potion, to enhance his magic energy attribute, to ensure that he can use these skills effectively, so that he can use them efficiently. He would also need to make Essence Magic Potions to enhance his Magic Energy Properties to ensure that he could use these skills effectively.

Roy is not too painful, after all, these souls, are spent on themselves, the more cards, Roy's bottom line will be more adequate, even if the souls are gone, in the future, slowly earn can be, it's all worth it.

After saving the realization, Roy found that the [flash] skill does not consume much, only spent one and a half high-quality souls, the realization, but the [transmission] spent two high-quality souls, it may be because of the long-distance movement, the space involved in the power of the more reasons.

Space, time, these words sound lofty, involving naturally high-level power, generally speaking, in the system will also lead to an increase in soul consumption, but it is worth noting that the power of the soul is essentially also a high-level power, and the most important thing is that Roy to use these skills, but also need to pay for the consumption of magical energy, so in essence, to create skills to consume high-quality souls, will not appear! So in essence, the amount of high quality souls consumed to create skills will not be like the amount of low quality souls consumed, which can be several hundred, but generally speaking, it is just a few of these.

The flash and transmission skills consume three and a half souls, and the last half is used for the modification of the bloodlust skill, after adding the ignoring magic resistance, this skill is equivalent to attaching a magic penetration effect, in this case, when Roy creates skills in the future he will have a good idea in his mind, similar to this magic penetration effect, the consumption of about half a high quality soul, as long as he has enough souls, he can even add such a definition to all skills, so he can create skills that are not like the low quality soul consumption. As long as he had enough souls, he could even add such a defined attribute to all of his skills.

In the end, Roy practiced the remaining 232 souls into Essence Magic Potions.

However, after drinking it, while Roy's magical energy attributes soared, a feeling of dropsy came from his heart, and the blood flow of his body also became rapid, and a kind of strong agitation appeared on his body.

It was only after a long time that this agitation slowly subsided.

"What's going on?" Roy noticed his body's abnormality and couldn't help but feel a moment of doubt in his heart, when he had taken the Essence Magic Energy Potion in the past, he had never experienced such a symptom, ah! Could it really be caused by too much magic energy rising at once?

After all the preparations were completed, Roy accelerated the speed of flight, on the way, he also tested the use of the flash skill, this skill is indeed very useful, however, it is not true that wherever the eyes see, they can be sent to wherever they are, in fact, the maximum transmission distance at a time is only 50 meters, in the system's adaptation, Roy's eyes determine the direction of transmission, and although the eyes can see the direction of transmission, it can be sent to the direction of transmission, and although the eyes can see the direction of transmission, the eyes can see the direction of transmission, and the eyes can see the direction of transmission. Under the adaptation of the system, Roy's gaze determines the direction of transmission, and although it can be used continuously, with Roy's current magic energy value of close to 350 points, it can only be used three times in a row, because continuous flashing will lead to more and more consumption of magic energy! The first flash only consumes 50 points of magic energy, but the second requires 100 points, the third is 150 points, and the fourth ... is no more. Roy's magic energy can only support him to use it three times in a row at most.

However, this is the case of continuous use, if you use it once in a while, each flash will only consume 50 points of magic energy. ...