
Five Dragons Divided into Corpses

It didn't take long for Roy to see several black dots in front of him in the sky.

Those black dots are naturally the dragons flying in the sky, beside them, there are some smaller black dots, which are the silver pegasus knights of the elves.

The size of the dragon race is very huge, now Roy sees the black dots, just because he and the giant dragons are still far away, but in fact, if you really put Roy on the side of the giant dragons to make a comparison, an adult green dragon's size is at least ten times more than that of Roy!

Even those 5-6 meter tall demons have to jump up to reach the dragon's neck, the power of these dragons is not blown out of proportion, just by physical body, not many races can match.

Of course Roy couldn't go after them, so he hung far behind, looking down towards the bottom, Roy saw the pursuing unit of the elves on the ground.

This team is led by only one elf druid, the other two heroes, seems to lead other troops to another direction, temporarily out of Roy's field of vision, and those green dragon emerald dragon and gold dragon, is the real main force of the pursuit of Saeren, it is they fly in the sky closely followed, Saeren was not able to get rid of the pursuers.

Just for the moment that Roy watched, the dragons took turns to charge down to the ground, spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath and then flew back up again, in this way, they kept attacking Saeren who was running on the ground, so that he never had time to prepare to send magic to escape.

Now, Saeren was in a very awkward situation, he couldn't understand why the elves were chasing after him.

In fact, apart from the fact that Roy's war letter has made the Elves annoyed that Saeren dared to hit the Queen of the Golden Dragon, it also has something to do with the current war situation in Elasia, the Kingdom of Elasia is now being attacked by the Dungeon Lords from Nigon and the undead army led by Sandro, and it's very hard to bear. This time, the elves also hope to be able to ruthlessly repel the attack of the demon army, and then free up their hands to Elasia to support a little bit, in order to do this, then Saeren, the commander of the demon army, is the target of certain death.

The dragons were biting tightly at Saeren, continuously consuming his strength, only waiting for him to run out of breath, and then the elf army would follow him.

Saeren is not stupid, he can see the plan of the elves, so the escape route, has been leaning towards the battle plan of the evil troops, the original Riska is on the line of advancement, now this line of advancement, was replaced by the Ignatius, he only need to run and Ignatius and join, not only can escape the pursuit, and even can be reversed, through the Ignatius troops to surround the exhausted The elf army is tired.

However, the prerequisite is that Saeren can hold out until then!

By the time Roy arrived here, Saeren had already been running for a long time, even as an upper level demon, he now had a strong sense of exhaustion, during this kind of running, his magic power had not been able to be effectively restored, and the dragons obviously also realized this, from the beginning of just spitting out breaths to harass, gradually turned into attempting to attack him directly.

A golden dragon swooped down and spat out a dragon's breath in front of Saeren, forcing him to stop in place to avoid it, and taking this opportunity, the golden dragon stopped flying and instead landed on the ground, blocking Saeren's path with its huge body.

"Ugly lizards! How dare you come down here?" Saeren roared and charged up with his Demon Scythe.

Previously, some dragons had tried to stop themselves in this way, but the green dragon that landed that time was killed by Saeren, and directly devoured the green dragon's soul, recovering a lot of magical power in the blink of an eye, so after that time, the dragons didn't think it was necessary to do it the hard way, so they changed to keep harassing them instead, but now, as Saeren's stamina was gradually depleting, the dragons were making another attempt. But now that Saeren's strength is gradually depleting, the dragons have made another attempt, and the Golden Dragon, which is the strongest in physical combat, has landed on the ground.

Saeren also knew very well that if he could not kill this golden dragon quickly, more and more giant dragons would come down, so he also squeezed out his physical energy, roared, and slashed upwards against the huge forelegs of the golden dragon.

The black hellish flames were lit up on that fierce gift of the Devil, and in the process of colliding with the forelegs of the Golden Dragon, it directly cut through the steel scales of the Golden Dragon with strong momentum, and then broke through the strong muscles, and directly chopped on the top of the bones of the Golden Dragon!

The golden dragon suffered a heavy blow and couldn't help but let out a miserable roar.

However, Saeren was not in a good position either, in such a hard encounter, the smaller ones would naturally suffer more, although he avoided the attack of the dragon's claws, he was also bounced off by the force of the collision.

When he landed on the ground, Saeren's body plowed a furrow in the ground, and finally slammed his head into the root of a large tree, causing the root to fly in a mess of debris, and the tree was directly broken, emitting a clattering sound, and slowly collapsing.

"Yuck!" Saeren quickly climbed up and spat out a mouthful of purple bloody phlegm, his Devil's Sickle was stuck in the bones of the Golden Dragon, so he was empty-handed, but it didn't matter, while the Golden Dragon was being burned by the infernal flames, Saeren fiercely pounced on it again! He used the devil's horn on his head and slammed it into the golden dragon's abdominal cavity!

In fact, many people don't know, the horns on the head of a demon are not just for decoration, the horns of a demon will become harder and harder as the demon ages, and when it reaches the level of a superior demon like Saeren, the hardness of the horns of a demon is already beyond imagination, and even the dragon's scales can be broken open!

However, demons generally rarely use their own horns to fight, they will use their own soul fragments to create demonic weapons, on the contrary, more protective of their own horns, Saeren is now also forced to fight in this way, after all, that the demon sickle stuck in the dragon bone, it is now very difficult to take down.

This collision, directly to the golden dragon's abdomen poked a big hole to, this is originally the heart of the dragon position, but more regrettable, Saeren's horns are not long enough to reach the heart of the golden dragon, did not directly kill the golden dragon, but was sprayed a lot of dragon blood poured all over the head.

Even so, the golden dragon also let out a cry of sorrow, he felt his abdomen is losing a lot of blood, after such a serious injury, he is afraid that this time not to rest for a hundred years will be difficult to recover.

Under the anger, the golden dragon did not care about his own injury, lifted up his other front paw, and smashed it down fiercely against Saeren!

Boom! Celeron could not avoid it, he was not able to defeat the power of the Dragon, he was directly slapped into the ground, under the Golden Dragon's powerful force, the ground instantly cracked into countless cracks, making a loud cracking sound.

Waiting for the golden dragon to move away from the claw only to see, Saeren's entire body is embedded in the ground, still lying on his back, he spat out a large mouth of blood, all the bones of the body pain want to crack.

Seeing that Saeren is not dead, the golden dragon once again raised its forelegs and tried to step down again, but this time, Saeren forced himself to do a flip, and escaped from the pit to avoid the attack.

But just at this time, a black shadow flew in with a whistling sound, directly hitting Saeren's body, sending him flying out of mid-air!

This blow, is a freshly landed emerald dragon issued, the dragons may feel that the time has come, one after another began to land down, one by one, they bombarded the ground, surrounded Saeren, even those silver Pegasus knights, similarly followed the landing down, but they are only surrounded by a circle, blocking the escape route of Saeren.

Roy, who was in mid-air, saw the dragons landing and flew a little closer to the battlefield, and watched the siege of Saeren from above.

"Demon, it's time for you to die!" An emerald dragon spoke, "You will pay for the evil you have done!"

Saeren rose to his feet, panting, and as he looked at the dragons surrounding him, and the Silver Pegasus Knights watching from the outside, he let out a sudden, guttural roar!

"Never! You'll never kill me!!!"

Along with his roar, Saeren squeezed out all of his remaining magic power! A dark fog appeared on his body, and then, Saeren's body even began to expand!

He was overdrawing his magic power in exchange for power, magic power is not the same as strength, so this is actually a kind of forced use of magic to stimulate his heart, and then stimulate the blood to accelerate the flow of power increase, in the face of these dragons that have a strong resistance to magic, Saeren also knew that the little bit of the remaining magic power can not play a role, so it is simply to use it in exchange for power, and intended to fight with the dragons in a physical battle.

Of course, this kind of means, the aftermath is also very bad ...

The body is constantly expanding under, Saeren's height has almost caught up with these dragons, at this moment, he transformed into a giant demon, he roared and rushed out, hands clasped fists raised, ruthlessly bombarded on the head of an emerald dragon!

The sound of a click, even spread to the surrounding can be heard, that emerald dragon's cranium, even by his fist was smashed out of the cracks, that emerald dragon did not even say a word, directly a head smashed down on the ground, the body trembling, although not dead, but instantly lost the power to fight.

Such a scene naturally angered the remaining dragons, in terms of fighting ferocity, they were no worse than the demons, they were not intimidated by Saeren's appearance at all, they pounced on him one after another and started slugging it out with Saeren!

The intensity of the battle was beyond imagination, blood was flying, while Saeren was beating the dragons' skin and flesh, their bites and claws also left a huge wound on his body.

However, on the whole, the dragons were still in a disadvantageous position, Saeren's power at this time under the strong stimulation, but also vaguely overpowered these dragons, and his battle tactics are very rich, the use of the dragons of the huge size of the weak point of the exercise of the dragons, and frequently attacked the dragons to get the hands of the attack.

The Silver Pegasus Knights on the periphery were unable to intervene at all, and they were very anxious as they watched the dragons continue to suffer.

However, just at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred, a green dragon's body suddenly appeared a shining red light, the next second, this green dragon's body, even appeared to be enlarged, when Saeren swung his fist towards him, he even resisted the power of Saeren's fist!

Although the green dragon felt the sudden surge of power in itself, it didn't think too much about it, and fiercely opened its mouth, biting on Saeren's arm, and then threw its head, and even threw Saeren directly over to the ground!

What happened? Saeren was a bit confused, why did this green dragon suddenly have such a huge power!

However, before he could figure it out, red light appeared on the other dragons around him one after another, and one after another, their bodies began to expand, and in a short while, the advantage of Saeren's giantization disappeared!

Feeling the strong sense of power in their bodies, the dragons were so happy that they couldn't help but let out a dragon's roar in unison, and then launched a neat swing at Saeren!

Boom! Saeren, who had just gotten up, was slammed down by four or five claws in unison, and once again, he was knocked into the ground.

This time, Saeren could not get up any more, with such a huge amount of force superimposed on him, the bones of his whole body had been broken, and even his internal organs had been crushed to the point of being a complete mess.

But Saeren was still conscious, and while he was lying in the pit, something suddenly came to his mind.

A red light? That's it! It was that elite demon named Osiris, when he was first summoned by himself, he had used this kind of trick to fight with himself!

With a click, Saeren's body was taken out from the bottom of the pit by a green dragon, which bit one of his arms, and as it did so, the other dragons reached out and bit other parts of Saeren's body.

Saeren was facing the ground, unable to see what was happening in the sky, but he roared out with the last of his strength, "Osiris! It's you! It's you, isn't it? I knew it was you! If I had known it was you, I would've gone to ...."

What did he do? No one knows, because before he finished his words, the dragons that were biting Saeren's body unitedly exerted their strength and tore Saeren's body into several pieces ...

In order to vent the matter of Saeren's killing his own companion, the dragons adopted this way to split the body to carry out the execution of Saeren!

So, Saeren died, in the body was ripped apart at the same time, those body parts in the mouth of the dragons, turned into ashes, Saeren's soul was wrapped in a dark abyssal mist, was sent away!

Did he really kill Saeren?

After the familiar force of world rejection reappeared on Roy's body, he immediately realized that the Demon Contract had failed! Saeren, was really killed and banished ...