

So many souls, in fact, for Roy, is completely unexpected.

Saeren this guy, really is enough reckless, if it is Roy leading the army, in the face of the elves three or four times the strong force, it is estimated that the first time to think of is to retreat, but Saeren this guy, but still try to use magic to reverse the situation, and his wave of meteor firestorm, almost aimed at the most dense place on the battlefield smashed down, thanks to the blessing of his magic, Roy and so on is to pick up a big advantage directly! The souls of the demons are usually the most important part of a person's life.

The soul of the devil, under normal circumstances is not possible to stay in the other world, after being killed, the serpent seal will pull the devil's soul to the abyss, so the soul left on the battlefield, all the elves side, Roy looked at this densely packed soul, conservative estimate, for fear of thousands of pieces, equivalent to the elves side of one-third of the troops are lost in the hands of Saeren's big move.

This kind of unexpected joy, of course, Roy will not be polite, out of the body of the soul, the general freshness period of one or two hours or so, depending on the size of the volume of the soul, the dissipation of time also varies, this time from the previous battle has gone quite a lot of time, in Roy's evil field of vision when some of the souls of the light has begun to appear to be scattered phenomena, so he hastened to accelerate the speed of the wandering in the battlefield with the floating souls to the system. So he hastened to speed up, wandering around the battlefield, using the wandering souls to collect them into the system.

In the end, after a long time, only to be considered on the battlefield of the souls clean, open the system interface to see, holding the number of souls actually rose to one thousand and seventy-nine as much!

Crap! It's happened!

Not long ago, he had just used up more than 600 souls, but he didn't think that it would be replenished in the blink of an eye, and even exceeded the original number of souls he had, for a moment, Roy had a feeling like he had won the lottery.

"I must first calculate whether these souls belong to me or not." Roy quickly calmed down and began to start to work. Roy quickly calmed down and began to think: "Now Saeren is not dead, I'm not dead, which means that the devil contract is still in effect, and according to the provisions of the devil contract, after winning the battle, 90% of the spoils of war should be paid to Saeren, but according to the literal meaning of the word, this should be referred to in the case of winning the battle only ... now! The problem is that Saeren lost the battle! I guess Saeren didn't expect to suffer such a big defeat at that time, right?"

Generally speaking, if a demon loses a battle, it will definitely run away, and it is impossible to have a chance to harvest the loot. Therefore, at that time, when Saeren wrote down the devil's contract, he didn't consider the situation after losing the battle, and he didn't make any corresponding explanations. However, Roy realized that a situation beyond the stipulations of the devil's contract appeared, and that is, because of his pretending to be dead and getting out of the way. Although he lost the battle, Roy still got a lot of soul loot!

Therefore, even Roy himself was a bit confused, what should we do about this situation now?

After thinking for a while, Roy finally came to the conclusion that these 1000 souls could be considered as his own! There is no need to execute the contract!

Because ... Saeren is still being pursued by the elves, perhaps in the evil contract, this can be counted as the battle is not yet over, then, this and the previous Roy sneak in the battle to seize the soul is a nature, in the battle is not yet over, from the battlefield to collect the souls, are belong to his own!

Thinking of this, Roy is finally a sigh of relief, holding so many souls, Roy's greatest fear is in the scope of the execution of the devil contract, that would be bad, it means that Roy will have to hand over more than 900 souls out.

Roy didn't know whether the souls that were accepted into the system would be forcibly taken out from the system when the evil contract was executed, because he really hadn't encountered this situation before, so he couldn't figure out whether the system had the ability to isolate the influence of the evil contract, if the system was able to isolate the influence of the evil contract, then Roy had really picked up a treasure, and he could make use of this isolation function of the system in future. If the system can isolate the influence of the devil contract, then Roy has really picked up a treasure, and he can use the isolation function of the system to cheat the devil contract!

However, he couldn't use this opportunity to test it out, after all, if the test failed and the system couldn't isolate the influence of the Devil's Contract, the price he would have to pay would be too great, so he could only think of a way to test it out again in the future, using a smaller number of souls to test it out.

Now that he knew that these souls could be used at his own discretion, Roy could now proceed to the next step of his plan.

In fact, no matter from the beginning of gaining Saeren's trust, or the subsequent separation between Saeren and Riska, giving the war letter to the Elves on Saeren's behalf, or even the final use of creating the Dark Fruit to resist the damage and escaping from the battlefield by pretending to be dead, the ultimate purpose of all these plans by Roy was to trap Saeren to death in order to be able to tear up the Demon Contract.

Now, thanks to the chaos of the battlefield, Roy has successfully escaped from Saeren's control, and doesn't have to worry about him forcing himself to give orders, but as long as Saeren is still alive and hasn't been killed and banished, the pact will remain in existence and valid.

But as long as Saeren is still alive and has not been killed and banished, the contract will always exist and be valid. If you want to make the contract invalid, unless either party is killed and banished, of course, Roy does not want to die, the longer he does evil, the more he understands the importance of the soul, he does not want to be killed and die after the soul trauma, so since he does not want to die, so he can only let Saeren die.

Now it's just right, that war letter has angered the elves, Saeren is being hunted down and fled, Roy's expected purpose has been achieved most of the time, then as long as the hands of the elves and those dragons, kill Saeren, then Roy will be free!

However, now there is a problem, that is, Saeren in the elves and dragons chase, whether the problem will escape, do not forget, in another route, there is Ignatius that the upper level evil, Ignatius should have a number of high level evil troops exist, if Saeren is a little bit smarter, flee to join with Ignatius, then maybe the elves and dragons can not take him.

Therefore, Roy felt that he couldn't completely pin his hopes on the Elves and Dragons, and it would be best for him to intervene when appropriate.

Therefore, Roy firstly opened the system interface, and modified the previous settings of his wings.

[Devil Wings]: High-speed flight, maximum speed 1 Mach!

Yes, he modified the definition of his Demon Wings from simply being able to fly to a maximum speed of the speed of sound, and in order to better achieve this, he increased the size of his wings again, and the curve of his wings was modified to be a bit more fluid.

Since the modification was based on the original, it didn't take much time, and this modification, after Roy chose to save the manifestation, cost him forty-six souls!

In fact, this speed can be increased a little more, but Roy guessed that the faster the flight speed, the higher the cost of souls will be, the speed of Mach 1 is expected to be enough for the time being, the price ratio will also be very good.

After the modification, Roy's wings soon changed, the length of the wingspan did not change, but the width was increased a bit, when Roy violently lifted up his wings, he felt that the force used for flapping was more economical compared to the previous one, after rushing up to the high altitude, Roy observed the direction, he remembered the direction where Saeren escaped from, so he accelerated his speed and rushed to the place.

He didn't use the speed of sound to fly for the time being, because he wasn't in a hurry to catch up, if Saeren wanted to completely escape from the pursuit of the elves, he was afraid that it would take a lot of time, so Roy was able to make it in time.

While flying in mid-air, Roy drew in the system interface.

He drew a tetrahedron in the new blank page, and then casually drew some patterns for this tetrahedron, and then began to color it, and designed it into a box with an ancient style that could be opened at the top.

Then Roy started to define the box.

[Heraldic Cube

[Item Function]: To synthesize high-quality souls from low-quality souls!

Yes, this is a design that Roy only thought of recently, for Roy, low quality souls are very easy to obtain, but low quality souls can only be used in the system to make static items and transform the body, and can't be used for dynamic skill creation, and high quality fallen souls and noble souls used for skill creation are not so easy to obtain, so Roy has been wondering if there is a way for low quality souls to be synthesized into high quality souls, and how to make them into high quality souls, and how to make them into high quality souls. Therefore, Roy has been wondering if there is a way for the lower quality souls and higher quality souls to transform into each other.

According to Roy's understanding of souls, he felt that this kind of transformation should be possible. A degenerate soul, to put it bluntly, should be a soul that contains a lot of negative emotions and energies, and a person who has deviated from his conscience and his race and done something bad will often cause his soul to produce a lot of negative emotions and energies, and when these negative emotions and energies reach a certain level, the soul will be blackened!

By the same token, a noble soul should have great love for others, be willing to make sacrifices and self-giving, which are all positive emotions and energies.

In fact, the lower souls also contain similar emotions and energies. When any living creature dies, it will have fear of injury, fear of losing its life, hatred of its enemies, sadness for its family and friends, and longing for its loved ones, etc. It's just that these positive and negative emotions are intertwined, so it's hard to say which one is more prevalent, and it can only be considered to be in a balance. The soul has become a soul of lower quality.

It's not great, it's not evil, it's just ordinary. ...

Since both emotions and energies are contained in a low-grade soul, why not extract them and synthesize them into a high-quality soul?

Roy now want to make, is such a medium, the name of what does not matter, such a box, of course, can not be the real Heraldic Square, can only be regarded as a fake, he originally wanted to call it Pandora's Box and so on, but then think about it, this kind of synthesis function, seems to be called the Heraldic Square is more appropriate, so so it is so decided.

This is also Roy holding a large number of souls, only dare to make this item, after all, the bottom line is relatively strong, in order to minimize consumption, Roy even function definition is relatively single.

However, even so, Roy finally spent four hundred souls to realize its conversion, judging by the way, it is really not easy to improve the quality of souls.

The simple box appeared in his hand, Roy began to try to put in souls to synthesize.

One, two, three ... results until the hundred and ninety-eighth soul, the box only emitted a burst of light, indicating that the synthesis was successful.

Roy opened the lid and found that two souls floated out of the box! One was a fallen soul that emitted a dense black mist, while the other was a colorless noble soul with a brilliant light!

The reason why two souls appeared at once was because in the box, the positive emotions and energies of the souls were reorganized, and the negative emotions and energies were also reorganized. According to Roy's settings for the Hradec Cube, every time he synthesized, two high-quality souls would surely appear. ...