
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

You'd Think That Was The End of It

The King Vampiric Willow was a truly massive thing.

Standing tall in the distance, there didn't seem to be anything that could rival it in this space.

Just merely gently moving its vines or roots caused the widespread death of monsters around it, yet the monsters almost seemed like they'd been hypnotised as they seemed to sluggishly move towards the tree despite their fear.

The King Vampiric Willow didn't seem to care about anything other than moving around by itself. It wasn't even interested in the existence of the humans in the distance.

Why was that?

The only thing that the King Vampiric Willow was interested in doing was gaining nutrients for itself and glutting itself through the large quantities of monsters that surrounded it.

Alec frowned as he thought about why this was so.

Theoretically speaking, humans should contain a much larger quantity of nutrients than all the monsters here. Yet, the King Vampiric Willow remained as it was.

Even when Alec had approached it, the King Vampiric Willow should have already noticed him, yet it did nothing to Alec.

Alec climbed up the tree, kicking off the King Vampiric Willow's trunk as he launched himself upwards.

Not only did the tree not make a move to stop Alec, it even subtly 'guided' the way between the trunk to its leaves.

Alec stood at the area where the trunk turned into branches, nestling himself there. He had been expecting a fight, but the fact that they weren't fighting boded better for them.

He pressed a hand onto the King Vampiric Willow's trunk, getting a faint feeling from the tree that it wanted him to do so.

Could it be that the King Vampiric Willow was looking forward to bonding with Alec? But why?

The only reason why he continued to do so was because of the faint feelings he had from the other Vampiric Willows that he'd Awakened. The feeling that the King Vampiric Willow wouldn't hurt him.

Sinking his magic in, Alec instantly knew that the King Vampiric Willow was on a whole different level from him. No. Even before that, he already knew. He just didn't know how much it had outclassed him right before this.

The King Vampiric Willow should be even stronger than Dominique and Rosabel, who were in the advanced level, which equated to rank four.

Just from this alone, Alec could tell that the King Vampiric Willow should be rank five, which was comparable to the meister rank!

That was a rank that most sects only had a few of, making them elders. Even on the entire Kaoriht continent, there weren't too many people who had reached this level, let alone a creature.

Yet, here was a tree that had reached that level!

How could something of this level exist here, in a crack between realms?


It would have been easier for him to accept if this was a proper realm, but this was only a crack between realms, or better put, a sub-realm. It didn't reach the level where it could be classified as a realm.

Alec had been observing this place. While it might have seemed infinite, there was actually an end to the place, and the monsters that trickled into the space were tightly controlled by some external forces.

Yet, this King Vampiric Willow was able to reach this level in a place where nothing grew normally. Just how long had the King Vampiric Willow existed in this crack between realms for it to grow to this stage?

Alec, who was a full three ranks below it, was completely outclassed by the tree. It had been foolish of him to assume that he would be able to weaken the King Vampiric Willow any when it had already reached such a realm that couldn't be closed with tricks alone.

Not when sheer power alone outclassed him so badly.

Just why did the King Vampiric Willow want to bond with him? And he wasn't joking. The call from the bonds between the other Vampiric Willows that had already been connected to him pressed him to connect with the King Vampiric Willow.

Alec frowned, but he still pressed more of his magic into the King Vampiric Willow.

Instead of facing a backlash that he would in normal occasions as he would if he was rejected, the King Vampiric Willow gladly accepted Alec's magic, causing the bond between both individuals to bloom.

Alec staggered as all his remaining magic was drained into the bond between him and the King Vampiric Willow, strengthening the tree minutely.

The Vampiric Willows cheered as they welcomed the King Vampiric Willow into Alec's fold.

Alec got the feeling that the King Vampiric Willow was pleased.

The King Vampiric Willow gently pressed its thoughts and feelings towards Alec as if sensing his confusion.

The King Vampiric Willow was now submissive to Alec, which would have shocked many people who had lived for power on Incantix.

Just where in the world would you find a master who was so much weaker than their familiar? Talk about a stroke of luck!

This was no longer just a normal tree.

The normal Vampiric Willows had already reached the realms of being able to call itself a creature, and the King Vampiric Willow was even more impressive.

It was about to reach the ranks of being able to classify and evolve itself into a magical beast.

It had been killing within this realm endlessly for years each time a monster horde came, yet it was never able to cross the line and fully evolve. It was lacking something, yet it didn't know what.

Alec gently patted the King Vampiric Willow, having gained an extremely powerful familiar without even doing anything.

The creature had chosen to bank its hopes on Alec to perhaps allow itself to evolve as a last-ditch effort. Clearly, nothing would change if it continued maintaining the status quo in this place where there were no changes.

The King Vampiric Willow rubbed a vine on Alec's cheek gently, but the System still staggered under the blow, causing him to collapse.

Alec, who got slammed down from the force of that single vine affectionately rubbing him, was speechless.

He decided to call the King Vampiric Willow 'Vi' short form for vine. Simple but easy.

Alec suddenly thought that he'd been adding a lot of trees into his numerous collections of Awakened lately.

Vi used its vine to rub Alec's face again, happy that it was able to help its weak master out.

This was the first time that it had seen a creature with rational thought and logic, even being able to connect with it. What a joy!

The other trees in its network had been sentient, yet at the same time, they were connected to the King Vampiric Willow, which meant that they weren't fully sentient at the same time.

If not for the Vampiric Willows that had been disappearing from its network, it would never have approached the strange two-legged creatures and come out from underground.

It would have just laid in rest as the Vampiric Willows continued absorbing nutrients for it.

Just as he was feeling happy that there would be no other dangers from the monster horde now that the Vampiric Willows had been taken care of, Vi sent over a message to him, causing the System to stiffen.

The monster horde wasn't the only danger of this place.

There would soon be incoming meteor showers from the skies that would flatten the earth, causing catastrophic damage all around.

Alec silently held his forehead.

Now even the weather was against them, not just the monsters.

No wonder the [Plot Route] said that Tatiana's mercenary troops would suffer heavy casualties.

Alec had been wondering since it didn't seem like the mercenaries were visibly struggling against the monster horde, numerous as they were. Even if they had been lagging a bit, the mercenaries were taking turns to rest so that they could maintain peak efficiency at all times.

So, it was likely because of the meteor shower that would cause the damage to their numbers.

From what Vi was telling him, the damage should be widespread and large.

There was nowhere to hide here since the lands were barren and flat. Not to mention trees, there weren't any mountains or rivers either.

Vi touched Alec's face again, sending more detailed information over through their bond.