
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs

King Vampiric Willow!

Alec realized something.

When he killed monsters, compared to when he had so painstakingly practiced and steadily built up his magic, a small, miniscule part of the monster's latent magic flowed into his body instead.

All of a sudden, something seemed to occur to him when he noticed this happening.

There were four Societypes that were known to society.

Every, Bright, Cher and Sin.

The defining characteristics of each Societype were quite distinct, yet the information that was available about Sins were scarce and limited.

Every, which made up a whopping ninety percent of the population, were what was considered as the 'normals' of society. There were a range of people within this Societype. They occupied the entire range from unskilled to skilled, pertaining to their large numbers.

Of the other ten percent of the population, the other three Societypes were divided relatively equally.

The Cher Societype, who shared the Every's range of skilled and unskilled people in battle.

If the Chers and the Everys were considered the general populace, then the Brights and Sins were those that were considered to dominate and excel in their chosen fields.

Brights and Sins both, who occupied the upper-middle and higher realm of the skill range.

Even if Alec looked at it objectively, there wasn't a Bright or Sin that existed that was completely useless during battle, regardless of their Magitype.

Brights grew quicker because they understood the basis of their magic comparatively easier, yet why was it that the Sins continued to excel in battle even when they didn't share that characteristic? Why did they continue to be ostracized from society?

Alec felt like he'd discovered why.

Sins… Sins grew from each battle that they experienced.

The little wisps of magic that Alec was absorbing now were boosting the growth of his magic rank, essentially taking from the beasts and making it their own.

Since the magic was filled with battle intent and killing intent when it entered their bodies, it caused most of the Sins to lose their head in the middle of battle, becoming something similar to killing machines when they couldn't control their urges.

Now, it was all starting to make sense to him!

Sins, unlike the Brights who saw fast growth in comprehension, grew from experiencing an enemy's strength themselves and taking it for their own usage. They devoured their enemy's strength, using it to feed themselves and accelerate their growth.

Alec carefully prodded the new magic that was melding into his bones and marrows, feeling the fighting intent that dwelled and was emitted from it.

Alec didn't erase it but instead used it to hone himself from within. His heart was pounding from the desire to battle!

Instead of being anything harmful to him, Alec could see that the flow of battle became clearer than ever to him.

He wondered if this was how the rest of the Sins saw it.

In this state, his blood was boiling, and his potential was exploding.

So, why was it that Alec's growth had been so slow compared to the Brights and the other Sins?

It was because he hadn't thrown himself headfirst into battle like the rest of the Sins, yet his natural comprehension couldn't match up to the Brights either.

Alec had been slowly toiling away, trying to increase his magic capacity in the normal manner, yet it was the most inefficient manner for those who were Sins!

Now that he knew about it, Alec felt like an idiot for not taking into account his body's natural abilities.

Alec reserved a part of his mind to look out for the King Vampiric Willow as he moved around the battlefield unhindered.

He was killing to his heart's content today. The long suppressed violent tendencies that Alec himself didn't even know he had been suppressing erupted at this moment.

Alec freed himself from the burden that had been holding him back as he unconsciously tried to emanate the qualities of an Every, which typically did not show a Sin's characteristics for bloodlust.

Not only was his magic growing, his reflexes were being refined directly proportionally to the time that Alec spent guarding his own back as he looked for openings to take out the monsters that were at the same level as he was.

It was refreshing, being able to let loose like this. Unconsciously, the grin on his face grew. Alec was lucky that he was further away from the rest of the humans in this place, otherwise they would have felt chills at the gentle smile on Alec's face that showed he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

Each battle was growing harsher as the strength of the monsters increased instead of decreasing.

Just where was the King Vampiric Willow?

Looking around the battlefield, there was only a few Vampiric Willows left that weren't under Alec's command.

It was strange. The King Vampiric Willow should have already noticed what Alec was doing, so why had it not come out to rage at Alec?

By the time they were all under Alec's thumb, the trembling of the ground increased even more, shaking so hard that even the Spectres, with their finely-honed balance were almost knocked off their feet.

In the far distance, far away from the rest of the humans, the ground cracked and split, sending earth and debris everywhere as leaves emerged from the previously barren ground.

The monsters that had previously been occupying the area fell into the large crack towards the strange tree.

Yet, before they could even touch any of the leaves, their bodies were pierced by red vines and roots, causing the previously lively monsters to disappear without a single trace.

The King Vampiric Willow emerged from the ground like the last boss in a dramatic and sensational manner, pulling itself out from the ground as it swept up the monsters that were in its vicinity.

Even the monsters seemed to keep a berth from it, instinctively feeling that they would meet death if they approached even with their low intelligence.

The humans couldn't help but slow down as they looked at the giant tree that had appeared in the far distance. The tree was so large that they could see it as clear as day.

It looked like the other Vampiric Willows that were around them, but much larger and much more menacing.

Just existing, there was a wave of pressure that washed over the battlefield, causing the battles that occurred between monsters and humans to slow down.

However, the giant tree did not emit a killing aura nor show any signs of hostility towards the humans.

Though wary, the humans did not make a move as they were reluctant to attack if they had not been attacked first. They were already having enough trouble with the onslaught of monsters that appeared in every direction.

The King Vampiric Willow's leaves rustled gently, yet everyone who stood on the battlefield felt a chill just from the power that spread across the battlefield.

The King Vampiric Willow was so large that they couldn't help but look at it a few times. Even the monsters had been affected by the pressure given off by the King Vampiric Willow, allowing the humans to kill them easily.

While the rest of them only stared on at the large Vampiric Willow tree, some of the Spectres were not only undaunted by the tree, they were even raring to charge straight there and take it on themselves.

Luckily for them, those Spectres that retained majority of their sanity smacked those that were going to misbehave over the head.

Don't misbehave when the boss is away!

The boss was already allowing them to happily kill, yet you want to anger him later, ah!? Not allowed!

Alec directly used the [Rings of Acceleration] that his master had gifted to him, pressing his magic into the anklets.

Alec moved with great speed and retained his stealth as he approached the giant King Vampiric Willow tree in the distance.

While the pressure that the tree was giving off was strong, it did not seem to be particularly interested in finding the person who had taken away the other Vampiric Willows.

Could it be that the King Vampiric Willow thought that the other Vampiric Willows had met their end, thus causing it to come out instead to procure more nutrients?

Alec didn't forget to continue silently killing on the way there since he wouldn't be discovered.

The corpses of the monsters were quickly devoured by other monsters, allowing Alec to perfectly hide his trail from the King Vampiric Willow.

Matching his magic signature to one similar to the monsters that surrounded him on all sides, Alec just appeared like another one from the horde.

Thank you Reviewer #38 Sandra_Schwab and Reviewer #39 Claudia_ :)

1 more review to an extra bonus chapter!

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