
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Vampiric Willows

Bunbun and Fenrir had enlarged themselves, happily crushing enemies under their foot. With a single swipe, the monsters were unable to hold on.

Purple lightning sparked under Fenrir's paws, causing chaos amongst the dying monsters. Just standing there, he was able to cause catastrophic damage to the weak monsters.

Bunbun hopped around, squashing them underfoot. He swiped out, sending monsters flying into the distance.

They didn't needlessly worry about their owner since they could feel that he was alive and well.

They could even pinpoint where he was exactly, so if there was ever a time where Alec needed them, they would be able to approach in a flash.

Amongst the various monsters that approached of varying sizes, Bunbun and Fenrir were much larger than they were on the battlefield.

It would have been comical how much bigger they were had they any extra effort to laugh about it, but everyone was busy to appreciate the sight of an extremely giant bunny and wolf dominating the battlefield.

Bunbun was particularly ferocious since it remembered the time when a monster had caused Alec to come close to losing his life just to save him, growling, whereas Fenrir was just purely enjoying the battle.

The two creatures seemed to have a rivalry going on as they competed to see who would kill more in this period.

Tatiana didn't allow Dietrich to leave her sight as she effortlessly commanded her troops, maintaining their formation with a few corrections.

Since the monsters were only rank one, she was able to split her concentration without any effort even as she slaughtered her fair share of monsters with a single blow.

Dietrich engaged in mindless killing, doing his part in the battle. His actions were like flowing water, killing two or three monsters each time his sword was lightly swung, a faint afterimage left behind.

After a few days of doing nothing but lying around, it felt great to be able to move his body again. He resolutely shoved the memory of his first kiss being stolen away for now.

There was a loud caw in the air as Dominique's newly acquired familiar flew towards its master.

The poor avian creature really had no tears left to shed.

It had just been happily sleeping, but just when it had been sinking into a deeper state of sleep, it had been displaced into this crack in the realms due to its connection to its master, causing it to come here.

It swooped towards Dominique, who was happily fighting in the sea of monsters with Yuki, Hayden and Rosabel.

The avian familiar, a Blood Starling, was suited for this type of prolonged battle.

With its feathers that were as tough as any steel sword, and the ability to regain energy from a monster's blood, this was a battlefield that the creature excelled in.

The Blood Starling changed its mind when it approached its master, instead flying above head and away.

Since it didn't want to be bullied by its master and go where it wasn't welcome, the Blood Starling instead headed away from the group of four Sins who were killing to their heart's content as countless enemies rushed up towards them.

The Blood Starling attacked further away from the humans, venting its anger and unwillingness from being forced into a familiar contract.

The Spectres were a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Since Alec didn't forbid them to head further out into battle, they did so freely and wantonly.

The mercenaries were holding their ground back there, so the Spectres were happily killing anything they saw further out to lessen the pressure that was being put on the mercenaries.

This was the first ever time where they never felt the urge to turn their violence towards another human, instead being able to sate themselves on the bloodstained battlefield.

Their blood was pumping quick and strong, yet they didn't lose their minds to the bloodlust because they had to maintain their formation with their group members.

Alec's training, as little as it had been, had proven to be effective so far.

When the Sins killed, blood and gore splattered everywhere, yet their killing speed was much quicker than the comparatively more cautious mercenaries.

Yet, no matter how many monsters were being slain, monsters continued to approach endlessly from every direction.

While everyone else was going around killing whatever monster they saw, Alec was doing something else.

While he might have wanted to indulge in a little killing himself, that could wait until he had tried something out.

Approaching one of the Vampiric Willows that was busying itself with the onslaught of monsters, Alec made sure to keep whatever killing intent that he may harbour before he touched the tree's trunk.

The Vampiric Willow didn't react to his touch, but Alec made sure that it was suitably held up as it devoured the monsters.

Inserting his magic into the Vampiric Willow, Alec staggered a little as the connection to the tree bloomed.

Since the tree already had a consciousness of its own, Alec only had to use a little of his magic to Awaken it, thereby forming a bond between human and tree.

The Vampiric Willows were sentient, yet they weren't sentient at the same time.

It was easier to say that the Vampiric Willows all shared the same consciousness, spread out amongst all the ghostly looking trees in this place.

Its main consciousness belonged to the main tree, originating from the King Vampiric Willow.

The other Vampiric Willows were procuring nutrients to feed the King Vampiric Willow for it to evolve.

Gaining this information from their bond, Alec's brows shot up.

'Where is the King Vampiric Willow?' Alec asked through their bond, but there was a faint, confused feeling that was shoved back at him.

The Vampiric Willow didn't know. Now that it was disconnected from the King Vampiric Willow's network, it could no longer trace back to the main consciousness.

Instead, Alec's Awakening had caused the Vampiric Willow to gain a consciousness of its own, thereby unintentionally allowing him to use just the barest hints of magic to form their bond instead of what he usually had to.

It was a stroke of good luck that caused Alec to grin.

He wanted to find the King Vampiric Willow and Awaken it as well. From what he saw, the King Vampiric Willow and the other Vampiric Willow trees would be very important for them to control the flow of battle later on.

Alec closed his eyes and concentrated on the feelings of magic throughout the battlefield, looking for the similar magic types of the Vampiric Willows.

In this manner, Alec slaughtered his way to the various Vampiric Willows that were slowly moving around as they devoured their prey, Awakening them one by one.

Each time he diverted a portion of the King Vampiric Willow's consciousness away from the Vampiric Willows.

Alec theorized that this would cause the King Vampiric Willow's strength to decline as more of its power was being siphoned into the bonds between Alec and the normal Vampiric Willows instead.

If the King Vampiric Willow was too strong, Alec had the feeling that he wouldn't be able to Awaken it and form a bond with it, so the System was going around and stealing Vampiric Willows from under its nose.

Sooner or later, the King Vampiric Willow would come for him and the other Vampiric Willows when it noticed that almost half of its group of Vampiric Willows were missing from its network.

By now, the rank one monsters were all but gone, and they were starting to bleed into rank two monsters.

Each time Alec's daggers slashed out, a warm feeling built in him, his blood thundering within his veins as warm blood splattered onto his face.

Alec's smile widened even further as he anticipated the King Vampiric Willow coming for him.

There were trees everywhere, even in a place like this. Alec's Awakening Magitype was surely the most useful in times like this, where he was able to turn his seeming disadvantage into an advantage instead.

Bonus chapter 3. :)

Thank you Reviewer #37 Redgum!

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