
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Underwater King Who Once Ruled the Ocean

Lukas had already clearly discovered the element that he wielded in this life, fighting against the mutant zombie fish with precision and accuracy on the ground.

He was helped by the fact that the giant zombie fish was unable to do much as it was out of the water, but its powerful flailing and sharp teeth were still a threat. He did not particularly want to test how immune to the zombie virus he was currently.

Lukas continuously stayed in its blind spot, and eventually wore it down without the zombie fish being able to do anything much.

The lightning element that covered him made him quicker and made his hits that much harder.

Lukas and the giant zombie fish were engaged in a battle on land that seemed precarious – well, precarious for the zombie fish, maybe, but not Lukas.

And if both Karen and Liam were a little bit in awe, and just a little bit terrified, that was their problem, not his.

When the zombie fish felt that it had suffered quite an amount of damage under Lukas' hands, it flailed even more strongly, causing the river water to surge and splash as numerous zombie fish from the water to surge up, coming onto land to help the giant zombie fish.

Alec, with the ease of herding a bunch of cats, directed Karen and Liam to kill off the errant zombie fishes that were coming out from the water. Since there were so many of them, they were able to practice using the new whips that they'd learn to make under Alec's guidance.

On the upside, they weren't being attacked since they'd managed to learn how to copy the zombie fish's aura. While they might not be useful dealing with the giant zombie fish, dealing with the smaller fishes before they were able to cause trouble and interfere with Lukas' battle was a win on its own.

It wasn't until the zombie fish died that he realized Liam and Karen were staring at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly ajar. If Lukas flushed a little because he wasn't used to anyone looking at him like that, no one saw it.

Karen and Liam were surrounded by a mountain of dead zombie fishes, whereas he was standing next to a zombie fish that was even bigger than the pile of corpses next to them.

Lukas' lips twitched briefly.

He stomped on the giant zombie fish's stomach and punched his way through its corpse, digging around. No weapons needed when his fists worked just fine. Gross as hell, yes, but nothing he wasn't used to.

From within, he pulled out a pearl that was just a bit smaller than a golf ball.

The pearl shone under the sun's rays, giving off a beautiful gleam that many a woman would have killed for before the apocalypse started.

Not only was it big, the consistency was milky and clear, like it had been crafted from the finest and most delicate circumstances in nature's loving grip.

Of course, you were fine to admire it as long as you ignored the fact that it had come out from a giant zombie fish's stomach.

Alec looked at the pearl, surprised.

As expected from a Main Character's luck.

Lukas caught sight of the slight glint in Alec's eyes that let him know the boy knew what this pearl was.

Lukas tilted his head at Alec, looking at him pointedly. He held up the pearl between his index and middle finger, but no matter how he looked at it, he didn't see anything special about it other than the fact that it was giving off a faint wisp of magic.

There was no harm telling him. After all, if it wasn't used by the Main Character, then it would hard for anyone else to protect. "It's a pearl that gives you the ability to open a space, though I wouldn't know what was inside it."

The looks that they gave the pearl changed as they stared at it, wondering how that was possible. It sounded like something out of a novel – something fantastical and whimsical, like a main character's boon in an apocalyptic novel.

Even though Lukas had regressed, he had never heard of such a thing before. How strange! And to find it in the zombie fish, of all things? Rather than in the hands of humans?


Wasn't this one of the mutant bosses that pretty much ruled one corner of the world? They called it the Underwater King because it commanded the seas. Even years later, the humans still weren't able to win against it because they weren't adapted to underwater combat, as well as the sheer numbers at its disposal.

No wonder it had been so much larger than the rest of the zombie fish underneath. Its fins had practically been dragging on the floor as it swum lethargically.

Lukas had just been testing whether or not his aura copy passed the test, but he hadn't expected that when he was looking for some fish that hadn't turned into zombies to eat, he would come across a zombie fish that was so much larger than the rest.

Not only that, the zombie fish contained a strong magical aura, yet not only was it untouched by the rest of the zombie fishes, it seemed to have the others under its command.

He should have known then, really. But he hadn't linked the two together until now.

Lukas had immediately attacked it since he couldn't just allow it to be. No doubt that it would one day become a threat to mankind if it continued down the evolution route, but to think that it would become the Underwater King?

Time had shown that beings that showed the proclivity towards controlling other zombies all ascended to the top of the food chain quickly.

Little had he expected that instead of a core that zombies usually had, the magic that he felt from the zombie fish was this pearl instead of a core.

Somehow, he didn't doubt the words that came out of Alec's mouth that it could indeed give whoever acquired it a space.

Karen got a bit closer and stared hard at the pearl in Lukas' hands. She couldn't see anything unique about it, but that didn't dissipate her curiosity.

"How would someone use it?" she asked curiously. She was simultaneously repulsed by the pearl and attracted to its pretty sparkle at the same time.

The smile on Alec's face grew to a little smirk as he saw how enraptured she was with the shine of the pearl. "You have to eat it. Swallow it whole."

Karen's face changed immediately as she was completely repulsed, backing away quickly and hiding behind Liam. Her face had a disgusted look on it as she held out her hands. "Good luck, Liam, Lukas! All for you!"

The thought that someone had to eat something like that that had just come out of a zombie fish's stomach was completely disgusting and her mysophobia couldn't stomach the thought at all.

She shuddered, all the hair on her arms standing up straight.

She didn't even want to watch it go down. She'd have nightmares for weeks.

Alec laughed, and Liam coughed as he politely hid his laughter. Lukas just looked confused.

"You found it, so you eat it," Liam said with a bit of schadenfreude. He wondered how his brother's stoic face would change once he ate that. The taste was surely not anything good.

Lukas stared at it. Could he even swallow it? It was huge!

Still, he expressionlessly brought the pearl to his mouth and popped it in, struggling to swallow it, but try as he might, he just couldn't do it! The indescribable taste was filling his taste buds, but he couldn't swallow the damn pearl!

Alec snorted and helped him out a little.

He thumped him hard on the back, and Lukas, startled, choked and swallowed the pearl whole. It went down his gullet as the Main Character wheezed.

Lukas maintained his expressionless face, but he was dying inside. Liam, taking pity on his brother, handed him a bottle of water, which Lukas chugged down without much elegance.

Karen was still covering her ears. She could still hear what went down even though she already blocked her ears, and her imagination was driving her to feel disgusted at the thought of that likely slimy pearl going into Lukas' mouth.


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