
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

H Base

As Lukas was playing around with his newly acquired space, they found out that he couldn't bring around other people inside it, so Alec trained Liam and Karen more. It wasn't like they were moving anywhere while Lukas was figuring out how to use his space effectively.

At the end of the day, Liam and Karen collapsed on the ground, wishing they never had to move ever again.

"How…" Liam wheezed. "How can such a small child have so much evil inside of him?"

Karen panted on the ground, not even having any strength to detest that she was lying on filth. "D-don't question it. He's the devil in disguise, I tell you," she said, as if Alec couldn't hear them.

It was to the sight of his sweaty brother and friend that Lukas was greeted with when he exited his space. He stared at Alec with confusion. He'd never seen them act like this even after the school's marathon.

Just what had Alec done to cause them to become so utterly exhausted that they looked as if they were going to pass out then and there?

"They made a bit of progress in their magic."

There were twin wheezes, as if they resented the fact that Alec said they only made 'a bit' of progress.

They even found out the nature of their powers.

Liam awakened fire, while Karen awakened the opposite, which was water.

With three different elements in their team, they would be able to deal with many problems that came their way.

Karen wanted to dance with joy when she really awakened the water element type power, thinking of everything she could do with it. She praised herself, saying that her body knew what was up. There was nothing better for a person who had mysophobia to awaken the water element.

It wasn't until Alec crushed her dreams that she'd barely started dreaming about that she wailed. Even if she could produce water, she needed more magic so that she could use it as she pleased, and control was one of the big things that she had to master!

So, like that, Alec put Karen and Liam both through a bit of condensed hell training. There was no time for Alec to slowly take his time with them in this apocalyptic world where there was danger everywhere.

But the progress they made under the pressurised training satisfied him for now, so Alec dragged both Liam and Karen back to the jeep, placing them in the back as they passed out from using up their daily quota of magic.

Now, if only they kept up the intensity of their training, they would definitely be powerhouses in this post-apocalyptic world together with the Main Character. They had to do that much in order to survive next to the Main Character, after all.

Lukas was about to feed them some of the water that he found in the space, but Alec stopped him.

If he fed that that water to recover their vitality, then the expansion of their magic training would stop early, which wasn't conducive to their training.

"Where is H base located?" Alec asked.

"Near H city."

Alec inputted the GPS details into the jeep, allowing the jeep to drive itself as they took a break inside.

"Go to sleep."

Lukas hesitated. He didn't want to be caught unawares when his brother and Karen were still passed out in the back of the jeep.

Alec shrugged, allowing Lukas to make his own decisions. He didn't push him, allowing him to think it through himself.

Alec himself closed his eyes for some shut eye as he thought about what his future actions were. He couldn't just rely on Lukas' direction as what to base it on.

He had to quickly acquire more information about this world's state. He suddenly regretted that he hadn't picked up a laptop when he'd been in the mall previously.


H base was located not too far from H city, and it was already relatively bustling if you considered just how chaotic the world had become. That the military had managed to set up something like this so quickly was ever so slightly suspicious.

The party of four took roughly a week to get here from where they had been previously training. Mainly because they *didn't* take detours around various towns.

While Alec would have been all for avoiding those literal death spots had it been later in the apocalypse where the zombies had a chance to grow, right now the zombies were all great fodder for growing the three and solidifying Liam and Karen's grip over their magic.

They travelled along the dirt road, and Karen was already dying from not being able to take a bath as she pleased.

Alec could see that there were military posted around to stop the people from rioting, as well as providing the people a symbol and hope that things were going to be fine.

It had originally been a small town near H city, but it was now restructured as H base after having cleared out all the zombies from within.

They were still expanding as there were countless refugees who turned up every day looking for shelter, brought here by either chance or circumstance.

The military had already discovered that some people had powers. These neo-humans were obviously no doubt the future of the world and humanity's only hope for eradicating the rest of the zombies from their planet, so they were ordered to have a separate line for those people with powers that wanted to enter the base.

That was the line that Lukas and his party headed to, and there were countless eyes that stared at them jealously.

Those people who had powers not only could guarantee their future, but they also didn't contract the zombie virus that easily. They were neo-humans in every sense of the word.

Lukas demonstrated a bit of his powers, causing his fist to spark with purple lightning, so he passed. While lightning wasn't that uncommon out of the few elements, having high attacking power, it was the size and brightness of his spark that made him stand out even though he was already toning it down.

Next, Liam created a small fireball and easily passed the entrance exam to enter the base. His power was relatively common, so it wasn't anything to exclaim over.

Karen easily passed as well, having created a globe of water that floated in the air. When the soldier said that she could enter, she first cleaned her hands with the water that she'd already created, not wasting it.

Out of the various elements, water was relatively harder to find, but the base appreciated this very much. Water was versatile and useful in all situations.

The three of them stood to the side as they waited for Alec to demonstrate his magic.

Alec was definitely not going to show his seals here, since that would create unnecessary chaos. Also, he knew that there would definitely be people that would come and try to use him for their political advantage, which he didn't want to waste any time on.

In the end, what Alec did next astounded those that had been watching.

He casually stomped on the ground, and there was instantly an extremely loud noise as the ground gave way under his foot, the dirt condensed in with none of it flying out.

What was left behind was a large crater with a small child inside, stunning the soldier.

Somehow, why did he feel like this was the most impressive out of all the power users that he'd seen? That sure was useful.

Alec lightly leaped out from the crater, ignoring the looks and gapes that were directed his way.

Even his party was looking at him with surprise.

"Let's go."

The party of four brought the jeep into H base with them.

They had to go through a few checks as they quarantined for half a day before they were finally formally inducted into H base's roster.

Alec asked for the roster from a friendly soldier, flipping through it quickly.

His eyes gleamed when he caught sight of a few familiar names.

Very good.

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