
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

This is Mini

The first place they had to check was outside the base, so they had to leave, but they couldn't leave unless they were in a party of five at least due to the base's rules.

"Huh? Alec is that you?" came a familiar voice.

Karen, Liam and Lukas were obviously looking to go out as well to gather some materials. While Karen and Liam had been curiously looking at the various mission descriptions, Lukas leaned on the jeep, looking rather bored.

He'd originally been planning to just grab two people to fill up the slot, but he hadn't expected to meet Alec again with someone else. Not after he suddenly disappeared from the jeep without any warning.

"Karen, Liam, Lukas," Alec greeted, his smile turning a bit more genuine upon seeing them. His eyes lingered a little in Lukas' direction.

Dominique sensed the change in his boss' expression, and his previous expression melted into something hostile.

Lukas' eyes met the person that walked half step behind Alec, his eyes narrowing into a glare back at him.

There was a faint killing intent being directed towards himself, as well as bloodlust that was well hidden. Had Lukas not been particularly experienced and sensitive towards negative intents directed his way, he would have long since died.

Why was this person with Alec directing killing intent towards himself? He had never seen this man in his life – both lives in fact.

Dominique's eyes were practically stabbing Lukas, his purple eyes narrowed into a glare.

Alec could practically feel the sparks between the two Main Characters as they met for the first time.

He wondered whether it was because they were both Main Characters. Was this some sort of innate rivalry that Main Characters had for each other?

Come to think of it, even back in the Neil Clan, their group of five had been a complete train wreck until their teacher managed to drill into their heads that they were to work together.

Wait, no. He couldn't allow Dominique to run amok here when he needed them to head out.

Where else would they find someone else?

"This is Dominique. My subordinate."

The killing intent within Dominique's heart died down when he heard his boss acknowledging his position before these strangers.

Lukas continued watching with a frosty expression even when the killing intent disappeared. While he originally would never have allowed a person that had directed that intent towards him or his people, this person was brought here by Alec, so he wouldn't make a move.

"Hi Dominique," Liam greeted, eyeing his brother.

"Hi Dominique," Karen echoed.

Dominique nodded coolly at them.

"Cool contacts," Karen said cheerfully. Dominique had such nice contacts. The purple of his eyes glinted in the light, and they looked so genuine. She would have loved to get a pair for herself if this was before the apocalypse, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Dominique felt a bit confused but didn't say anything since his boss didn't. What were these 'contacts'? Was this some sort of otherworld terminology that he had no idea about? He assumed that she wasn't talking about his network?

"Let's go."


The lab was conveniently located at the side of Town A, which was helpful for them.

Being located in the suburbs instead of the city meant that there were less zombies around, and it was easier for them to slip in and out without attracting too much attention.

Of course, they weren't scared about meeting zombies because they were able to copy their aura, but if there were any other people around, it would be disastrous for them.

"What are you looking for?" Lukas asked Alec, but his eyes didn't meet Alec's and instead met Dominique's.

For some reason, Alec's subordinate kept glaring at him like he'd stolen something precious from him, and it was driving him crazy because of all the negative intent!

If he wasn't Alec's subordinate, Lukas would already have tried to kill Dominique the moment they left the base.

"Research. And evidence about whether or not the zombie outbreak is because of humans."

Their expressions grew sombre at his words.

"You think that the entire zombie outbreak was a manmade occurrence?"

Dominique's mouth pulled into a sneer. "You think that this is something that occurs naturally?" He might not have much information about this place, but Dominique knew that things didn't happen without a reason.

Even if meteorites dropped from the sky and wiped out a town, for it to spread throughout the entire planet at such a quick pace suggested that there was help from behind the scenes.

Also, there was no way that his boss was wrong.

Karen was confused. "But isn't the zombie outbreak because of the meteorite that crashed to earth a day before people started turning into zombies?"

Alec smiled. "It's not like I've found any proof. This is just me making speculations."

But even as Alec said those words, they didn't feel like Alec had any doubts about his theory, which kept them silent as various thoughts went through their mind.

Their emotions fluctuated wildly between anger and helplessness.

The thought that it was humankind who had caused this calamity to befall the planet themselves wasn't a nice thought.

Yet, the more they thought about it, the more plausible it felt even if they wanted to deny it.

Lukas' clenched his fist as he turned over the words in his mind. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about it before, but he had never deigned it his job to look for the source of the mutation and where it had originated from.

Lukas had gone crazy with grief back then, throwing himself into combating the zombies that continuously appeared, killing them one by one.

Honestly, he hadn't been able to afford thinking about anything else aside from fighting, because he really would have gone crazy if he hadn't been able to release his stress and grief into a productive manner.

But… if this zombie virus had truly been created by scientists, then that meant that the deaths of billions were upon their heads.

More than that, it meant that Liam and Karen's deaths – their parent's deaths – and so many other innocents had been the cause of mad scientists.

And for what?

To satisfy their curiosity? To obtain immortality? To 'evolve' mankind?

Oh, they had 'evolved' indeed. It had worked so well that ninety percent of the planet evolved into something less than human.

The more he thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. There was no lack of people who wanted to mess with things they shouldn't in order to pursue their curiosity.

The thought just made him burn with anger. He felt like the anger was scorching him from inside out.

"Do you really think you'll find anything in a small lab like this?" Lukas asked instead. He doubted that they would find anything so easily.

They were in front of the lab now, but there was a sturdy security door before them. There were no windows in the entire building, which was probably a decent security measure, but it only meant that they didn't have an alternate way in now.

While it wasn't any trouble breaking in, the alarm would go off should the door be broken in or removed with anything but the password.

"Of course not," Alec said absently, removing the metal plate from the number pad.

With a few screwdrivers and other things, Alec quickly hacked into the system within a few minutes, and the door of the place slid open with a hiss.

They looked at him with amazement, never having seen anyone do something like this with such ease.

Dominique just watched his boss with worshipful eyes.

The strange technology of this world was completely different from that in Incantix, but his boss knew how to deal with it in the few days that they never met.

His boss knew how to do everything!

Alec stepped into the place. He didn't need to specifically look for information inside the lab.

What he needed instead was the high-tech computer that was connected to others of the same specs.

The information he needed could be found quickly as long as he had connection and power.

"Find the backup generator."

I swear these cliffhangers aren't intentional.

This bonus chapter was brought to you by Reviewer #51 Absolute_Reaper, #52 Ryu_no_hirameki, #53 Lux_Arcadia_5429, #54 Eliza_Belle_Gray, #55 Cawcaw and #56 kikebau. Hehe so many!

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