
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs

Cleanliness and Dust

Lukas didn't know what he would do if he found evidence that the disaster had truly been awoken from human hands, but he steadied his mind, not allowing the fluctuating emotions to affect him.

They found the backup generator rather quickly in the basement. It wasn't anything difficult to use, so after they started it up, Lukas left Liam and Karen while he poked around the place.

There was a whirr as lights came on, flickering before completely lighting up. After that came the sound of the air-con starting up, the whoosh of air sounding obnoxiously loud compared to the previous still silence.

The place looked pristine and clean, unlike the norm after the apocalypse started. There wasn't even any dust in the place.

Unlike first impressions, the lab was actually a lot bigger inside and as well as underground.

There was something about this place that was tripping his memory, but he couldn't recall what.

It had been such a long time since he'd thought about anything other than what was relevant to sharpening his killing techniques. It'd been roughly twenty years since he thought about things that didn't directly affect him before the apocalypse started.

As he stared at the brand mark on one of the walls, a blurry fragment of his knowledge surfaced as it slowly started coming back to him.

This laboratory in Town A was famous throughout the country, and it had a sizable number of famous researchers that were supported by the government.

Lukas' eyes narrowed.

So, just where were all the people?

Or rather, where were the people that had been turned into zombies after the zombie outbreak randomly started? The red haze that triggered the transformation could penetrate into every crevice. There was no place on this planet that was safe from its reach.

Why weren't there any zombies wearing white lab coats walking around, stumbling here and there?

Alarm bells were ringing in his mind as he analysed the situation. That was what had been tripping his senses when they entered.

The complete silence and absence of sound.

The idea that the scientists had been the one to start up the entire apocalypse. Like everyone else, they would have remained working in the lab. Unless they all knew what was coming.

The cleanliness of this place, the lack of zombies, and the fresh scent of air freshener instead of blood, guts and gore.

Lukas' instincts were screaming at him. While there were other reasons that the lab could have been empty, his finely honed instincts said otherwise.

There had been no zombies in this place since the apocalypse started, which was why this place was in such a state as compared to the other places outside.

Lukas' eyes flashed as he sped up his searching.

Even if they were all missing – or rather, they should have taken cover if they knew what was coming.

Lukas craned his ears, listening to every single sound, from the whirring of the air-con to the soft sounds of the others moving around.

Then, he heard a soft clank, and he was darting down to chase after the sound, ignoring his brother's alarmed question behind him.

He could hear them dropping whatever they were doing and following behind him, and he didn't stop them.

There was someone here.

Sure enough, he spotted a door in the far right that was still in the middle of closing, but didn't hear the sound of a lock.

Cautiously, Lukas opened it. Even though there were no sounds from inside, that did not indicate a lack of danger.

Just as he pulled the door open, he took a step back, and in doing so, avoided the chair that had been chucked right as the door opened.

The chair made a loud clatter, whirling across the smooth tiled floor before toppling over.

Just as the chair passed him, Lukas already entered the room, grabbing the woman inside and twisting her arms behind her back, pinning her to the ground.

The lady wearing a lab coat let out a muffled groan, struggling futilely under his grip.

Liam and Karen peeked into the room, entering when they saw that Lukas had the situation well in hand.

"A researcher?"

Lukas stripped the white lab coat from her body, chucking it at them. He ignored the scream of pure rage and indignance from the researcher, patting her down to look for weapons or anything else that had not been in her coat's pockets.

The lady resisted fiercely, which only made Lukas use more force to pin her down, making it so that she couldn't move her four limbs. "Let me go, you pervert!"

This elicited a snort from Karen. If Lukas was a pervert, then the entire world was full of perverts.

Eventually, the fight gave out from the scientist when she realized it was futile.

Liam grabbed some duct tape from his backpack, securely binding the researcher's arms and hands behind her back, then her legs together for good measure.

The lady researcher was glaring at them heavily, her hair in disarray, yet she looked cleaner and more put together than practically everyone out there struggling in the apocalypse.

The three of them looked at the glaring lady, but she kept her mouth shut stubbornly, her glaring eyes piercing into them.

Lukas shrugged, hoisting her over his shoulder, where she wriggled like a caterpillar, shouting out profanities as she was manhandled.

"Put me down you sorry son of a-"

Lukas shook her roughly, not having any sympathy for the fairer sex. This was the apocalypse, where women were just as cruel as men, doing whatever they needed to survive.

The researcher finally shut her mouth, feeling like she was about to vomit, which would waste some of her rations, so she grudgingly kept silent, not wanting to be shaken again.

Lukas dragged her up to the floor level, where Alec and his subordinate were in the room filled with various computers.

Alec's brows shot up when he saw what the cat had dragged in.

There was actually someone living still inside this place, where there weren't even any zombies.

"Where is everyone else? Why aren't there any zombies here?"

The lady researcher continued glaring at them, keeping her mouth shut. She didn't seem willing to talk.

Lukas' gaze grew frostier, and the researcher felt a chill go up her arms at his glare. For some reason, she felt like she would die if she continued to go down this path, but she couldn't make up her mind.

While Lukas and the researchers were glaring at each other, Alec disregarded them, typing on the keyboard.

The rhythmic sounds of the keyboard being tapped were the only sounds inside the room, various pages opening at once.

"Natalie Anne Baker. Blood type A. Thirty-four, PhD in molecular biology. Graduated from Country B four years ago. Two pet cats, a hamster, no living relations."

Natalie's expression froze as her heart pounded loudly in the relative silence of the room. How…?

Oh. She could still see the various pages opening and closing in front of the boy sat before one of the lab's desktops, his fingers flying over the keyboard in a mesmerizing series of actions.

Her heart shuddered. She was more terrified of this boy who had a faint smile hanging on his lips rather than the man who had singlehandedly captured and defeated her.

The boy hadn't even looked in her direction other than that first time when she was brought into the room, which relieved her.

She felt as if all her secrets were laid bare in front of him.

"W-what do you want," Natalie said, cursing the stutter that gave away her weakness to the group in front of her.

"Nothing," Alec said, cutting off what anyone else might have said.

Lukas looked at Alec incredulously, his eyes narrowing.

Dominique glowered at Lukas as if he sensed the doubt that was within him regarding Alec's capabilities.

"Excuse me?" Natalie said, trying to keep her voice from going hysterical. "Then why-"

"We don't need you. Specifically, anyway," Alec said, finally turning to her.

Natalie shut up, her heart shuddering as those baby blues locked onto her face. There was a terror that suffused her when she heard his words.

All she could think of was that they were going to get rid of her since she wasn't going to be useful to them.