
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Nathan Cain

Nathan Cain studied the picture the boy made – even in the crowd of hopefuls, the boy stood out sharply.

With sharp blue eyes that danced together with the runes in the area of the array, there was the razor-sharp wit of intelligence that couldn't be hidden under the genial smile that he sported at all times.

When Gracen had hurriedly prodded him to come here, he had been sceptical. After all, it wasn't easy to find someone of his craft that would blossom under his tutelage. Though there were many disciples in the array division, he still didn't have any true disciples that he could fully and completely pass on his knowledge to.

So, when Gracen had described the things she thought might make this boy a good fit for him, he'd been sceptical to say the least.

Nonetheless, he had headed over to the testing area where the applicants who hoped to join the sect would have to undergo the first test to determine whether or not they had malicious intentions.

He had come with just the barest smidgeon of hope, and the expectation that he was about to be disappointed, but upon seeing the almost fanatical gaze in the boy's eyes that he saw reflected in the mirror at times, he felt like he was seeing himself from all those years ago when he'd first joined the sect.

"What's that child's name?" Nathan asked the proctor for this area.

The man flipped through the recorded data, right back to the front. "Alecris Neil. Every, Awakening."

Unexpected, but of little consequence. The boy was both an Every and Awakening, but he possessed a set of eyes that allowed him to view the runes in an array. That alone far outweighed what Societype or Magitype he possessed. If he wanted to, he could do anything with runes.

There was a faint, niggling feeling that he had overlooked something, but he didn't know what. He felt like he'd heard that name before, but where…?

Just as he was about to try and delve into his memories, his thought process was rudely interrupted by a noisy woman.

"How about it?" Gracen said, secretly smug. Nathan could practically hear it dripping off her words. "He's perfect for you, right?"

Nathan withheld his snort – Gracen had that effect on him – but agreed with ill grace. "If he wants to."

Gracen rolled her eyes but smiled indulgently. The man was so obstinate. They'd known each other for so many years, yet he still behaved this way in front of her.

"You know, I quite fancy him myself. Maybe I'll make an offer to him."

This caught Nathan's attention, and his eyes cut to her in a very obvious glare that caused her to start laughing.

"I'm just kidding! Besides, I know just how crazy you are about him already."

"I am not."

The trickle of applicants filtered in and out of the array, but the boy never once lost his concentration. They could almost see the gears frantically working inside his mind as he deciphered the runes that were moving nonstop.

Nathan was impressed despite himself. Even he hadn't had such a fierce concentration at that young an age. He'd been more prone to distraction, and the way the runes moved sometimes made him feel dizzy.

There were no such problems he spotted in the boy, which made him feel more and more pleased.

He had to get him. It would be such a loss of talent otherwise!

The boy was completely enthralled with the complexity of the runes that he utterly disregarded whatever the proctor said to him, trying to shoo him away. His eyes were locked onto the magnificence of the array, and Nathan felt like he'd returned to back when he first studied runes.

The shine he could see in the boy's eyes made him feel utterly satisfied.

The two elders of the Heavenly Ascension Sect cautiously didn't disturb the boy nor allow anyone else to disturb him.

He appeared to be in a state of comprehension, which would be disrupted should anyone jolt him.

Nathan spread a thin amount of magic throughout the air around the boy to dissuade anyone from disturbing him.

Gracen stretched, taking advantage of the fact that no one else could see them. Since they were here waiting for the boy, they might as well filter out those who were harbouring malice for the sect.

While it was such a menial job – they had the array for a reason – but since they could tell just from feeling these young'uns magic whether or not they were trying to hide their intentions, it wasn't anything difficult or challenging.

Nathan and Gracen quickly weeded out the bad seeds that were trying to go unnoticed, tossing them out.

Nathan held out a hand to stop Gracen from going after the last one. He could see that the boy was almost there, but there was something still eluding him from completely comprehending the complexity of the array.

He had a feeling he knew why. It was something that had stumped him the first time around too.

Gracen shot him a confused glance, and Nathan tilted his head in the boy's direction, watching as the cognizance bled onto her face.

"Shouldn't you be going now?" Nathan questioned dryly when the fifty or so that were left in the area were waiting for their turn.

Gracen crossed her arms, pushing up her ample chest. Nathan's line of sight shifted skyward.

"Why? Are you chasing me away?"

Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose. "No."

"Oh, I get it. You want to be the only one to imprint your glorious visage into your young disciple's mind, huh!"

Nathan sighed. "No, Gracen. Aren't you busy?" he tried.

Gracen scoffed. "Of course not! It's recruitment day, you know! Just admit it already! Then this Gracen will kindly leave you and your potential little disciple alone."

Nathan ignored her, continuing to study his potential disciple. He ignored the fuss she made when she realized that he was ignoring her.

They were lucky that the potential sect members couldn't see her behave this way. They were hidden behind a screen that would cause those who didn't know it was there to overlook them, but it wasn't fool proof.

Sometimes, he really wondered if the dignified farce that she put on in front of her disciples was just that – a farce.

Gracen huffed, pouting. Nathan always ignored her so ungraciously! And she was the one who brought the boy to his attention too!

At last, the remaining 'potential' sect member stepped onto the array. It was the last teenager that harboured malicious intentions for the sect.

The proceedings were quick, brutal and vaguely harmful to the applicant – but nothing he couldn't recover from. Nothing life-threatening, at least.

They didn't want to scare the children with brutality from the sect even before they entered, after all.

Watching the comprehension bleed into the boy's blue eyes as it suddenly clicked was rewarding.

Nathan was both hopeful and worried at the same time.

Stepping forward, Nathan was annoyed to realize that Gracen had also stepped forward. She really…

He had no words for her behaviour, truly….

"Are you willing to be my disciple?"

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Eh here's the man's POV and his reasoning... Don't kill me.

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