
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Intent Array

After roughly fifty people entered the area where they were waiting, the next proctor started guiding them towards an array that previously been dormant.

Alec gladly took the chance to study the array, unabashed. Since it was written here, out in the open, it would be remiss of him to give up this chance.

The array wasn't something tangible – or rather, it shouldn't be tangible, but during Alec's little stint in the Rothschild Family Mansion, the effects of Awakening his eyes had an unexpected side effect.

His vision was clearer than ever before, even when it wasn't night-time.

The runes that made up the array were bare for him to see, clear as day.

They danced through the air reminiscent of fireflies in the night. They hovered, then slowly buzzed and vibrated. Though faint, Alec was able to see their outlines.

When Alec gazed at them, they flitted about, flirting with his vision. But still, they were intricately linked and joined, following the rules of the rune master that had so delicately chained them together, forming a function that they would otherwise be empty of.

The person who had created this was above his skill level for sure, but that only made Alec more excited.

When Melanie stepped into the array, there was the distinct swirling as the runes rapidly circled the air.

The sight was not something that Alec would forget any time soon.

So enthralled was he in his fascination that he never noticed how there were eyes studying his reaction to the array, however subtle it may be.

Alec's eyes followed as the runes rocked gently, flirting with his vision, almost teasingly. There was a flicker, as they resonated with the ambient magic that was emitted from Melanie's skin, painting themselves over the tiny wisps of magic in the air. They took on a distinctly yellow hue as they resonated with Melanie's magic.

As quickly as they latched on, the runes let go of the magic, returning back to their earlier transparency.

Melanie stepped out of the array, but before he could even bring himself to be disappointed about that, the blond-haired Citrine member stepped into the array under the proctor's instructions.

Alec watched the process occur again, as the runes in the air trembled. Their function was a work of art – natural in form, and something that almost seemed to transcend his imagination.

He didn't even process that it was his turn until the proctor came up to him and flicked his nose.

The proctor let out a sigh when he realized that the kid was still dazing. It was like the lights were on, but no one was home. He'd been so sure something like that would at least draw the kid's ire. It usually did with all the other kids.

Alec absentmindedly touched his nose but was otherwise so lost that he didn't even feel any of the anger that he would have had the proctor did that while he was fully himself.

He wandered into the array with a daze, his eyes still locking onto certain parts. He was so close – he was just about to figure it out whole, but there was something missing.

Then, the runes around him compressed slightly, hovering above his skin. Then, they touched his magic, and the gasp that came out of Alec's mouth was completely unfiltered.

There was a probe on his magic, and Alec felt the magic within himself react.

It felt like everything and nothing at once.

It was the feeling of connection, but also the feeling of severance and loss. There was a deeper probe into his magic, and Alec had a feeling like the array was looking into his soul.

It was both deeply disturbing and enlightening all at once.

The array of runes released its hold on his magic, and Alec gasped. It was a huge, gasp, air sliding into his lungs, and Alec realized that he'd been holding his breath for the entire duration where the array studied him, and he studied it in turn.

He stumbled out of the array, feeling dazed, and more of his consciousness returned from the entranced state that he'd found himself in.

He continued studying the rest of the hopefuls, noting the different ways they reacted. There was no variety between them, or so little variety that he couldn't obtain the last missing piece of the puzzle.

Suddenly, as if a lightning bolt on a clear day, the array glowed a harsh, static red, and even before Alec registered it, he knew instinctually what was about to happen.

The array locked and chained itself, winding round the nervous teenager who had stepped into its range.

The teen let out a scream as it constricted roughly against his skin, his eyes burning with anger and hatred. He knew that he'd been discovered. His anger was all encompassing, but Alec never once noted the sounds that should have been as clear as day to him.

The shapeless runes burned themselves onto his skin, leaving behind marks that were visible to the naked eye, a form of power that the array had not shown before them as the conditions were not met.

Now, they gouged and seared themselves onto unblemished skin.

Alec watched with an abject fascination – nothing so silly like watching a train wreck, because even though Alec recognized what the runes were doing to that teen, he felt no horror or any urge to look away.

There was only the beauty of the array working before his eyes – and suddenly, the array seemed to open itself up to him as the knowledge clicked into place, startling him.

He had a clear, deep understanding about the array now that left him breathless with anticipation.

Alec snapped back to his senses, his entire consciousness returning to him like a rubber band snapping back into place after being stretched.

Alec blinked, his smile widening slightly – more genuine – and he dazzled the proctor slightly with his smile, not that he noticed.

When he looked around, he realized that he was the only one left in the place, the proctor left to bodily drag away the body that remained in the array, clicking his tongue.

Though, it might have been better this way, because otherwise, a bunch of underaged children would have seen him grinning creepily as the array worked. He was not looking to scar 'innocent' minds, no matter how they had reacted to the presence of Hayden.

Then he realized that there was a lady and another man standing in front of him.

It was Elder Gracen, who had addressed the lot of them earlier, as well as another unknown man. With her vibrant orange hair and green eyes, her face was small delicate. She was tall for a woman, and the way she cocked her hip told more of her personality than it might have suggested otherwise.

The man had black hair and dark brown eyes. His body was leaner than it was muscular, though he might be hiding more tone under his clothing. He was taller than Gracen, contrasting sharply against the vibrant colours that she exuded.

They both looked like they were in their late twenties or early thirties, which wasn't too surprising.

After all, as you went up the magic ranks, so did your lifespan. Alec had even heard of certain pills being able to restore youth, which was popular amongst the population.

Of course, it was also horrendously expensive, which put off a lot of those potential buyers.

Alec made sure that his smile was on his face, but before he had a chance to speak, the man opened his mouth to talk.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

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