
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Main Characters and Their Cliche Plots, Am I Right?

Rosabel was the first to react to the unexpected situation.

"Mini!" she gasped, naturally using the nickname that Alec had given him.

Dominique snarled as he was bodily snatched, prepared to make a move, but was summarily overwhelmed by the magic that flooded his body, causing him to collapse limply.

It was shocking, considering that they had all still been keyed up from being in a strange place where they couldn't trust.

Even when they were joking around, the Sins were still all on the highest alert, able to react at any sudden situation.

Yet, not only had they been taken by surprise, it had been done so quickly and efficiently that they weren't able to react at all.

The monster, a gorgeous nine-tailed fox, exuded the aura of a fifth ranked creature, similar to that Vi had exuded when it first emerged from the underground cavern.

However, it definitely hadn't reached the realm of a sixth ranked creature, otherwise they would all have died without even knowing how.

Though they would not be able to put up much of a fight here either, there were two Sins that were advanced ranked that would have put it in a spot of trouble had they fought together.

However, Dominique, who was of the advanced rank, was now knocked out cold with a grudging expression on his face.

The nine-tailed fox immediately moved with Dominique's unconscious body on its back, two tails securely wrapping its prey. The creature moved so quickly they were unable to stop it, running into the bushes then quickly disappearing.

Rosabel swore.

The Sins immediately moved, but when they entered the bushes, there was already no trace of both Dominique and the fifth ranked creature.

From start to end, the entire confrontation had only taken a maximum of eight seconds, showing off the prowess of a fifth ranked creature.

Yuki quietly swore seeing that they were already gone.

Alec, besides being stunned, quickly checked the [Plot Route]. Indeed, the start of a new plot had begun when the previous one hadn't even ended yet!

Alec's smile chilled.

All Alec had wanted was to possibly find out the secrets behind that Obsidian Aqua lake, but he hadn't expected that instead of finding treasure, they'd directly start up a new plot when the one involving the previous cracked realm hadn't even had time to cool off yet.

Sure enough, he should have brought Dietrich or Tatiana with him instead of Dominique. That had been a mistake on his part, bringing a Main Character that wasn't in the original scenario in the first place.

Now Dominique had been kidnapped by a fifth ranked creature due to his negligence. Alec was pissed.

[Kidnapped by a Nine-tailed fox and held captive for a month.]

Alec looked at it objectively, but he didn't think Dominique's life was in danger. Why else would the creature have moved to subdue the Sin instead of directly killing all of them in a straight up battle?

…Wait a minute.

A nine-tailed fox?

Silver coat, gorgeous fur?

Why did this seem like a badly written cliché romantic plot between a human and a magical creature that turned out to be a temptress?


There was no such thing as coincidences where Main Characters were concerned!

Alec was alarmed.

Dominique's chastity was in danger?

They had to find him quickly.

"Yuki, track them!"

"Already on it," Yuki said, using his magic to the best of his ability.

The traces were faint, but they were visible enough.

Since Dominique had been knocked unconscious instead of sleeping naturally, his magic subconsciously still leaked unstable amounts as it was not a natural body function.

Yuki had never been so glad for his knowledge about this particular function of the human body in his life.

Who knew that he would one day come across a situation where a party member would be kidnapped right in front of his eyes?!

And for it to be Dominique of all people!?

The group ran for a better part of two hours before they finally managed to find themselves outside of a wide-open cave entrance.

The entrance was not hidden at all, instead sitting out in plain sight in a show of arrogance from the fifth ranked creature.

It was both a show of their mentality and the environment here.

The fifth ranked creature was so sure in itself that no one being would dare dream of usurping or going against its strength.

No one dared, and no one could.

This was its confidence in its strength.

They were all still significantly weary from the earlier fight after the adrenaline rush faded a bit, which was why Dominique had been knocked out so easily. Otherwise, Alec was sure that the Sin would have put up a much larger fight.

Since most of his magic had been used up, it meant that the invasion of the fox creature's magic into his body had not been met with the default resistance it should have been.

The natural speed that the fox creature moved at outstripped them by a lot, even when they had already boosted their speed with magic.

They came across many other monsters and creatures along the way, but instead of fighting them as they usually would have, the Sins ignored all of them, single-mindedly following behind the tracks that had been left.

Even when the monsters or creatures that had attacked them, they didn't retaliate. Instead, their eyes grew sharper as they looked out for traces that they might not be seeing left behind.

This showed just how important Dominique was to them. Even if the Sins didn't like to fling around the word 'friends', they were clearly and obviously affected. They didn't even bother to hide it.

Despite knowing that Dominique should be fine, Alec couldn't quite put down his worry either. Along the way, his anger grew at the sheer gall of the fifth ranked creature, his eyes cold and piercing.

While the [Plot Route] implied that Dominique was safe – for a month at that – it didn't mean that his emotional stability was the same thing.

Alec hid his frown behind his normal smile.

What *did* the creature want with Dominique?

Did it just like how he looked or something?

Why take only him and no one else? Did Dominique have some sort of attraction to him that was special compared to everyone else in their group?

Other than the magic traces that Yuki was using to track Dominique down, the fifth ranked creature hadn't left a single other trace for them to spot, which showed just how cautious it was despite outclassing them all.

Just what were that creature's plans? Alec couldn't figure out its motives.

They were clearly human and creature, separated by species, so they clearly wouldn't work out!

But despite how careful the creature had been in covering its tracks, the entrance to the cave was certainly laid out for everyone to see in plain sight.

There was a subtle pressure around the area that kept other monsters and creatures away, warned away by their instincts.

The creature should already know that they were intruding in its territory, yet it had not come out to kill them for blatantly trespassing.

There was nothing blocking the cave entrance, and Alec even had the illusion that the creature was welcoming them to enter its cave.

Alec barely managed to ward off his frown.

The danger radar that had been constantly going off in his head during the monster horde wasn't working here, and neither had it worked the first time Dominique had been abducted before their eyes.

Neither did the map, since the fifth ranked creature's control over their magic had been significant enough that Alec wasn't able to detect it.

Hayden spoke up at this moment. "No killing intent."

Alec nodded. "Enter!"

At his words, the Sins all moved cautiously into the cave entrance.

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