
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

But WHY?

Dominique killed the monster the moment it appeared from the bushes.

The Sins had still been tensed from the battle that they'd barely stopped a couple of hours ago.

The bloodlust still pumped through their veins, and they hadn't calmed down yet despite already getting their fill earlier.

The minute a sense of danger filtered into their senses; they were instantly ready to go again. Of course, this included Alec, who was also a Sin despite camouflaging as an Every.

More than that, after having killed so many monsters, they were finely tuned to the scent of killing intent that was directed their way.

The monster died without even seeing its aggressors, or its prey. One moment it was alive, and the next it was dead. It didn't even get to make a single sound.

"Second rank," Yuki said objectively.

They looked over the monster.

It had been killed with a single hit to its vitals, unlike Dominique's usual style of taking his time and enjoying the fight.

"So, there are monsters here too."

While the rest of them were studying the monster, Alec looked back into the lake.

Unlike the lake of Obsidian Aqua that they'd dived into, this late was positively clear and transparent. Just looking down, Alec could see the bottom where there were soft tufts of plants growing within, as well as a few fishes swimming without caution.

Alec jumped back into the lake with only the slightest of splashing sounds, but that was enough for the Sins to turn away from the monster's carcass and look at their boss.

Alec dived under, but the lake wasn't as deep as the one that Vi had made out of Obsidian Aqua, so his hand touched the bottom of the lake before long.

Unlike when they had managed to continue diving down back there, he was now unable to go through.

Alec frowned.

By right, the two cracks in realms should have been interconnected, but since he wasn't able to go back now, this meant that the crack that lead back to the other realm was located in another place.

Damn one-way connection!

This was significantly more troublesome, but also within the expected range. While he had been hoping for the best, he hadn't put any stock into it.

Knowing a Main Character's luck, that definitely wouldn't have happened.

Alec resurfaced from the lake, drying himself.

He shook his head. "No go. The link back between the other cracked realm is somewhere else."

Now knowing that the way back to the original cracked realm was closed, they could only wander around in hopes that they were able to find their way out.

They could only make an educated guess about where it would be.

…Or they could just rely on Dominique's Main Character luck. Surely that would get them back. It was just… they would probably have to go through some sort of life-threatening danger first.

The place actually looked rather similar to the previous crack between realms. The only difference was that what Alec remembered seeing was all underground. Instead of growing on rock, the trees here grew naturally, appearing very much like their original realm.

There were little to no differences here besides the slightly different feel of magic in the air.

The two realms had likely been twin realms, but there had likely been something that changed within the cracked realm they had been in previously.

Since lifeforms were flourishing here, where even monsters were still able to survive, that meant that there probably weren't any meteor showers like the one they'd been hiding from.

Something had changed to introduce a meteor shower in the previous cracked realm.

This cracked realm wasn't as silent as it had been underground.

Instead, there were faint birdcalls and other sounds that had been noticeably absent in the previous crack between realms.

It was no surprise that Vi and the other Vampiric Willows had been one of the few surviving species there, with the periodic monster horde that appeared every so often along with the presence of the meteor showers.

The creatures and monsters in this place seemed to have recognized the strength of their party since they weren't attacked any further, allowing them to pass the time in relative peace, only punctuated by the sounds of Rosabel periodically needling Dominique, with the two engaging in a brief tussle before Yuki broke them up.

It meant that the person who spent the most time with Alec was actually Hayden, who was the most reticent out of all the Sins.

Both System and Sin didn't engage in meaningless chatter, instead accustoming themselves to the other's presence.

Alec felt that it was quite natural for him to be this way – he originally didn't like to talk – it just happened that he had been forced into a 'gentle' persona, which meant that he appeared friendlier and more approachable than ever, thereby forcing himself to talk.

On the other hand, Hayden felt like he understood Alec less and less.

From the time where they first met – the entrance into the sect – to the second time, where it had been Alec announcing his presence as the Spectres' boss, and even now, where he had seen the seemingly genial boy come back covered in monster's blood, he didn't quite know what to make of him.

Still, the reason why Hayden had joined Alec in the first place, when he'd been telling the Sins about what the seal he'd specifically designed could do, was very simple.

Alec lied about two things.

One was when he said, 'he was the only one available to lead the group'.

Other than that, everything he'd spoken previously had been ringing with truth, but later down the line he specifically said the words 'it is able to stop you from using magic should you act out'. Before that, Alec directly said that the seal wouldn't hurt them. Which was true.

So then, why was it when he talked about the seal having power of them, he'd lied?

The only reason would be that the seal *was* supposed to work that way, but it didn't. Why? Because he wouldn't be using it on the Sins.

So, their boss had blatantly lied to their faces.

Hayden's magic resembled animals and creatures very much, and his nose was just as keen. Whenever someone lied, a sour, disgusting smell filled the air. So far, his magic hadn't let him down yet.

Up to that point, Hayden made a gamble as he put himself forward. Time would have told whether or not he was worthy of being their boss, and he had proven himself splendidly.

The seal couldn't control them. On the contrary, the seal only connected all of them and gave them more benefits.

The boss was a good person, that much he was sure of.

Hayden had been silently watching his actions without any sort of filter and made up his mind when he saw his boss' actions during their little training exercise.

His boss was definitely smart, and he was willing to use his brains to help better the Sins' lives in the sect.

Hayden could tell that it was only because he wasn't willing to see anyone die that he was strict with them, no matter what came out of his mouth.

Thinking up to this point, Hayden smiled at his boss, which was returned with a blooming and gentle smile.

Alec, who had reflexively smiled back when Hayden smiled at him, was confused, not knowing that this subordinate of his had caught his lie that early on, blissfully in the dark. It wasn't confirmed whether or not Alec would have rolled around the bed in embarrassment if he knew about Hayden's glowing evaluation of him.

It was then that Dominique was abruptly captured by a fifth ranked creature without any warning.

Bonus chapter 2~

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