
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Luckily They're Not Rings

Alec was in the middle of practice drawing out an array when his master entered the room.

Nathan stood at the side quietly, studying the array that was slowly taking place under the hands of his talented disciple.

Each line was drawn with precision and detail – not one bit was out of place.

Nathan felt a complicated mix of joy and sadness. He'd hoped that he would be able to be more hands-on with his disciple, but defying all expectations, Alecris was already proficient and skilled in the art of calligraphy.

Now what did he do, when he couldn't use his own master's teaching techniques on his first disciple?

Nathan had been happy when the boy said that his calligraphy was 'sufficient', but when Nathan sat him down to show him, he couldn't find any faults at all!

Each word looked like they'd been crafted and painted with utmost time and care, showing the exquisite flowing script… but Alecris finished writing that in under a minute!

No one would have believed him when he said that. Nathan knew that at Alec's age, he'd still been struggling over his own calligraphy. Was this what they meant when they said the student surpassed the teacher? But he felt like he hadn't taught that much yet!

Everyone who dabbled in the art of array making knew just how hard they had it when practicing both rune script and array design for the first time.

It was a delicate and time-consuming process that most of array makers underwent trial and error over numerous years.

But Alec was already more than proficient in that aspect! Now all that Nathan had left to teach him was the vast knowledge involving runes.

Alec placed down the chalk that he'd been using to draw the array, eyeing his work critically.

He clicked his tongue when he noticed how one of the lines was just barely thicker than they should have been.

Nathan overlooked the array that had bloomed under Alec's hands. "Stop using chalk to practice," he instructed. "You should use a brush with the same thickness as the one you usually use, with water."

Luckily, Nathan could still teach him on the other things. Theory, as well as the tips and tricks that he'd discovered himself over the years. Living all this time would have been in vain otherwise if his student surpassed him just like that!

Alec nodded. "Yes, master."

The master and disciple pair faced each other.

Nathan handed Alec two rings with a small crystal embedded in it. They were identical and set in a pale silver metal.

Alec took it and stared at it blankly before looking at his master strangely.

Why was he giving him a ring that looked like this??

They were lucky that the two of them were in an enclosed space without anyone else seeing the exchange that just happened.


Nathan's expression didn't change as he gestured towards the rings. "Those are this master's gifts to you. Claim them as yours."

Alec pricked his finger and dropped a single drop of blood on both rings.

Alec blinked as the information about the rings showed up.

[Rings of Acceleration]

[Increase of speed directly proportional to amount of magic imbued.]

"Now, wear them. On your feet. Like anklets."

Alec stared harder at the rings and noticed the extremely faint engravings on the inside band of the rings. Well, at least they weren't to be work on his hands? Small mercies, that. He didn't know what he would have said if he had to tell someone that his master had given him rings with a small jewel in them.

He'd rather not, thank you!

"Master, you made these?"

Nathan paused before nodding – his face was impassive, but if Alec wasn't wrong, he seemed a bit shy?

Nathan took the rings from Alec and tugged off his shoes without a word.

Alec would have punched whoever dared touch him without his permission, but this was his master, so he didn't have those reflexes. He obediently kept still as his master tapped twice on the pale crystal.

The rings expanded, and Nathan placed it on Alec's foot.

They shrunk slightly and stayed in place even when Alec tried shaking them off. They were thin and inconspicuous. They didn't even have the normal shiny glint that a metal usually did and made no sound when he moved.

Nathan looked at them in satisfaction and nodded at Alec before all but fleeing the room.

Alec stared blankly at the man's retreating back. He hadn't even thanked him for the present yet.

Alec scratched his cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed. Was it really alright for him to take this when he hadn't given his master anything yet? It wasn't like he was a Main Character that obtained items left and right.

The System put it aside for the time being. There was a strange tingly sensation in his chest that made him wonder if he was sick.

Heading out from the practice room, Alec ignored the eyes on him – there were always eyes on him regardless of what he did, being Nathan Cain's only direct disciple.

There were some malicious ones as well as appraising ones, and Alec just couldn't be bothered. If they wouldn't come up and say it to his face, then he was too lazy to deal with them.

Reaching Solitary Confinement Peak, Alec lightly kicked the sleeping Marc's side, causing the older disciple to jump up on reflex.

"I'm awake!" Marc blurted, blinking rapidly.

Alec eyed him but didn't say anything.

"Oh, let's go, let's go," Marc said shamelessly, heading into the cave like he'd been originally doing that before Alec came. "I was just taking a short nap to regain my energy."

Alec let it be. For now, that was.

When he knocked and entered Dominique's room, the teen was already up and standing.

His eyes were glittering with the same fanaticism as it had all those nights ago.

Alec's lips twitched slightly. He somehow felt that he had gained a rather strange follower – and there was no other way to describe it. He had a feeling that it was only because the teen was stuck here that he wasn't following Alec left and right.

Dominique was unusually obedient whenever Alec asked him to do something – unlike the other Sins that had on and off days. It felt more like Dominique was treating him like how he usually acted around his master.

For some reason, he felt like the way Dominique had so abruptly added himself to his [Main Character Page] was out of the ordinary, but he could neither confirm nor deny right now.

There were three other lights in the Heavenly Ascension Peak, but he had not approached them yet. He occasionally caught glimpses of Dorian Falren, the sect master, but the man always left without a single word.

By the time he finished, it was mid-afternoon, and like usual, the sect master was standing outside like a ghost.

It was lucky that he didn't do this at night. With his dark hair and black cloak, he would've probably scared Marc umpteen times – perhaps that was why he didn't?

However, unlike usual, this time, Dorian didn't leave as Alec got closer.

Purple eyes bore into Alec's face, and Alec bowed just a fraction – the only person he would ever bow a bit deeper for was his master – and greeted him. "Greetings, sect master."

"You know who I am," Dorian said without inflection.

Unlike his son's voice, the sect master's voice was mellow and smooth, but it lacked the usual intonation that people used.

Dorian continued staring at Alec.

Bonus chapters tomorrow!

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters :>

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