
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Is This Magic??

Alec asked if they knew about the source of the mutation that had caused this widespread apocalypse, but even Lukas, whom Alec was pretty sure was actually a regressor, didn't know even years into the future.

He frowned.

This seemed to be harder than he thought.

It was the first time that the difficulty of the legacy hall seemed like it was really [Hell] mode. He had to either wipe out the zombies on the entire planet or obliterate the source of mutation.

While it seemed straightforward and simple, Alec knew that it was just a trap.

If the mutation source went unchecked, then the zombies that populated the planet would continue to grow and spread.

Let's say he went for the option of killing all the zombies. With the mutation source still out there, more zombies would just be produced in the future. However, if he destroyed the mutation source, then the zombies that still existed would continue to spread.

Basically, the 'mission' that the unknown System was setting was actually to liberate the planet, but it deceptively gave him the objectives of the mission in a way that would mislead him, causing his efforts to go down the drain instead.

Had Alec been allowed to be himself, he would already be sporting a black face, but since he couldn't, and had to maintain his smile, the atmosphere in the jeep was extremely bleak.

Karen and Liam couldn't help but sneak glances at Alec and wonder why he was in a bad mood, while Lukas didn't see anything wrong with it. He was used to heavy silences like this usually.

Each of them came to the wrong conclusion.

"What are your plans now?" Alec said abruptly.

The oppressing atmosphere in the vehicle lessened a little, causing Karen to take a breath of relief.

Lukas glanced at Alec. "We're going to H base. It's been seven days since the apocalypse started, so the military should have already made their move by now. H base is the most secure."

Alec sank deeper into his thoughts.

There was no way that he was going to be able to complete the mission for [Stage 15] alone, so he had to find some knowledgeable helpers.

Lukas would definitely be of help to him since he was the Main Character, but he wasn't able to take a look into the [Plot Route] since Lukas hadn't been registered on his [Main Character Page].

H base should be the largest and most powerful base if a regressor was heading there. And he was definitely a regressor. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so comfortable with his brother, nor with Karen.

As a rule, transmigrators might or might not inherit memories from the previous body, but whether or not they assimilated them, unless they were the perfect actor, they wouldn't perfectly replicate the bonds between close family and friends.

From what Alec could see of Lukas' strength, he wouldn't have achieved his current level of strength without having been through blood and fire, but it also wasn't like any of the mainstream type of combat that was favoured in other worlds.

In short, Lukas' fighting style, from what little he had seen, was the type that favoured efficiency and quickness. It was brutal and ruthless, aiming to take the life in a single stroke due to sheer need from having to avoid bites and contamination from zombies.

The jeep sank into a strange silence as they each had their thoughts.

Lukas didn't know what to make of this strange kid. He was definitely older than he appeared, and the ease in which he wielded the whip was an indicator that he'd already gone through similar experiences.

The way he used the whip was such a form of art that Lukas couldn't help feeling awe even when he'd been exposed to many different ways of fighting in the future – past?

[Lukas Roberts Intimacy Increase +50]

Alec looked at Lukas a bit suspiciously. Why had it suddenly increased without him doing anything? Again?

Liam still didn't know what was up with his brother – and it was definitely his brother. He still had the same habits, the same speech pattern, if a lot colder, but the feeling he got from him told him that it was still his twin.

However, seven days ago, he'd suddenly changed right before the chaos started, shoving them into a car and hightailing it.

If he had to say it, he felt like he was looking at his brother from the future, as silly as that sounded. Yet, the apocalypse, whom so many thought would never happen, had happened. Who was he to say that time travel couldn't happen, right?

Still, he would wait for his brother to tell him on his own, if he ever did. He could see that there were things weighing heavily on him.

Lukas always looked at both of them like he was afraid they'd suddenly die when he wasn't watching, so Liam didn't say anything.

The atmosphere in the jeep was weird, and Karen desperately wanted to say something to lighten the mood, but she herself was feeling a little worn.

Just a few hours ago, she found out that both her parents were dead and gone. She'd even ended their suffering herself, which broke her heart. But she couldn't live with herself if she made either Lukas or Liam do it for her instead.

Not only that, someone who had mysophobia like her was forced to live in this filthy, disgusting state. How many times had she already stopped herself from obsessively washing her hands with their limited drinking water?

She wanted to bathe so badly and scrub all the filth and dirt off of her skin, but she knew that she couldn't do that. Even if she did, she wasn't that selfish. Who knew just how long they would have to live in this world?

There were so many people who'd died because they didn't have water to drink, yet she wanted to waste it cleaning herself?

She'd never hated this part of herself so much.

It was part of the reason why she'd grabbed Alec off the streets from the middle of the zombies, if she had to be brutally honest. The thought that that clean child in the middle of all that filth getting contaminated made all the hair on the ends of her arms stand up straight.

She just couldn't do it!

Karen even got scolded by both Alec and Lukas, but she just couldn't bring herself to regret saving him after all. More than that, she wasn't that hard hearted to leave a child in the middle of the lumbering zombies no matter how much she should prioritize their own survival.

They were out of the city by now, and the zombies had obviously lessened along the way.

They only saw a few zombies outside meandering around every few kilometres.

No doubt these were the people that had been driving outside while the apocalypse struck hard.

They could finally take a bit of a breather now that they were outside of the city.

Though it was already proven that Alec's seal worked quite well in preventing the zombies from coming after them, that didn't mean that the presence of zombies hadn't weighed on their minds.

Even Lukas seemed relatively more relaxed even when he was keeping his guard up.

"Before we head to H base, we should get Karen and Liam used to using their magic powers," Alec suggested.

Lukas nodded. If they showed up as a force to be reckoned with, no one would dare to touch them if they didn't want to get hurt.

Alec spread out his magic, looking for a place.

"Liam, stop."

Liam slammed his foot on the brake at Alec's sudden words, causing Karen to fly forward and slam her forehead into the glass window.

"Fuck! Liaaaaam!" Karen yelled when she recovered, playfully strangling Liam, who made choking sounds.

Lukas snorted.

"Liam, get out."

Alec climbed into the driver's seat, his smile twitching when he saw realized that he was a bit too short.

Lukas snorted again when he realized the problem.

Annoyed, Alec just sat back, and the jeep started moving on its own.

"What the hell how are you doing that? Is this magic??"

Bonus chapter 3 :)

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Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

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