
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Bro, What Did You Do This Time...

They stopped at an abandoned mall nearby that was in the heart of the city.

Compared to the other malls that had been looted early on when it became apparent that the world was changing – and changing quickly, this mall was located in a prime location, smack dab in the middle where there was a lot of traffic.

It was one of those places that only contained branded and luxurious goods. They had everything one needed inside there, just that they were all high-end products that only the rich would use regularly.

Lukas had chosen this place for two reasons. One, there were likely to be less zombies inside, and two, it was in the middle of the city, which meant that there was less chances of it being completely looted already.

It was a 'rich person' mall, and most of the powerful and influential were quick to get out of dodge, which meant that this place would have less zombies inside it compared to other buildings.

Liam pulled up next to the mall and maneuvererd around so that the jeep wasn't as obvious, hiding it.

Four people got off the car.

Lukas' eyes scanned the area around them, feeling strange. To be honest, before picking up Alec, he'd expected to have to fight off zombies once they got out of the jeep, but that wasn't the case after the boy attached that seal to the wall of the jeep.

He still felt incredulous about that.

There was no way that something like that wouldn't have had the numerous base superpowers fighting over him. And his knowledge? Being able to awaken the powers inside someone? That was practically priceless. Not only that, it was unheard of!

But what did Lukas know? Before regression, he'd just been one of the many power users on a base. Though he survived longer than most, he wasn't the most powerful. Far from it. He had normal strength-enhancement previously, but now he had awakened a lightning element instead.

They didn't have to go through a life-threatening situation, nor did Karen and Liam have to do something potentially harmful to them. One zap, and that was it.

It could only mean that Alec had died before he had a chance of becoming known.

The worst thing was, Lukas couldn't tell how strong Alec was. Lukas was already a rank one user, but Alec still remained unfathomable to him.

Were they really from the same place? Or was Alec from some different parallel universe?

Lukas frowned. Things were getting messier now. He didn't know whether or not his knowledge was going to be useful, or if other people had regressed as well, causing numerous butterfly's wings to flap and change the events of the future.

Yet, even when he remained uncertain of Alec's motives, he couldn't bring himself to turn his back on him either. Not when he'd already helped out his brother and Karen.

Glancing through the glass doors of the mall revealed that there were only a few zombies meandering around on the first floor. They were practically catatonic since it was in the middle of the day.

Everyone knew from movies that zombies only became active at night unless you disturbed them during the day.

While it held true in the earlier stages, Lukas knew that this wasn't true in later years.

Just like humankind evolved, the zombies evolved as well, getting rid of their earlier weaknesses. The zombies only grew more powerful as they devoured both humans and other zombies, whereas humans had to rely on their own understanding to advance their powers.

While they could kill zombies as well for the core to advance their powers, most of humankind's fighting instincts couldn't be compared to that of a later staged zombie's.

Lukas slid into the mall with the rest of his party behind him. Alec had not given him one of those handy seals because he wanted to try out how the child's tactic had worked regarding copying a zombie's aura.

The moment the door slid open, the few zombies that were inside stirred at the smell that wafted into the place, stimulating them.

Lukas didn't understand. How was it that the zombies didn't recognize them when their aura was copied? Surely the smell that only came from humans was still recognisable to them.

Lukas tuned the feeling that his magic gave off. It was harder than it sounded, since the zombies had practically no magical aura to speak of.

Still, he managed to get it down before the zombies attacked him, and both Liam and Karen gave off a breath of relief when the zombies lost their sense of direction, falling back into a lethargic state.

What Lukas didn't realize was that it was the humans' magic that made them seem so delicious to the zombies. Ordinary humans were attacked once or twice, dying or turning in the process, but the zombies only ever ardently chased after those with magic powers.

Since the two couldn't copy the feeling of the zombies, they had to rely on Alec's seal.

"Karen, Liam. You should stick with Lukas since you don't have much magic yet. The seal won't last long once you deplete your stores."

They nodded at Alec thankfully.

Alec moved so quickly that he was out of their sight before they could ask where he was going, leaving them to stare worriedly in his direction. Would he be fine alone?

Alec killed any zombies that were in his way. It was laughably easy, but for those who hadn't yet awakened their magic power, it was nothing to scoff at.

He even found a rank one zombie and took care of it. It was stronger and quicker than the other lethargic zombies, but not quite there yet. He could feel the faint trace of magic being condensed in the middle of its head.

Alec stabbed down, digging around.

There was a tiny, translucent piece that looked like a shard of glass inside. It contained the tiniest hints of magic.

So, this was how the people of this world were set to grow. They could consume the core that was inside zombies and use it for their own growth and benefit. A lot of plots used this type of setting as well.

Alec kept the core for now.

He managed to find a DIY store in the place, which faintly surprised him. He hadn't honestly thought that he would find one, but it was good luck. Lukas picked a good place for them to loot.

It didn't take long to find what he was searching for.

Rope, duct tape, and a few other things.

It was just too inefficient to use a crowbar or a dagger in this type of situation, and guns had their limits. In this case, bullets to use.

It was far easier to make a weapon quickly that they would be able to replace should they need to as long as they had these few simple items.

Alec quickly made a simple whip out of the items, testing it.

He injected a bit of magic into it and lashed out. The solid door that had been standing firm in front of him didn't look like there was anything wrong with it. Other than a fine line going diagonally across the door, there wasn't anything else.

Alec procured more supplies from the DIY store. There were many useful things here. He placed them all inside his spatial dimension. There was no telling how long he would be here on this stage.

Batteries, torches, etc. they all went into his space.

He felt the rest of his temporary party approaching this place.

The doorknob rattled as Lukas pushed the door in, only for the lower half of the door to just give way and fall to the ground, creating a loud sound.

The four people, one inside, three outside, stared at the fallen half of the door.

"Bro, what did you do…" Liam said in a long-suffering voice.

Lukas' lips twitched. "It wasn't me."

Both Karen and Liam gave him a sceptical look.

Lukas' eyes fell on the black whip that hadn't been there previously on Alec's side. He seemed to put two and two together.

"Hey Alec. Woah, this place has been raided already."

The place indeed looked rather barren compared to the other parts of the mall. But why would they only rob this place and leave the supermarket practically untouched?

Lukas looked at Alec with suspicious eyes, but Alec showed no signs of his smile changing.

Bonus chapter 2

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