
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Incoming II

Alec, who had been killing alone this entire time, not only didn't feel like he was tired, he felt like he was particularly refreshed as his number of foes didn't decrease in the slightest.

Alec felt like he could understand why Sins were so feared, especially when they seemed to delight in the joy of battle.

Their special constitution meant that even if they felt dead tired, as long as they were in battle, they would not allow the fatigue to slow down their movements.

Their instincts seemed to scream at them to continue fighting happily. Take everything from their enemies and make it their own!

The power that they gained from cutting down those that opposed them meant that they could see the most optimal area where they should attack in order to deliver a devastating blow.

A Sin's battle potential was terrifying indeed.

It was likely this particular trait that the Sins all exuded was what had caused such widespread fear of the Sins.

Imagine having an enemy that not only didn't seem to falter, every single one of them always killed with a grin on their face.

Just thinking about facing them en masse could send a chill up one's spine.

Those in charge had ostracized the Sins, spreading their irrational fear to the public, which had lingered even until today.

Just thinking about it caused Alec to feel disgusted.

One day, he would shatter all their preconceived notions about the Sins and establish a place where the Sins could continue to grow freely without fear of prejudice and terror.

After a while, the rank two monsters that Alec had been easily killing stared to bleed into rank three monsters.

He was informed by the Vampiric Willows that the humans seemed to be faltering. There had almost been a few casualties just from sheer fatigue alone, but luckily, they were fine. Yet Alec still frowned.

Vi had been fighting further from him, spearing monsters left and right, yet they still didn't seem to be decreasing at all.

Where were these monsters coming from in the first place? Even Vi didn't know the answer, regardless of how long he'd been here.

He had to move back to protect the rest of the humans so that they could rest properly before they started dropping dead from sheer fatigue.

Unfortunately, it looked like his killing time would now be cut short.

Alec gave the order.

He moved towards Vi, who extended a vine for Alec to step on, bringing him to the top of its trunk.

The other Vampiric Willows that had been moving sporadically throughout the battlefield started to moved towards the humans, encircling them tightly within a ring of trees.

This caused the humans that had previously been focusing on the monsters that that they had been killing to look warily at the Vampiric Willows.

What was happening now?

This change that suddenly appeared did not seem to bode particularly well for them.

Should they attack first?

However, most of them remembered Tatiana's words that had been shouted at them previously to warn them.

No one had attacked the Vampiric Willows before this, so why was this change happening?

This almost caused the tired mercenaries to despair.

They were already almost unable to hold on against the third ranked monsters, yet the Vampiric Willows had joined the battle against them?


Just why?

What did they do to deserve this?

Vi moved along the path, clearing the monsters along the way.

The ground continued to tremble as Vi moved, causing the humans to look up.

They fell straight into despair when they realized that the giant tree that was so far in the distance was moving towards their direction.

Were they also to meet the same fate that the monsters had met at the Vampiric Willow's roots?

To crumble into dust and return to nothing?

They weren't willing!

They truly weren't willing!

Even as they despaired, their eyes burned brighter as the hands that clutched weapons tightened. They would go down fighting, or they wouldn't go down at all!

Just before the first idiot tried to attack a Vampiric Willow in fury and despair, Tatiana directly rushed over and punched him before he could commit something unforgivable.

"Stop!" Tatiana commanded; her eyes bright. "Look!"

The mercenary that had been punched didn't even touch his face as he looked toward the direction that his leader was pointing to.

The mercenaries were confused as they looked at where Tatiana was pointing, unable to see what caused her to react this way.

It was only when the giant tree approached that they saw what she was referring to.

There was a particularly small figure nested on the top of the giant Vampiric Willow that had previously caused them to lose themselves to despair.

Their thoughts ground to a halt.

The silence that had been prominent earlier was broken by someone, then joined in by the others as well.

The Spectres were cheering, admiring their boss.

It was definitely their boss, with his blood-stained Spectre clothing just like them. Even if the clothing was black, it was easy to see that it had been coated in a thick layer of blood, causing the black clothing to gleam with a reddish hue.

The clothing was now splattered with blood from the monsters.

Their boss' figure sat atop the tree without any visible worries, his gentle smile warming them from head to toe.

Their boss was the best! Too cool! He could even subjugate the giant Vampiric Willow and make it his subordinate!

Dietrich was staring with a wide-open mouth before he snapped it shut. Just what was his uncle doing??

He always ended up doing something that was out of his expectations!

The mercenaries stared at Alec like he was the second coming of an immortal that had descended straight from the heavens to help them in their time of need.

Indeed, the Vampiric Willows had not harmed them any and were instead taking care of the monsters that without a single gap between them to escape.

The Vampiric Willows parted before Vi, who moved carefully as it avoided the tiny humans, before closing the gap that had been made.

The humans circled around the tree that was enormous, causing Alec's small figure to appear even smaller.

Vi extended a vine yet again to bring Alec down. Alec didn't particularly need a vine from Vi to get down, but he stepped on it anyway, appreciating Vi's goodwill.

Tatiana eyed Alec when he finally descended, his feet touching the ground. She checked him all over to ensure that he wasn't hurt before smiling in satisfaction when she saw that he wasn't.

"Just what did you do, little brother?" she said dryly, yet there was a smile that couldn't contain the relief she felt inside.

Alec placed a hand on Vi's extremely large trunk.

"This is Vi. My familiar."

At his words, it was as if everyone there had received amnesty. Many of the mercenaries directly collapsed on the ground, panting heavily as the strength left their limbs.

They didn't even care that the voice that came out from that small body was supposed to be something that came out from a gruff middle-aged man.

The Spectres surrounded their boss and happily talked. They didn't even mind that they were not in the thick of battle anymore since they had already released all of their stress and discontent.

More than that, they were happy that their boss was steadily growing stronger. They hadn't chosen to follow the wrong boss.

Anyone who was able to bring a highly ranked creature into their employ was bound to be outstanding. Familiar bonds were usually formed between two people of the same strength.

This King Vampiric Willow was already at least rank four, yet it had contracted with their boss, causing them to feel pride.

Bunbun and Fenrir approached Vi and patted its giant trunk with their paws, as if saying 'welcome to the family'.

Yet Alec dispelled the relaxed atmosphere with just a few words.

"There's no time to relax yet. A meteor shower is coming."

Top 50: 4 bonus chapters

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Thank you Reviewer #41 Dionysius543 :D

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