
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Avoiding Disaster

Alec's words caused the mercenaries who just barely managed to relax on the hard ground to pick themselves up again without a single complaint.

While they might have cursed their own luck for being caught here in the first place, none of their annoyance was directed towards this child that stood in front of them.

For one, not only had he managed to bring the King Vampiric Willow under his command, he had made it his familiar.

They could tell that this child held an even lower magic rank than most of them. At most, he was only in the foundation rank, which was barely stronger than most civilians out there!

However, this child had blood splattered on him, and he was just as filthy as the rest of them. Yet, seeing him on the gigantic King Vampiric Willow earlier had caused an awe to bloom within them that could not be described with mere words.

Seeing him step on the vine from the tree as he was brought down made them feel like they were basking in the presence of someone who had surpassed them in the most basic aspects of life.

It was an indescribable awe that started in the depths of their hearts following a stressful and traumatic situation. The fact that he was able to find out what would happen in the future before calamity struck was already good enough!

Not only that, the fact that these individuals dressed in black treating him with such respect made them look at him in a more favourable light. Sins were already hard to get along with individually, let alone so many at once!

Was he a Sin as well?

The Sins all called him 'boss'!

The fact that their own boss referred to him as her little brother was the final nail in the coffin.

The area was silent other than the sounds of the monsters that were dying en masse outside of the circle. The humans all listened to Alec relaying the words to those present.

There had been a few strange looks as they listened to the dissonance between the voice and the small child-like body, but that quickly faded away the more they listened.

Their faces were grim, and the fact that they were tired could be ignored for now.

There was a chill up their spines as they listened to the child deliver the terrifying words with a gruff voice, middle-aged man's voice.

Regarding the monster horde, they were sure that they would have eventually been able to power through until it ended as long as they kept killing without pause, but this?

This was something else.

A meteor shower was something widespread and unpredictable.

In this place, where there wasn't even any shelter, almost as if it reflected the barren lands they had been camping in before, how would they be able to avoid the destructive abilities of the meteor shower?

That was something that came from nature, not something man-made that could be stopped!

Yet, not only had the boss' little brother been the one to first warn them of the incoming danger, he found a way to avoid calamity, simply and directly raising the mercenaries' evaluation of this child.

The way they looked at him was more respectful than ever.

"Luckily there is still time now, so quickly gather up everything to move!" Tatiana looked at Alec's barely visible smile and continued. "Move it! There are only a few hours left! Leave the tents but bring everything else! I'll give you half an hour. If you aren't done before that, watch how I deal with you!"

The mercenaries immediately broke into action, quickly gathering the various things that had been scattered here and there, breaking up the camp quickly.

The Spectres also helped out by storing away things using the Magnitude Seal function that had been made available to them.

The mercenaries and Sins worked in harmony, further cementing the good feelings between the two factions.

The mercenaries used their own Magnitude Seals to hurriedly store everything.

The entire camp moved with efficiency and briskness, feeling the pressing feeling of threat of the meteor shower press against their backs, urging themselves to move quicker.

They didn't even feel the fatigue of their muscles as they worked. They would be able to rest once they got themselves to safety.

As everyone else was moving, Alec conversed with Vi, who was conserving magic as they waited. They still had roughly an hour before the first round of meteor showers would strike.

The freest were still Bunbun and Fenrir, who would only trip others up when they tried to help instead.

Within the time limit that Tatiana gave them, they'd finished packing everything. Even though their boss said to leave the tents, they had managed to bring them along as well in record time.

The Vampiric Willow's circle widened, clearing out more monsters. As one, man and the circle of Vampiric Willows moved as the monsters were slowly being eradicated, heading towards the area where the King Vampiric Willow, Vi, had appeared for the first time.

There was a large fissure in the ground where monsters had staggered and fell into.

Some of the monsters had died from the fall to their death, while others had broken limbs and such. There were also those who were perfectly fine after landing on other monster's bodies.

The humans felt a chill as they looked down at the pit.

Or rather, what was supposed to be a pit.

The monsters had kept falling in one by one until they entirely filled up the pit like it was flat ground, countless bodies and corpses inside.

A few mercenaries hissed, drawing a cold breath.

What they'd seen so far hadn't even scratched the surface of just what kind of nature a monster had.

They were beings of pure instinct. They had moderate amounts of magic, but little to no conscious thought and brains, which caused them to act in a way that was incomprehensible to most.

Vi shook its leaves, extending vines and roots as they touched the bodies of the monsters, big and small, dead or alive.

The King Vampiric Willow 'ate' the monsters that blocked its path, creating a path for them to enter.

The place was under the surface, where Vi spent most of its time when there wasn't a monster horde happening.

Vi didn't feel annoyed at the monsters that intruded into its territory since it couldn't even feel the modicum of brainwaves from the monsters.

Monsters just moved without any thought and were all instinct instead, something that made them more terrifying to humans, yet at the same time, less threatening.

Vi was the first to head down, the ground trembling as it moved into the space that it had forcefully made by eating the monster's bodies.

Vi's trunk sunk into the hole as its roots moved and clung to the walls, slowly descending into the fissure that was so deep they couldn't even see the bottom.

The humans stared at the giant Vampiric Willow tree that descended into what felt like the abyss.

The rest of the Vampiric Willows were moving to keep the monsters that wandered into the area out, slowly but steadily eradicating them from the surface.

Alec jumped in without any hesitation, causing Tatiana's heart to jolt when she was her little brother just jump into the hole without any hesitation whatsoever, but she knew that he would be safe.

Dominique was the next one to jump in right after his boss. Alec's feet had barely left the ground when the Sin already knew what his boss was planning, jumping in as well.

The Spectres moved together with their boss, trusting him.

Tatiana and Dietrich followed, readying the bare vestiges of their magic to protect their body.

The mercenaries jumped in, not willing to be left behind when the first one to jump in – amazing as he was – an eleven-year-old.

They had their pride, damn it!

Top 50: 4 bonus chapters

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

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